
Oct 24, 2015 19:14

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!promotion, !pimping

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Comments 10

vapor October 25 2015, 16:05:14 UTC
Thank you!!


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 16:20:14 UTC
not a problem at all :3
i wanted to create something cap related too but as an icontest lol
so i am really glad there's this community now :D


vapor October 25 2015, 16:48:24 UTC
I actually was thinking about creating a second community paired with this one, where the challenge would be to create icons from the caps posted that week. Or something like that. Keep it simple.


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 16:59:20 UTC
ohhhh yes that was the exact thing i was talking about :3 like something with a twist but still not too much committment (if that makes sense lol)
if you need help count me in *^* I modded a couple of elite communities back in the day, but then you know participation was really low so I closed everything. and I really love these types of communities because it's fun and they actually help me improve :D


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