Forever After Pt 112/115 (Working Through Sequel)

Feb 24, 2011 14:15

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 112

Flash Forward 2027

“I will wreck this whole school if I don't get the names of this kid's parents right now,” Adam said slamming his hand down as he stood on the other side of the principals desk.

“Mr. Lambert you need to calm down. Mr. Allen could you please tell your husband...”

“We just need the parents name,” Kris said in a calmer voice.

“This isn't school policy. I could get into so much trouble,” the principal tried to explain.

“And is it your school policy to let your students bully a defenseless boy just because he's gay?” Adam snapped. “My kid's sitting at home with cuts all over him. I want to know what you're going to do about it.”

“Mr. Lambert, Jacob did not cut himself on school property. I can't take any responsibility for that. That responsibility lays with you and your husband.”

“He cut himself because he's getting bullied at your school,” Adam snapped. “That's got everything to do with your school.”

“I can't help you.”

“Then I guess we'll have to help ourselves,” Adam said as he moved towards the door. “Thanks for your help.”

“Mr. Lambert if you...”


Kris followed Adam out of the door with a confused look on his face. “Okay, what are you doing?”

“Helping myself,” Adam answered without looking at Kris.

“And how are you going to do that?”

“It's easy,” Adam smirked as he looked at a group of girls walking towards them. “Hey, do you guys know Jacob Allen?”

“Adam?” Kris whispered.

“He's in our year,” the tallest of the girls answered. “You're his Dad.”

“I am,” Adam smiled. “I'm looking for another kid in the year above. His names Nick?”

“Adam,” Kris warned. “Let's just go home. We can deal with this later.”

“Is this because he's been picking on Jacob?” the girl asked. “Is Jacob okay?”

“He's fine,” Adam smiled. “We just really need to speak to Nick.”

“He'll be in the gym with the rest of the football team.”

“Thank you,” Adam smiled. “What's your name?”


“Thank you Stacey. You've been very helpful,” Adam smiled before taking Kris by the hand.

“We're not going to the gym,” Kris said through gritted teeth as he began following Adam down the hallway.

“I think we are.”


“You don't have to keep looking at me.” Jacob sat back on the sofa as Sophia and Sebastian sat on the coffee table in front of him.

“I think we do,” Sebastian remarked. “You might do something stupid if we don't.”

“I'm not going to do anything stupid.”

“You've already done something stupid,” Sophia snapped. “What the hell were you thinking.”

“I guess I wasn't.”

“You could have died.”

“I've already had this talk with Daddy and Papa,” Jacob sighed. “I don't think I need to have it again.”

“There was so much blood,” Sebastian remarked. “It's all over your bed covers.”

“Daddy had to throw them out.”

“Look, can we not do this now?” Jacob reached up to rub his eyes. “I'm tired.”

“What would have happened if you cut too deep?” Sophia slid forward on the coffee table to take Jacob's hand in her own. “What if the razor slipped and you cut in too deep.”

“I knew what I was doing.”

“And what exactly were you doing?” Sebastian snapped. “Because it doesn't make sense to me.”

“I'm not having this conversation with my little brother.”

“Then have it with your big sister,” Sophia said as she gripped Jacob's hand tighter in her own. “Tell me what the hell you were thinking.”

“I just wanted to...”Jacob paused as Elle walked into the room. “I just wanted to feel something different.”


“I already feel that,” Jacob whispered so Elle wouldn't hear. “I wanted relief.”

Sebastian stood up from the table to sit on the sofa beside his brother. “You could have told me what was going on.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Because I'm your brother,” Sebastian answered. “I could have helped you.”

“You couldn't have helped,” Jacob sighed.

“I could have kicked bully boy's ass,” Sebastian pointed out causing Sophia to laugh.

“I could have sat on him.”

“And that would have made me even more of a target,” Jacob snapped. “None of you could have done anything.”


“Because how pathetic would I look when my ten-year-old brother and my pregnant sister had to fight my battles for me?”

“I don't see a problem with that,” Sebastian shrugged. “We're Lambert-Allens. We fight each others battles.”

“Well, you don't fight this one,” Jacob said pulling his hand out of Sophia's grasp. “No one can.”

Sophia looked over her shoulder where Elle sat on the floor drawing a picture. “So you think cutting yourself and scaring our little sister is better than letting us help you?”

“I didn't know I was going to cut myself that bad,” Jacob whispered. “She wasn't supposed to know about it.”

“Well, she did,” Sebastian snapped. “And while Daddy and Papa took you to hospital, Sophia and I had to try and comfort Elle.”

“She didn't stop shaking until Daddy and Papa came back,” Sophia whispered. “She thought you were dead.” Jacob covered his face with his hands as he let out a groan. “We all thought you were dead.”

“I'm sorry.”

“You better be,” Sebastian said as he stood up. “And if you do anything like this again, I'll never talk to you.”

“Me too,” Sophia said as she stood up and followed Sebastian out of the living room leaving Jacob and Elle alone.


“Adam will you just leave it?” Kris whispered as he stood at the gym door beside his husband.

“I am so sick of people thinking they can push my kid around,” Adam said through gritted teeth. “I'm stopping this now.”

“And I agree with you,” Kris whispered, “but this isn't how to do it. We can't just take matters into our own hands.”

“We have to,” Adam said as he let his eyes scan over the crowd of boys in the corner. “If the school isn't going to do anything about it, I will.” Adam let got of Kris's hand to make his way over to the boys.

“Adam,” Kris hissed as he followed.

“Nick?” Adam yelled as he stormed over to the boys. “Nick?”


Adam stopped as the biggest of the boys turned around and looked at him. “You're Nick?”

“I...” Nick looked unsure at his friends. “You shouldn't...”

“Do you know who I am?” Adam asked pointing at his chest.


“Who the fuck doesn't?” A random voice asked in the crowd.

“Do you know who my son is?”

“Adam,” Kris said through gritted teeth as he grabbed onto Adam's arm. “Leave it.”

“I can't,” Adam snapped. “Now I asked you a question, boy. Do you know who my son is?”

“Jacob?” Nick answered in a shaky voice.

“Exactly,” Adam spat out. “Now do you know why I'm here?” Nick shook his head quickly at Adam's question. “Tell your friends to leave.”

“Adam,” Kris snapped. “We're leaving.”

“Not until I get my point across,” Adam snapped back. “Now tell your friends to leave.”

Kris stood back as the rest of the boys scarpered out of the gym leaving him and Adam alone with Nick. “Now what?” Kris snapped. “Those kids are probably away to get a teacher.”

“I don't care,” Adam said in a calmer tone as he looked at Nick. “It would be worth it to make this little shit suffer.”

“ can't touch me,” Nick stuttered. “My parents would get you arrested.”

“Like I said. It would be worth it.”

“Look, we just want you to leave Jacob alone,” Kris stepped forward. “He doesn't deserve you picking on him like this.”

“It's just a bit of harmless fun,” Nick remarked. “He's not supposed to...”

“Fun?” Adam snapped. “You think it's fun to scare my kid? Is that your sick idea of fun?”

“Your kid is...”

“Shut the fuck up,” Adam said as he takes a step towards Nick. “Maybe I should have fun with you. Tell me Nick, would that be fun for you?”

“My parents would sue if you do anything to me.” Nick took a step back until he was pressed against the wall behind him.

“What's the matter Nick? You look like you're scared.” Adam takes a step forward. “Is this big bad fag scaring you?”

“Adam,” Kris warned. “Don't be so fucking stupid.”

“I want Nick to tell me he's scared,” Adam said not taking his eyes off Nick's face. “Are you scared?”

“Yes,” Nick said quietly. “I'm scared.”

“Isn't nice is it?” Adam spits out. “It's not nice having someone bigger than you backing you into a corner, and you don't know what the person is going to do.”

“Okay,” Nick snapped back. “I get it. I won't annoy Jacob again.”

“That's not good enough,” Adam said calmly. “I'm so sick and tired of people like you thinking they can mess with my family. I'm making you a promise right now. If you even look at any of my kids again, I will make sure your parents have to sue me. I don't care how old you are. I will hurt you. Now do you understand me, Nick?”

“I understand,” Nick stuttered.

“Good,” Adam said taking a step away from Nick. “You're not as stupid as you look.”

“We're going,” Kris snapped taking Adam by the elbow.

“We can now,” Adam smiled as he followed Kris out of the gym door.


Adam let out a loud sigh as he followed Kris into the house. “I get it, Kris. It was a very stupid thing I did.”

“Stupid doesn't cut it,” Kris snapped as he closed the front door behind him. “The school could get you arrested.”

“I didn't touch him,” Adam whispered so none of the kids would hear.

“You threatened to hurt him,” Kris whispered back.

“He's lucky it was only a threat.”

“He's a kid,” Kris whispered. “You would freak of some adult did that to one of ours.”

“I would do it myself to one of ours if I found out they were bullying some kid,” Adam whispered.

“Hey?” Adam and Kris turned to find Sophia standing behind them. “You two can't whisper. I could hear you all the way down the hall.”

“Sorry,” Kris mumbled as he reached down to kiss Sophia's head. “How's Jacob?”

“He's in his room.”

“You left him alone?” Adam snapped as he ran towards the stairs.

“He's with Elle,” Sophia called out as she watched her Papa and Daddy run up the stairs.


“I still don't understand,” Elle said as she ran her fingertip over Jacob's bandaged shoulder. “Why didn't you tell Papa and Daddy? You know they would fix it. They fix everything. Papa fixed the head back on my Barbie last week after he stood on it.”

“Some things are more important than Barbie's severed head,” Jacob remarked. “There are some things Papa and Daddy can't fix.”

“My Papa and Daddy can fix anything,” Elle pointed out. “I was sure Barbie's head would never get fixed, but Papa did it. My Papa can fix anything.”

“I wish I had your look on life.”

“You can share mine if you...” Elle jumped at the sound of the bedroom door being thrown open. “You scared me,” Elle snapped in an annoyed voice. “You shouldn't do that.”

Adam looked Jacob over before looking down at his little girl. “Sorry baby.”

“Really scared me,” Elle said in the huff.

“You guys okay in here?” Kris asked as he looked around the room. “What are you guys doing?”

“I was telling Jacob how amazing my Papa and Daddy are.”

Adam let out a small laugh as he took a seat beside Jacob on his bed. “Could you maybe give me and your Daddy a moment alone with Jacob?”

“Are you going to shout at him?”

“No,” Kris said gently as he helped Elle up off the bed. “We just want to talk to him.”

“Are you going to fix him?”

“I think Sophia and Sebastian might have some ice cream waiting in the kitchen for you.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Elle asked looking up at Adam.

“Yes I am.”

“Well you just had to ask.”

Adam waited until Elle walked out of the bedroom door before turning back to his son. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty stupid,” Jacob sighed. “I feel very embarrassed.”

“You should be,” Adam remarked. “You did a very stupid thing.”

“A very dangerous thing,” Kris corrected as he came to sit on the other side of Jacob. “You could have done yourself some serious damage. If that razor cut...”

“Sophia's already had this discussion with me,” Jacob interrupted.

“Well, I'm having it with you now,” Kris said annoyed. “We're going to have this conversation until you get it into your head just how stupid you've been.”

“We went to the school,” Adam said gently.

“I thought you would.”

“It's fixed,” Adam said. “Nick won't bother you again.”

“And if anyone else does, you come to us straight away,” Kris pressed. “I don't care if you have to walk out of the school in the middle of glass. If you don't feel safe you leave. Do you understand, Jacob?”

“I understand,” Jacob sighed.

“Why didn't you come to us?” Adam asked gently. “You know you can talk to us about anything.”

“I'm too old to have my Daddies fighting my battles for me.”

“Bullshit,” Kris snapped causing Adam and Jacob to look at him. “I don't give a flying fuck how old you are. You are never going to be too old to have your Daddies fight for you. Now get your skinny little butt up and get into the kitchen and have some ice cream with the rest of them.”

“But I'm on a diet this week,” Jacob said weakly. “I ate a big burger the other day and...”

“Kitchen,” Kris said through gritted teeth.

“Okay,” Jacob sighed as he stood up.

“Jacob?” Kris called out as Jacob got to the bedroom door.


“You do anything stupid like that ever again, and you'll be in a lot of trouble with me,” Kris said calmly. “Do you understand?”

“I understand,” Jacob said before walking out of the bedroom.

“Did you just curse at our son?” Adam asked with a raised eyebrow. “That's a little hard core.”

“You walked into a school today and threatened to hurt a child,” Kris remarked dryly.

“And I would do it again,” Adam shrugged. “I'm fed up with people thinking they can pick on my kid because he's gay. That is it. He will never have to suffer like that again. I don't care if I have to go to school with him everyday. His days of feeling scared and alone are over, and I'll beat every kid in that school to make it happen if I have to.”

“You're a good Papa.”

“You're not so bad at being a Daddy either,” Adam said as he bumped Kris with his shoulder.

“Do you think they left us ice cream?”

“I'll kick their little asses if they don't.”

“Easy tiger,” Kris laughed. “Stick to the kids you aren't related to.”

End Of Flash Forward 2027

forever after

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