Forever After Pt 113/115 (Working Through Sequel)

Feb 27, 2011 13:53

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 113

Flash Forward 2027

“We're getting funny looks,” Sophia pointed out as she shifted uncomfortably in the waiting room chair.

“And this is before Uncle Brad shows up,” Kris joked.

“They're judging me.”

“Fuck them,” Adam said a little too loudly as he looked at the other patients waiting in the doctor's waiting room. “You've got nothing to be ashamed of.”

Sophia ran a hand over her baby bump before looking back up at her Papa. “Really?”

“Yes really,” Adam said annoyed.

“If you say so,” Sophia sighed.

“Let's just focus on seeing this little baby,” Kris smiled.

“Little?” Sophia scoffed. “This kid is going to be bigger than Elle is now.”

“Which isn't hard,” Adam laughed. “She only comes up to my knees.”

“Don't tease my baby,” Kris warned with a pointed finger.

“She's not here.”

“Still shouldn't tease someone because of their height,” Kris sulked.

“Says the short ass,” Adam whispered to Sophia.

“I heard that.”

“He might be short, but his ears are pretty big,” Sophia whispered causing Kris to nudge her with his elbow.

“Hey, don't hit the pregnant teen,” Sophia said.

“Oh, you are all so white trash.” Adam and Kris turned at the same time to find Brad standing behind them. “Two gay men and a pregnant teen. It's like a bad true movie.”

“You're late,” Adam pointed out.

“I was picking out my outfit.” Brad spun around to show off what he was wearing. “What do you think?”

Kris stole a glance at the shocked faces of the other patients before sighing heavily. “Could you just sit down, please.”

“Does that mean he doesn't like it?” Brad turned to Adam. “Is the little plaid boy disapproving of my outfit?”

“He didn't say that,” Adam whispered. “Just sit down.”

“He's been wearing plaid for twenty years now, and he's judging my outfit?”

“I'm not judging your outfit,” Kris sighed. “Just sit down.”

Brad looked around at the other people now all watching him closely. “What do you think?” Brad asked a scared looking man in the corner. “You like my outfit, don't you?”


“You don't have to answer that,” Kris said looking at the man.

“Yes he does,” Brad snapped. “Now what do you think of my outfit, Mr... I don't know your name.”

“Because you don't know him,” Sophia pointed out.

Adam looked towards the woman sitting next to the very scared looking man. “Maybe you should just sit down, Brad.”

“Once I get my answer.”

“Cheeks,” Kris said through gritted teeth. “Sit your skinny butt down.”

“I... did you just call me skinny?” Brad asked with a smile on his face. “You think I'm skinny.”

“I'm going to kill him,” Kris whispered at Adam.

“Aw, you think I'm skinny.”

“Really kill him.”

“Okay, I'll sit down.” Brad took the seat next to Kris. “I like your plaid shirt. It really suits you.”


“Why does it look like an alien?”

“And I thought it looked like you,” Sophia laughed.

“And this is the baby's little feet,” the doctor said pointing towards scan.

“Why isn't Cassidy here?”

“Something dramatic happened with some leather jackets,” Brad shrugged.


“Someone spilled a paint pot over a box and everything was ruined.”

“Did he say what leather jackets?” Adam asked.

“Some weird green colored ones.”

“Son of a bitch,” Adam yelled causing the doctor to jump. “Those were my tour jackets.”

“Well they're gone,” Brad shrugged. “Now what's between my grand kid's legs?”

“Cheeks,” Kris snapped. “Don't be so...”

“Weird,” Sophia interrupted.

“Would you like to know if you're having a boy or a girl?” the doctor asked with a frown on his face. “Is that what you're asking me?”

“Well, I'm not asking you what kind of underwear it has on,” Brad answered dryly.

“Sophia, would you like to know the sex of your baby?” Adam asked his daughter gently as took her hand in his.

“I already know the sex of the baby,” Sophia answered. “It's the grandparents that don't know.”

“I think I know,” Adam breathed out before looking back at the doctor. “But tell me again.”

Kris slipped his hand in Adam's free hand. “I'm kind of nervous.”

“Hey,” Brad pouted. “No one's hold my hand.”

Adam looked down at his hands before looking at Kris's free hand. “Baby...”

“Adam, please don't.”

“He doesn't have a hand to hold.”

“Fine,” Kris sighed as he held out his free hand for Brad to take.

“This is better,” Brad smiled. “Okay Doc, tell us what we're having.”

The doctor gave a tight smile before looking back at the screen. “From what I can see I would say you are about to welcome a new little boy into your family.”

“A boy,” Sophia smiled at her parents. “Cool, isn't it?”

“That's...” Brad frowned. “That's not what I was thinking.”

“Well, we can't swap him for a girl,” Kris said annoyed. “I think it's great.”

“I do too,” Brad said. “I think having a little boy in the family is great. What do you think Adam?”

Kris turned to find Adam wiping away tears from his eyes. “Adam?”

“I have something in my eye.”

“Tears?” Sophia suggested with a smirk.

“Are you happy it's a boy?” Kris asked gently.

“Very,” Adam smiled looking at Sophia. “I think it's great too.”


“Is it a gay boy or not a gay boy?” Elle asked as she poked Sophia's stomach.

“We don't know that yet,” Kris answered.

“It better be a gay boy,” Brad remarked. “I will not have another straight kid with my DNA. It's bad enough that my son insists he's one of the breeders, my Grandkid isn't going to be one too.”

“I don't think it works that way,” Kris mused.

“It better start working that way,” Brad remarked. “I can't cope with another kid coming out as straight.”

“I don't know,” Adam sighed as he watched Jacob pass the living room to go into the kitchen. “Maybe a straight kid would be easier.”

“Wash your mouth out,” Brad ordered. “Why would you say such a hateful thing?”

“Because the world is easier for a straight kid,” Adam explained as he looked into the kitchen.

“Okay, what's going on?” Brad looked between Kris and Adam as they both stared at the floor. “Seriously, what's going on?”

“We have to tell him,” Adam whispered quickly to his husband.

“We aren't supposed to be telling anyone,” Kris whispered back. “Our parents don't even know.”

“Telling Brad might actually be useful,” Adam whispered. “I mean Brad used to be a gay kid.”

“Tell me what?”

“We promised Jacob we wouldn't.”

“Tell me what?” Brad pouted as he stomped his foot on the floor.

“I don't think it's a good idea,” Kris whispered harshly at his husband.

“Why is no one telling me anything?”

“Jacob cuts himself.”

“Sophia,” Adam and Kris snapped at the same time.

“He... what?” Brad looked around confused. “What are you all talking about?”

Adam took a step towards his best friend. “Jacob's been getting bullied at school.”

“And instead of telling us, he's been cutting himself to deal with the stress,” Kris added.

“Is he okay? Have you told him how dangerous that is? Have you found out who these bullies are?” Brad rattled off until Adam held up his hands to stop him.

“He's safe now.”

“What the hell was he thinking?” Brad snapped. “Does that boy know that scars don't go away? Does he want blemished skin?”

“He knows how stupid it was,” Kris answers. “So don't go yelling at him.”

“Don't tell me what to do with my own Nephew.”

“He's my son.”

“What the hell has that got to do with anything?”

“Adam?” Kris said through gritted teeth.


“Tell your friend.”

“Tell him what?”

“Tell him not to bother Jacob,” Kris snapped.

“Don't bother Jacob.”

“Damn you're whipped,” Brad winced. “You know, when you were with me I let you be free.”

“When he was with you, he was stoned,” Kris snapped.

“Okay, I don't think we have to go down that road,” Adam sighed as he looked at Sophia's surprised face.

“You got stoned?”


“Only at night,” Brad shrugged.

“Brad,” Adam snapped.

“She asked.”

“Doesn't mean you have to tell her.”

“Oh my god, I can't believe my Papa used to be a stoner,” Sophia giggled.

“What's that, Papa?”

Adam looked down at Elle as she pulled on his t-shirt. “Huh?”

“What's a stoner?”

“I... don't know.”

“Sophia what's a stoner?” Elle asked looking at her big sister.

“A...person that builds...things?” Sophia frowned.

“You build houses?” Elle asked looking confused at her Papa. “But you can't even build my bike.”

“Yeah but...”

“It took you two days and in the end you called a man to come build it,” Elle interrupted. “You threw the wheels across the yard. You said that Santa gave me the bike to annoy you.”

“Why would Santa want to annoy Papa?” Sophia smirked.

“Because Papa's a stew.”

“Jewish,” Kris corrected. “Papa is Jewish.”

“Okay, what's this got to do with Jacob cutting himself?” Brad sighed. “Shouldn't we be coming up with a plan to help him?”

“Does he think he's one of Jacob's fathers?” Kris asked Adam causing him to laugh.

“I think so.”

“As a gay man in this family, I have a right to protect young gay kids.”

“Does he think he's in our family?” Kris quizzed.

“I am your family,” Brad snapped. “We may be an odd family with pregnant teens and straight confused boys, but we are a family.”

Kris let out a loud sigh. “I guess you're right, but we really don't need you worrying about Jacob. We've had a long talk with him.”

“I think I should talk to him too,” Brad said. “Just to make sure he gets it.”

Kris gave his husband look before nudging him towards Brad. “Adam.”

“That could be a great idea, Brad,” Adam said carefully before feeling Kris's finger dig into his back. “But I think we should all just move on now. We're watching him closely, and he's assured us that Nick isn't even looking at him anymore. I think it's best if we don't focus on it. Let Jacob get over it all.”

“I still think I should talk to him.” Adam looked over his shoulder to give his husband a pleading look.

“Look,” Kris sighed stepping in front of Adam. “Just because you don't have a gay son of your own, doesn't mean you can come here and train ours.”

“That's not what I'm doing,” Brad said offended. “I just want to make sure he's okay.”

“He's fine.”

“But it's not fair,” Brad pouted. “Why can't I have a gay son?”

“See,” Kris snapped. “I knew this was all because Tye is straight.”

“It's just so weird,” Brad complained. “I mean, my kid knocked up a girl.”

“We know,” Adam said dryly as he looked at Sophia's bump. “We really know.”

“If it helps anyone, Tye's got a really gay taste in music,” Sophia remarked causing everyone to turn and look at her. “If it helps.”

“How gay?” Brad quizzed. “Every time I walk into his room he's listening to rock albums.”

“Queen,” Sophia remarked. “And I know he has a few disco songs on his computer. Plus some showtunes.”

“My little boy has showtunes?” Brad asked with a huge smile on his face.

“And Madonna's greatest hits.”

“My son does have the gay gene,” Brad gushed. “He might have weird taste in who he finds attractive, but he has the gay gene.”

“Hey,” Sophia frowned. “Who are you calling weird?”

“Not you honey,” Brad smiled. “I'm talking about all woman. You're lovely.”

“You should go home and talk to your gay gene son,” Kris suggested as he directed Brad towards the door. “Maybe let him listen to some Diana Ross.”

“I have some really great early nineties dance music.”

“Doesn't get any gayer than that,” Kris forced a smile as he pushed Brad out of the front door. “Bye.” Kris slammed the front door closed locking it behind him before turning to his husband. “We have to move.”

“Don't be so dramatic,” Adam laughed as he came to wrap his arms around Kris's neck. “He's only trying to help.”

“He drives me crazy,” Kris sighed as he rested his head on Adam's chest. “It frightens me to think that our first Grandchild could have that man's personality.”

“It could be worse,” Adam whispered into Kris's hair.

“How could it be worse?”

“I don't know,” Adam sighed as he tightened his hold on Kris. “I was just trying to make you feel better.”

End Of Flash Forward 2027

forever after

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