Forever After Pt 111/115 (Working Through Sequel)

Feb 22, 2011 14:43

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

Chapter 111

Flash Forward 2027

Adam paced back and forth in front of Kris as they waited in the family waiting room for the doctor to come back with news on Jacob. “What's taken them so long?”

“Did the cuts look deep to you?” Kris asked in a small voice as he looked up at his husband. “There was so much blood.”

Adam continued to pace in front of the row of seats ignoring his husband's question. “They've been gone ages. Why isn't anyone coming to talk to us?”

“Adam I'm scared.”

Adam stopped pacing to look down at his husband. “It's going to be okay.” Adam tried to smile but stopped when he looked at the tears rolling down his husband's cheeks. “It really is going to be okay, baby.”

“How do you know?” Kris asked in a quiet voice as Adam came to sit at his side.

“Because I'm going to make it okay,” Adam answered as he wrapped his arm around Kris to pull him against his side. “I'm not going to let anything bad happen.”

“Something bad has already happened,” Kris choked out. “Our little boy... he was covered in so much blood.”

“Don't think about it,” Adam whispered as he pulled Kris into his arms. “Let's just stay strong for him. We can't fall apart now. Jacob needs us.”

“Why do you think he did it?”

“I don't know,” Adam admitted honestly. “I don't know why he would do something like this.”

“Do you think he's tried to...”

“No,” Adam said pulling away from Kris to look into his eyes. “I know he wasn't trying to kill himself. I know he wouldn't do that. He said himself that he didn't mean it.”

“Adam he's got cuts over all his arms,” Kris snapped. “God knows how long he's been doing it for. There was so much blood,” Kris paused to let out a shaky breath. “There was too much blood for one cut.”

Adam looked at his blood stained hands from where he had tried to stop bleeding. “We are just going to have to sit down and listen to him. He's going to have to explain all this to us because I don't understand any of it.” Adam stood up to continue pacing. “What's taken them so long?”

“I don't know,” Kris answered quietly as he went back to watching Adam pace.


Sophia ran a hand over her baby bump as she watched Elle sleep beside her.

“Is Jacob okay?”

Sophia looked up to find Sebastian standing at her bedroom door. “You should be sleeping.”

“Is he okay?” Sebastian repeated as he came to sit on the edge of Sophia's bed.

“I don't know,” Sophia sighed heavily. “He looked like he'd cut himself pretty badly.”

“Why did he do it?”

“Because he's an idiot,” Sophia snapped. “A stupid little boy.”

“Do you think he was sad?” Sebastian asked quietly. “I heard people cut themselves because they are sad.”

“I don't know, Seb,” Sophia sighed heavily as she looked at her little brother. “Let's just wait until Papa and Daddy get home.”

“Is everything okay at school?” Sebastian pressed. “He's making friends?”

“How would I know?”

“You're the one that goes to school with him,” Sebastian snapped. “I'm stuck at that stupid boys school.”

“That's your fault for fighting in school,” Sophia snapped back. “And I don't know what Jacob does in school. He's at a completely different bit from me.”

“Well something must be wrong with him,” Sebastian commented. “Jacob isn't that stupid. He wouldn't do this unless something was really wrong.”

“I don't know,” Sophia sighed again. “Let's just get some sleep and wait until Papa and Daddy get home.”

Sebastian nodded his head as he climbed into the bed beside Elle. “Does she know?”

“I told her Jacob had a sore stomach and Papa and Daddy took him to get medication. I don't know if she believes me or not. I don't know if she saw anything or not.”

Sebastian lay down as he snuggled into Elle's side. “Is Jacob going to be okay?”

“Yeah,” Sophia breathed out. “He's going to be fine.”


Kris pressed himself against Adam's side in an attempt to keep warm. “It's freezing in here.”

“You're nervous,” Adam said before giving Kris a look. “And you're only wearing a vest.”

“I didn't have time to get dressed,” Kris answered. “You're not wearing any shoes.”

Adam looked down at his bare feet shaking his head. “We've left the kids with Sophia.”

“Yeah, that wasn't a good idea. Maybe we should call your Mom,” Kris sighed before shivering against Adam's side.

“Come here,” Adam whispered as he wrapped his arm around Kris's waist to pull him to his chest. “You should have picked up your jacket.” Adam ran his hand up and down Kris's bare arm in an attempted to keep him warm.

“Do you think it's school?” Kris asked as he rested his head on Adam's shoulder. “Do you think he's getting bullied again?”

“I can't think it's anything else,” Adam answered as he looked at the wall in front of him. “I thought moving to LA would have stopped all that. I thought he would meet more open minded people here.”

“Do you think he regrets coming out?” Kris asked as he moved away from Adam. “I keep getting this feeling of him being ashamed of it now. He seems to have changed so much since we moved. He's moodier now.”

Adam turned his head towards the waiting room door as a doctor came walking in. “Jacob Allen's parents?”

“Yes,” Kris answered as he stood up.

“Is he okay?”

“He's fine,” the doctor smiled softly. “I've bandaged him up and we are just waiting for a nurse to be free so she can get him dressed again.”

“He can't dress himself?” Adam asked confused.

“We've had to bandage up both his hands,” the doctor explained. “I think he must have gripped the razor blades tight in his hands. Now the cut on his arm is artificial, and will probably be gone in a few days. It's the cut on his shoulder I'm worried about. It's a few days old and I am worried about infection.”

“This wasn't the first time?” Kris asked as he stood to face the doctor.

“Jacob admitted to me that he cut himself a few days ago,” the doctor answered. “I have had a long talk with him about how dangerous self harming can be, but you both really have to get it through to him how dangerous it really is. One little slip of the razor and it could be fatal.”

“This won't happen again,” Adam said as he placed his hand on the small of Kris's back. “You don't have to worry about getting a nurse, we'll get him dressed.”

“I'll take you to him then.” The doctor opened the waiting room door for Adam and Kris to exit.


Kris walked into the hospital room first to find Jacob laying back against the bed with his eyes shut. “Jacob?”

“Yeah?” Jacob asked as he kept his eyes closed.

Adam moved past Kris at the door to come to sit at Jacob's bedside. “Open your eyes Jacob.”

Jacob turned his head to the side and opened his eyes to find Adam looking at him. “I'm sorry.”

“I bet you are,” Adam said calmly.

“We've came to get you dressed,” Kris said as he moved to the other side of the bed. “We are going to get you home and get you into bed. You must be tired.”

“I'm okay,” Jacob answered quietly.

“What's going on, Jacob?” Adam asked. “You're going to have to talk to us.”

“I'm really tired,” Jacob admitted quietly.

“Sit up then and we'll get you dressed.” Adam picked up Jacob's socks as the little boy swung his legs around to sit in front of Adam. “In fact stand up, I want to see something.”

“What are you doing?” Kris frowned as he came to stand beside his husband.

“Looking for cuts,” Adam sighed as he began looking over Jacob's arms and legs.

“I've only cut myself twice,” Jacob admitted.

“Only?” Adam snapped. “You've only done it twice? Why is there bruises on your arms?”

“I'm sorry.”

“You've said that.”

“You're going to have to talk to us, baby boy,” Kris sighed as he sat down on the bed beside Jacob. “Start talking.”

“Life's just hard,” Jacob sighed. “Nothing seems easy these days.”

“What do you mean?” Adam asked as he began slipping Jacob's pants over his feet.

Jacob looked between his parents. “I'm having trouble at school.”

“What kind of trouble?” Kris asked as he helped Jacob off the bed so Adam could fix his pants probably.

“Just some trouble with some kids.”

“You mean you're getting bullied?” Adam asked gently as he buttoned up Jacob's pants.

“I'm trying to be strong,” Jacob admitted quietly. “I'm trying not to let him get to me, but it's getting really hard.”

“Him?” Kris asked.

“It's mostly him,” Jacob explained. “He's the ring leader. The rest leave me alone when he's not around.”

“How long has it been going on?”

“Since the media found out I was gay,” Jacob answered as he avoided Adam's eyes.

“Why didn't you tell us then?” Kris pressed. “We could have fixed it.”

“He said he would make things worse if I told,” Jacob answered.

Adam let out a deep breath as he pulled Jacob into his arms. “I'm sorry, baby boy.”

“Why?” Jacob asked as he buried his face into Adam's shoulder.

“I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner,” Adam admitted. “I'm sorry you had to hurt yourself to make me notice.”

“It's not your fault,” Jacob whispered as he tightened his grip on Adam's shoulders.

“Well this stops now,” Kris said as he came to stand behind Adam to look down at his son. “Your Papa and I will fix all of this.”

“You can't,” Jacob sighed. “Nick said he'll do worse things to me.”

“Listen to your Daddy,” Adam whispered as he stood up with Jacob in his arms. “We're going to make sure you never have to feel scared again.”

“Come on,” Kris said as he opened the hospital door for Adam to carry Jacob out. “Let's go home.”

“Are you sure everything's going to be okay?” Jacob asked as he looked at Kris.

“I promise it is,” Kris whispered as he reached up to kiss the back of Jacob's head.

End of Flash Forward 2027

forever after

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