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Comments 14

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jashelle1 February 23 2011, 01:10:21 UTC
A+. Four for you, glitterynicole. Four for you.


fara1903 February 22 2011, 14:59:30 UTC
I'm curious to see what Kris & Adam is going to do to stop the bullying at school for Jacob!


kradambofan February 22 2011, 15:51:50 UTC
I hope they just take the kids out of school and homeschool them.

Poor Jacob, but my gosh I love Adam and Kris making him feel protected.

This made me teary, NGL

“Are you sure everything's going to be okay?” Jacob asked as he looked at Kris.

“I promise it is,” Kris whispered as he reached up to kiss the back of Jacob's head.


pinkeurogirl February 22 2011, 16:54:02 UTC
Poor Jacob. Adam and kris will sort it out. Sophia looking after the kids too!


unpublicguy February 22 2011, 17:27:08 UTC
okay...am going to take Adam's or Kris's razor and start cutting Nick arm & shoulder & knees.


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