Let's Play: Final Fantasy VII - Chapter 7

Apr 09, 2011 20:26

Previously: Our heroes mourn all the people they got killed and go visit Fresita’s mom. Turns out Fresita is an Ancient and whatever that means, is got something to do with Sephyroth. The gang decides to rescue Fresita from the Shinra and the only way there is via the Wall Market. No crossdressing this time :-(

Chapter 7 - What would Spike Spiegel Do?

Turns out, Papaya has never been in the Shinra Building before.

*sights* Ok, I know what to do. *starts putting on the silk dress*


Papaya, wait! As cute as you look in drag, we got other options here.

We do?!

The two options Papaya was looking for back at the Wall Market...

The kids burst through the front door and fight their way up. I chose this way because it reminded me of certain bits from Cowboy Bebop and I see nothing wrong with taking inspiration from those particular bits. Anyone who has seen the series is probably head desking right about now.

PS: If you choose you sneak in you get this:

Seemingly endless flights of stairs…

… Yesaidu bitching about the seemingly endless flights of stairs…

… Kiwi suddenly realizing that not only she has been running ahead of the boys, but she’s done so while wearing this impossibly tiny leather skirt. She seems to forget about it as we move on.

I kept losing track, but I’m pretty sure we do get 60 floors.

Back to the Spike Spiegel way...

You can also walk into a store and buy a few potions, but they won’t let you open up the boxes. There’s also a movie about cars which I thought was more fun than Pixar’s version but maybe that’s just me.

… Where were we? Oh right…

We get into the elevator. Ten seconds later, I realize I’m supposed to push the buttons myself

For a few turns, we push some buttons, elevator moves, then stops and we fight. Lather rinse repeat. This happens to me sometime when I ride the new elevators in my apartment. It’s annoying, but I manage to get a few potions every now and then.

From now on, we're gonna need keycards to access the floors. Here we fought a couple of guards to get this one. The other ones are even easier to get.

Here is a fun bit. And by “fun” I mean “OUCH!”. Not only Papaya has to sneak in behind the statues so the guards won’t see him, but then he has to signal the others so they won’t be caught. One mistake and we gotta fight some guards and start over. Until we’ve pretty much killed all guards or make it safely to the end of the room. Can you guess which one happened to me?

This ain’t too shabby. They even have a nice tree in the middle of the room. You know what they don’t have? Good security. Speaking with a couple of people makes them think Papaya, Yesaidu and Kiwi are from maintenance and they give us a keycard to access the next floor.

Meet Mayor Domino. He’s pretty much a glorified librarian and if we guess a password he’ll give us the next keycard. If we guess it correctly the first time he will give us some extra (which turns out to be materia!) Yeah, I looked online for this one.

Dangerous, you say? Climb in, kids!

Shinra employees get a GYM AND A NAP ROOM? I am tempted to make the guys stop and pick some job applications. After a nap to get our health restored, raiding the lockers (the only thing the game won’t let us pick up is that megaphone) and saving our game, we’re off to the next floor.

Notice how this conversation is happening next to the urinals...

Let's move on to less disturbing topics, like listening to a board meeting.

Shinra has no plans to rebuild Sector 7, despite Reeve having a budget planned already. Apparently they're making a new Midgar.

People in attendance, from left to right: Heidegger, Palmer (Head of the Space Program), President Shinra himself, Scarlet (Head of Weapons Development) and Reeve.

Meet Professor Hojo, my mom’s favorite character. President Shinra asks him about Fresita.

I guess we have to follow Hojo. He is kind enough to move slowly.

Which is good, because we keep getting attacked by guards and... whatever this is. Other than them, no one seems to notice the three people wandering around and killing stuff.

Hojo takes his time to talk about this research project of his - an orange dog/panter thingie? How Papaya’s hair is not giving them away is a mystery.

Kiwi ignores the “Do No Poke the Glass” sign. Papaya finds something more intriguing.

.... Ok, I think I like the doggie panter better.

I agree with Yesaidu, let's move on to happier things. Because next, there's something wonderful waiting for us.


And Fresita's there too.

Hojo is pretty much "Whatevah!" at us and starts his experiment.

Yeah, Hojo's trying to make them mate. Ok... Hojo? It doesn’t work that way. Time for someone to do something heroic.

Doggie Panter seems ok. He's trying to hug Hoj's neck with its fangs. :3

Papaya rushes in to get Fresita AND a bit of materia I saw appear. This is the best day ever!

Then things go downhill.

Boss Battle time! Luckily, someone here knows said Boss and is going to help us fight: Mr. Doggie Panter himself!

I named him Apolonio. I bet he’s from Maracaibo.

I believe this guy’s name is “Sample: HO512”. I’m going to call him Gordon instead. Gordon is a tough fellow and uses poison on us. The little killer tomatoes in front are annoying but if we keep killing them Gordon will just make more, so we focus on the big guy and eventually win.

Kiwi/Fresita OTP <3

Yeah, splitting will make them less suspictious. Sure, let's go with that. But more importantly...

SCORE! I love this materia. When certain enemies use certain skills on you, you pick them up with this baby.

We also steal a new weapon from Papaya in this fight.

Our awesome sneaking out plan doesn't go as smoothly as planned.

By the way, Rude is also the drummer of Reno and the Turks. Tseng plays the kazoo.

We are taken to President Shinra, who gives us a speech about how he expects to find a lot of Mako in this Promised Land before having us locked away. My Rescue Team sucks.

At first I thought Yesaidu and Apolonio didn’t get a bed, but it’s folded against the wall. The gang can talk through the walls. Papaya asks Fresita about the Promised Land.

As for the rest of the gang, Papaya promises Kiwi that he'll find a way out for them, Yesaidu promises that he'll stop Shinra by recruiting new members for AVALANCHE and Apolonio misses his Grandpa or something.

There's nothing left to do but to take a nap and hope things are better when they wake up.

... There's a little more than four hours of gameplay so far and I've posted over 500 screencaps. Wow.

Next part shall be up and running next week! I might try to post a couple more parts or at least upload the pics next week as well because I'll be lacking fast internet during Holy Week.

This entry was originally posted at http://lafemmedarla.dreamwidth.org/709376.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

final fantasy, let's play

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