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Comments 3

tijd June 30 2023, 03:25:52 UTC
Чарли Росс, пресс-секретарь Трумэна, записал по горячим следам процедуру увольнения Джонсона

Sometime before Tuesday, September 5th, the President decided that he would ask Lou Johnson to resign when he came over to see the President that day at 12:30 for his regular weekly appointment. The President, however, could not bring the matter up at that time because Johnson brought Francis Matthews, the Secretary of the Navy, with him to discuss some routine business ( ... )


lafeber June 30 2023, 17:21:37 UTC
>> because Johnson brought Francis Matthews, the Secretary of the Navy, with him to discuss some routine business.
>> This time he brought the Secretary of the Air Force, Tom Finletter, with him

Вот ведь жук. Таскал за собой толпу, чтобы избежать увольнения. Напоминает поведение ребенка, который входит в комнату ругающихся родителей, чтобы те перестали ругаться при нем.


lafeber July 14 2023, 02:41:21 UTC
обращение к ветеранам, инсубординация.


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