Forever After Pt 114/115 Part 1 (Working Through Sequel)

Mar 01, 2011 13:24

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 114

Flash Forward 2027

Dear, Mr. Allen,

On June 11 2002 American Idol began is long run as one of America's most popular TV shows. Now twenty-five years later we are inviting you to help celebrate this special birthday. We are having a special party for all Idol contestants. Followed the next day by a dinner with special guests. We would love if you could join us.

“Adam?” Kris yelled from the kitchen. “Have you had a letter from Idol?”

“No,” Adam yelled back from the living room. “Did you?”

“They're inviting me to celebrate their twenty-fifth birthday.”

“Without me?” Adam asked sounding almost offended as he walked into the kitchen with Elle in his arms. “Where's my invite?”

“Maybe it's only for winners,” Elle suggested. “Maybe the winners get a party and the losers don't.”

Adam gave his daughter a look before turning to his husband. “Did my five-year-old just call me a loser?”

“You're not the only one,” Elle remarked. “Didn't they have lots of losers on Idol.”

“Yeah, I think she called you a loser,” Kris smiled.

Adam placed Elle down on the floor to look at the letter in Kris's hands. “Why the hell didn't I get an invite.”


“Not now Elle,” Kris interrupted.

“Maybe my invite will come tomorrow,” Adam remarked.

“Maybe,” Kris smiled.

“Can we come to your party?” Elle asked as she tried to pull Adam's arm down to look at the letter.

“Did you win American Idol?” Adam quizzed with a raised eyebrow.


“Then I guess you can't go.”

“So I'll just stay home with you and Daddy can go alone,” Elle smiled before skipping out of the kitchen.

“You know, I look at my little girl sometimes, and all I see is your Mama,” Adam sighed as he looked at the kitchen door.

“She does have that Allen woman gene,” Kris laughed.

“Do you think she's going to end up like Sophia?” Adam asked as he pulled a face causing Kris to laugh.

“I love both of my girls, but I don't think I could cope with another Sophia.”

“Me too,” Adam whispered.

“So,” Kris breathed out as he looked down at the letter again. “Would you be my date for the night?”

“What if I get my own invite.”

“I guess I'll find some cute guy to take then,” Kris shrugged.

“Shut up.”

“You can take a cute guy too.”

“I plan to,” Adam smiled as he leaned in to kiss Kris's cheek. “I wonder if Jason Adams is free.”

“Do you plan to go to the party with Jason in crutches?”

“No, why?”

“Because that's what he'll have if you even try it.”

Adam let out a loud laugh as he pulled his husband into his arms. “Are you jealous of Jason Adams?”

“Of course I am,” Kris sighed.

“Why?” Adam frowned.

“Because you rave about him constantly,” Kris shrugged. “Because we have watched that stupid movie he's in about forty times, and because every time we meet him at a party or something, you are all over him.”

“Oh my god, you're serious,” Adam pulled back to look into Kris's eyes. “How can you be serious?”

“He's cute,” Kris answered. “He's your type.”


“And I know you're type.”

“Eighteen years, Kris,” Adam said softly. “We've been together for eighteen years.”

“Doesn't stop me being jealous of some cute actor.”

“It should,” Adam whispered as he leaned in to kiss Kris's lips. “Jason Adams or any other actor out there can't compete with eighteen years.”

“I'm not accusing you of cheating on me,” Kris pointed out. “I can be jealous if I want.”

“You can.” Adam nodded his head in agreement, “but it's pointless. As cute as Jason Adams is, he can't compete with my most serious crush.”

“You've got another crush?” Kris smirked.

“Sure,” Adam laughed. “Had it for eighteen years now.”

“Right,” Kris smiled. “That's a long time for a crush.”

“It's still pretty strong though,” Adam mused as he pulled Kris back into his arms. “And if you think I watch Jason Adams movies too much, you should see how many pictures I have of my other crush on my phone.”

“A lot?”

“Thousands,” Adam answered. “I look at them constantly when I'm on tour.”

“I'd say that's a pretty big crush you have.”

“It's pretty serious.”

“Maybe you should take him to the Idol party.”

“Maybe I should,” Adam smirked.

“Maybe you two should remember your kids are in the house and stop being so sickly sweet.”

Adam jumped back to find Sebastian standing looking up at him. “Seriously, I'm buying bells for them to wear around their necks.”


Elle looked up from the floor as Adam entered her bedroom. “Hi Papa.”

“There,” Adam said throwing an envelope down beside Elle. “I got an invitation too.”

“At the winners party or the losers party?”

“It's all the one party,” Adam answered as he sat down beside his youngest daughter.

“So you're going to dance with Daddy?” Elle asked as she picked up her Barbie doll.

“Of course,” Adam answered picking up another doll.

“But Daddy can't dance,” Elle pointed out pulling a face.

“It's still fun to dance with him,” Adam shrugged as he began making the two dolls dance together.

“Do you want to play with me, Papa?”

“Sure,” Adam smiled. “What are we playing?”

“American Idol.”

“You're playing American Idol?” Adam quizzed as he looked down at the Barbie dolls. “What one's Simon?”

“This one,” Elle said picking up a Barbie in a dress.

“That seems right,” Adam mused. “What one am I?”

“You're you,” Elle said pulling her Adam Lambert doll out of the box.

“I forgot all about this.” Adam took the doll from his daughter's hand. “Where did you get this?”

“Daddy gave me it once when you were on tour.”


“I missed you, so he gave me this to cuddle.”

Adam felt a lump forming in his throat as he looked down at the old doll. “You know you can call me whenever you want, right? You don't have to carry around a doll of me.”

“But it's so cool,” Elle remarked. “No other girl's in my class have Barbie dolls of their Papa.”

“Especially not one with a bitching outfit,” Adam pointed out.

“Did you get a doll because Daddy beat you on Idol?” Elle quizzed.

“No,” Adam forced a smile. “I got a singing contract because Daddy beat me on Idol.”

“Did you love Daddy when he won?”

“Yeah,” Adam smiled softly. “I did.”

“Did he let you eat the last cookie?”


“Well, when Daddy beats you at games, he always lets you get the last cookie,” Elle explained making Adam laugh.

“Actually he did give me his last candy bar on the night he won.” Adam smiled at at the memory.

“Sophia said it's because Daddy hates competitions,” Elle remarked. “She said he doesn't like it when people think he's better than others.”

“Yeah, that's your Daddy,” Adam sighed. “He's always trying to make sure others feel better about themselves.”

“So, what kind of candy?”


“What kind of Candy did Papa give you the night he won?”

“Oh,” Adam smiled. “He gave me a kiss.”

“A kiss?”

“A very small Hershey's kiss,” Adam smiled.

“I like M&M'S better,” Elle remarked before going back to playing with her dolls.

End Of Flash Forward 2027

Flashback 2009

“And you're not even a little bit disappointed?”

Adam thought over Lane's question as he looked across the stage to where Kris stood holding his Idol microphone. “Not even a little.”

“Well, I don't think you have anything to worry about,” Lane whispered. “I think you're going to be okay too.”


Adam threw himself back against the hotel bed and looked around. He had just came back from watching Kris win American Idol, and now sitting in the quiet dark hotel room alone was making him feel like a little bit awkward. He pulled out his phone ready to call his Mom when a light knock came on his hotel door.

“You just disappeared.” Adam held the door open letting Kris step inside. “One minute you were there and the next you had disappeared. Allison's looking everywhere for you.”

“I'm pretty tired.”

“Are you okay?” Kris asked carefully. “It's been a weird night.”

Adam smiled wide. “It's been a great night. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

“You did?” Kris frowned. “I mean, you're not...”

“I'm happy you won,” Adam interrupted.

“You are?”

“Of course I am.” Adam walked towards the bed patting Kris's shoulder as he went.

“Thank god,” Kris breathed out. “Gokey said you were probably annoyed with me.”

“Kris,” Adam laughed. “You know me better than Gokey.”

“Yeah,” Kris smiled. “I knew it wouldn't be that.”

“I am just really tired,” Adam confessed. “It's been a long couple of months.”

“Damn right.”

“I just wanted you to enjoy this night with your family,” Adam explained as he sat down on top of the bed.

“Does that mean you're not coming down to the party?”

“There's a party?” Adam frowned. “I thought that was tomorrow night?”

“Well there's a piano in the bar and ten Idol's all fighting over the mic,” Kris laughed. “Allison's winning since she sat on Matt's head.”

“Nice,” Adam smiled, “but I think I'll stay up here. Get comfy for the night.”

“Okay,” Kris shrugged as he kicked off his shoes. “What side of the bed do you want?”

“What?” Adam frowned as he watched Kris climb onto his bed.

“Left or right?”

“What about the party?” Adam quizzed. “What about Katy?”

“Katy's holding Matt down for Allison.”

“Don't you want to spend your first night as the American Idol with your wife?”

“Down there? In a bar with drunk people and loud music?”

Adam laughed at Kris's face. “Yeah, that doesn't sound like you.”

“I'd rather just get comfy and watch a movie,” Kris lay back against Adam side of the bed.

“You're on my side.”

“I'm on your bed,” Kris shrugged.

“I guess I'll take the left this once,” Adam shrugged as he crawled up the bed and lay down next to Kris. “What do you want to watch?”

“You still got Velvet Goldmine here?”

“Of course.”

“Put that on.”

“Again?” Adam quizzed with a raised eyebrow. “We've watched it three times this week.”

“It relaxes you.”

Adam smirked as he switch on the TV to find the movie already playing. “I was just about to start watching it before you came.”

“Well, start it again,” Kris said as he dipped his hand into his pocket. “Want a kiss?”

“Excuse me?”

“A kiss,” Kris repeated as he held out a Hershey's chocolate for Adam to take.

“Oh... yeah, thanks.”

“Can I use your shoulder?”

“Yeah,” Adam said quickly as Kris rested his head on his shoulder as the movie began.

End Of Flashback 2009

Flash Forward 2027 June

“So will your husband do?” Kris asked as he stood in front of Adam wearing his new outfit.

“You'll do,” Adam smiled. “I'm almost done here.”

“Sure you are,” Kris laughed as he watched Adam put on his makeup. “I think there's about another forty-five minutes of eyeliner to go before we can get to the party.”

“I'll hurry,” Adam said rolling his eyes. “So, is Neil and Allison meeting us there?”

“Yeah. Your Mom just picked up Nicholas from their hotel and is bringing him over here for the night,” Kris explained. “Allison says he's started bitching about not getting to see his big famous Uncle enough.”

“He bitches?” Adam frowned. “He's two.”

“Sophia bitched at two,” Kris shrugged. “Plus he's Neil's kid.”

“True. So, why are Neil and Allison staying at a hotel while their kid stays with us here?”

“Allison said they're only in LA for a few days and they want to enjoy the free babysitting services as much as possible,” Kris explained. “Plus... well, she said she wanted to have noisy sex with her husband without anyone interrupting them.”

Adam squeezed his eyes shut tight at Kris's words. “I could have done without hearing that last part.”

“I cleaned that up,” Kris sighed. “You should have heard the words our 'little sister' used.”

“I don't want to hear them.”

Kris nodded his head in agreement as he came to sit on Adam's makeup table. “So, are you excited about tonight?”

“It's going to be so good seeing everyone again.”

“Lane said they're putting each season at a table of their own,” Kris said. “So, we'll all be together all night.”

“Do you think it's going to be like it used to?” Adam paused to look at Kris. “Remember all those fun times on tour?”

“Maybe we'll be a little more mature now,” Kris shrugged. “I don't think we're going to be running around saying Dude, every five minutes.”

Adam let out a laugh as he shook his head. “Why did we think that was funny?”

“God knows,” Kris sighed. “I just remember doing it and laughing for five minutes straight every time.”

“I guess we will be more mature this time around.”

“This time you'll be hanging out with your husband instead of your boyfriend,” Kris remarked. “We have to be more mature.”

“Well...” Adam turned to look at his husband, “what if I don't want to take my husband with me?”

“Then I'll be going on my own,” Kris answered.

“What if I want to take my boyfriend?” Adam asked with a smirk as he came to stand in front of Kris's open legs.

“You've got a boyfriend?”

“Yeah,” Adam smiled. “He's pretty hot too.”

“Lucky you,” Kris whispered as he pulled Adam between his legs. “So you're going out with this boyfriend tonight?”

“Yep,” Adam smiled. “My young handsome and very sexy boyfriend.”

“You do know we still live here, right?”

Adam jumped back at the sound of Jacob's voice. “Hey buddy.”

“Please tell me Daddy is your boyfriend.”

“You heard that, huh?”

“Your weird little role playing?” Jacob smirked. “Yeah, I heard that.”

“Seriously,” Adam sighed. “We need bells.”


Part 2

forever after

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