Forever After Pt 115/115 Part 2 (Working Through Sequel)

Mar 03, 2011 13:42

“We should get back up there,” Kris sighed as he leaned against the wall of the hospital entrance.

“I just needed air.”

“Are you scared?”

“Petrified,” Adam admitted quietly.

“It doesn't feel like it was fifteen years ago we were doing this with Sophia,” Kris mused causing Adam to look at him. “Well, you were doing this. I was on my back.”

“I was so scared that night too,” Adam sighed. “I felt so alone.”

“This time you're not alone,” Kris said wrapping his arm around Adam's waist. “We're doing this together.”

“All of us,” Adam smiled. “Our family of six is about to be seven.”

“And we are about to be linked to Cheeks forever,” Kris pointed out with a sad face. “We are really going to have to save this kid from his Grandpa Cheeks.”

“Oh god,” Adam laughed. “How is this my life?”

“Because you are a very lucky man,” Kris answered as he pulled on Adam's hand. “Come on, let's go save Jacob from his sister.”

“Yeah, she's probably already threw him out,” Adam remarked as he followed Kris back to the ward.

“And he's probably stressing over what to put on the baby for his first outfit.”

“Sebastian has probably gave up caring and went to sleep.”

“And Elle's probably wondering how long it will be until she can use the baby as a doll,” Kris laughed as he turned the corner to find Jacob standing outside Sophia's room. “I knew she would throw him out.”

“Did you suggest the Gucci outfit and she freaked?” Adam joked causing Jacob to shake his head slowly.

“You okay?” Kris quizzed touching his son's shoulder.

“It just shot out,” Jacob said as he stared at the closed door. “They made me look.”

“Jacob?” Adam frowned. “What's wrong?”

“I had to cut the cord.”

Adam eyes grew wide as he looked at the closed door. “He's here?”

“Sophia's had the baby?”

“No one could find you,” Jacob said. “No one was in the waiting room.”

Kris and Adam jumped back as the room door opened. “You can come in now.”

Jacob shook his head slowly as he took a step back. “I'm going to go look for Sebastian and Elle.”

“Come on,” the nurse smiled taking Adam's hand. “Your Grandson wants to meet you.”


Kris and Adam stood side by side at the bottom of the bed looked wide eyed at what was in front of them.

“I don't think he could wait any longer,” Sophia said with a nervous laugh as she looked down at the little baby in her arms. “The nurse said she'd never seen a birth go so fast towards the end.”

Adam took a cautious step forwards to take a peek at the blue bundle. “He's awake.”

“And he can scream,” Sophia laughed. “I think he must take after his Grandpa.”

“Buddy,” Adam corrected as he took another step forward. “I'm going to be called Buddy.”

“Okay,” Sophia smiled as she opened the blanket a little. “Tristan, I want you to say hello to your Buddy.”

“Tristan,” Adam smiled. “Look how beautiful he is. Kris, look.”

Kris took a step forwards to peek over Adam's shoulder. “He's tiny.” Kris swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked at his daughter. “You okay?”

“I'm happy,” Sophia admitted with tears in her eyes. “I'm really happy.”

Kris nodded his head before looking back down at the baby. “Hey there baby. I'm your...” Kris frowned.


“I don't know what I am to him,” Kris admitted. “Grandpa or Grandad.”

“That's not important,” Adam said as he wrapped his arm around Kris's waist. “No matter what your name is, he's still going to be your Grandson.”

“Grandson,” Kris breathed out. “Hey Grandson. I'm your Grandpa.”

“Grandpa?” Adam smiled.

“I'm accepting my old age with grace,” Kris answered dryly.

“Well I'm not,” Adam said looking down at Tristan. “And when you grow up and have a kid, I will still be too young to be a Grandpa.”

“And please don't let that be in another fifteen years,” Kris whispered as he looked at his Grandson.

Sophia smiled as she looked at her son. “It's it me or does he look like Uncle Brad?”

“I can see that,” Adam smiled.

“I saw it the moment I looked at him,” Kris laughed. “I just didn't want to be the one to say it.”

“We should probably let him in to see his new Grandson,” Adam said. “Cassidy's bringing Tye down now.”

“He's a lucky baby,” Kris remarked looking at his daughter. “All these people ready to love him.”

“Yeah,” Sophia smiled as she looked down at her son.


Adam and Kris stood looking out the window of the hospital as everyone else fussed over Sophia and the baby. “It's funny isn't it?”

“What is?” Kris quizzed as he rested his head on Adam's arm.

“Sophia was born in this hospital and now she's had her baby here,” Adam pointed out. “It feels like a full circle moment.”

“Fifteen years,” Kris mused. “A lot's happened.”

Adam looked over his shoulder to see his four kids all sitting together on the bed. “Feels like the end of an era.”

Kris's eyes followed Adam's. “If feels more like the beginning of something special.”

Adam turned to look down at his husband. “Ready to start another journey with me?”

“I'll follow you anywhere,” Kris answered before standing on his tiptoes to capture Adam's lips with his own.

The End (Sort of)

I can't seem to give up on this family just yet, there is a lot more to tell. So I am starting a new sequel called The Little Things, and once again title and banner come from the amazing kradamgasm. The first chapter will be posted on Sunday.

forever after

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