So one day I was thinking that there's lots of absolutely gorgeous dudes out there over the age of 50 45 (I got impatient waiting for Morrisey and Henry Rollins), and an equal number of gorgeous dudes who are dead. So I felt it was time for somebody to make a comprehensive list. ( The list started getting long, so I cut it for you )
moontrip just posted pictures of her room, which made me want to post pictures of mine. My old room was cooler, since I had painted it myself and had more room to keep all my shit, but I think this one's not too bad.
Pictures from Josh's birfday party. I thought I had taken a bunch more, but then I remembered I took most of them on Josh's camera and only grabbed my camera after everything cool had already happened. Eh, Josh'll probably post them later at which point I might steal a few to repost.