
Oct 24, 2015 19:14

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!promotion, !pimping

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vapor October 25 2015, 16:05:14 UTC
Thank you!!


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 16:20:14 UTC
not a problem at all :3
i wanted to create something cap related too but as an icontest lol
so i am really glad there's this community now :D


vapor October 25 2015, 16:48:24 UTC
I actually was thinking about creating a second community paired with this one, where the challenge would be to create icons from the caps posted that week. Or something like that. Keep it simple.


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 16:59:20 UTC
ohhhh yes that was the exact thing i was talking about :3 like something with a twist but still not too much committment (if that makes sense lol)
if you need help count me in *^* I modded a couple of elite communities back in the day, but then you know participation was really low so I closed everything. and I really love these types of communities because it's fun and they actually help me improve :D


vapor October 25 2015, 17:44:02 UTC
Yeah definitely! I thought I'd start it up next month, when ~capspiration had a chance to have a few weeks worth of caps. I'd love to have you on! :D

Right now I'm thinking it won't be elite or anything, just an open, typical icontest. What schedule would work for you? I was thinking posting challenges and voting on Saturdays, but if you'd prefer a different day, that'd be cool. I'm also not sure what to call it...capicontest is available. capspirationch is available, too, but I'm not sure if that's over the limit.

Also, no pressure if you don't want to do this, but you can absolutely post at ~capspiration if you want. Right now, if anyone is interested in posting, they just have to message me and I'll probably give them access. That way there's variety. :)


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 18:33:35 UTC
ooohh I'd love to post caps as well! (i have a tumblr where i post edited screencaps, because I love them lol)
yeah no elite it's fine, I mean everyone should join!
and yeah that's schedule sounds pretty good to me tbh, because saturdays are mostly free so. capicontest is really cool as a name, it might be a bit too long perhaps (i am not sure lol) something very simple is far better to me, something extra easy to type,you know? A+ for the name choice, cause I suck at them lol


vapor October 25 2015, 18:51:42 UTC
Sounds great! If you want to join the comm, I'll give you posting access.

To make it easier for myself, I schedule entries. It's easy to do. You basically just change the date on your post to a future date. So I've scheduled one post a day through November 2. It might let you see them if you go here. You don't have to schedule entries, but I figure it's easier to do a lot at once than one a day. :p I was thinking that we could each post once a day, or at least try to. :)

Oh, and you can post caps from anything - tv, film, trailers, music videos, web series, etc. Just make sure they're HQ, preferably 1080p, but definitely at least 720p. :)

Thanks so much for being a part of this! ^_^


wandererjulia October 25 2015, 18:59:15 UTC
i live with scheduled entries on tumblr I'll def take advantage of that on lj too lol
i joined but apparently I can't see the entries you have scheduled (~ weird) it's probably a glitch of some sort.
well if we have different fandoms it's going to be pretty various :D
thanks to you for mentioning it lol I couldn't actually find the courage to actually send you a message. (yeah, I am a chicken lol)


vapor October 25 2015, 22:38:59 UTC
I gave you posting access and everything, so you might be able to see it now. :)

No problem. I'm a chicken, too, lol. You can start posting/scheduling entries whenever you like. :) And like I said, if we both post daily, that'd be great because I say in the comm's info that a new cap will go up once or twice a day. :)

And I'll let you know about the challenge comm as soon as I make it, which will probably be in a couple weeks.


wandererjulia October 26 2015, 09:20:57 UTC
perfect! i am going to take a look at the caps you already posted!
no rush with the challenge comm, take your time :D besides we just need to have few more caps to work with :)


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