Title: Something New Pairing: Van/Jake Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Jake adds something new to the scene. Notes: *facepalm* I have no idea where this came from and, um, yeah. I wrote RPS? Huh.
I nearly fell out of my chair when I refreshed my friend's page and saw this.
And yes! This is exactly what Van was thinking and feeling during that scene. EXACTLY. :P I was hoping someone would write something like this because that scene, I felt, was so intense. Especially the way Jake kissed Van. And I am so in love with it. Hence, my default icon. :D :D :D
Please be writing more RPS in the future. Please. Please? *big woobie eyes* *bribes you with sexual favors*
I nearly fell out of my chair when I refreshed my friend's page and saw this.
Ha! I know, right? I almost deleted it because I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. But I was watching that scene again yesterday and decided to just go with it I guess. And yes! The way Jake kisses Van in that scene is just, fuck, SO GOOD. It's my favorite kiss of theirs.
Um, we'll see. This baby drabble came out of nowhere but maybe? I dunno. Thanks so much for the love on it, bb. ♥
Um, no. Not there yet. But maybe someday. We'll see. I've toyed with the idea, but just, aaaack, I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe. No. So. Yeah. Something like that.
But so glad you're doing it! Yay for you! Yay for your smut! RPS or Nuke! Or anything really! Woohoo!
Hee, That's okay - I was just being smart. I totally understand and I was just screwing around myself. The idea of going any father that an actual drabble is kinda, like, prob. not gonna happen. But it was fun to play a little!
How the hell can you infuse so much into 100 words? Damn that was good. That particular kiss is definitely my fave (I think I burned a hole in the interwebz watching it). Oh and did I mention - damn!
Hee. Thank you! And, yes, that kiss is def. my favorite as well. There is just so much behind it. It's soft and intense and just drips with sex. Everything melts away in that moment for those two.
Comments 43
I nearly fell out of my chair when I refreshed my friend's page and saw this.
And yes! This is exactly what Van was thinking and feeling during that scene. EXACTLY. :P I was hoping someone would write something like this because that scene, I felt, was so intense. Especially the way Jake kissed Van. And I am so in love with it. Hence, my default icon. :D :D :D
Please be writing more RPS in the future. Please. Please? *big woobie eyes* *bribes you with sexual favors*
Ha! I know, right? I almost deleted it because I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. But I was watching that scene again yesterday and decided to just go with it I guess. And yes! The way Jake kisses Van in that scene is just, fuck, SO GOOD. It's my favorite kiss of theirs.
Um, we'll see. This baby drabble came out of nowhere but maybe? I dunno. Thanks so much for the love on it, bb. ♥
*waves the pom poms of RPS goodness*
you did it, you did it, you did it, you did it!
ETA: in honor of this, i have to edit this to put up this lovely avatar of goodness.
Huh? What?
It's just a little drabble but my cherry is officially popped. *smooches*
pretty please with cherries jubilee!
AAAhhh, and it was so good! Needs must have more! Please!!!
I mean, you know, if you want. No pressure. Hee.
But I don't think I can ever write, like, real RPS so little drabbles work. Glad you liked it!
Your turn! Hee! ♥
Um, no. Not there yet. But maybe someday. We'll see. I've toyed with the idea, but just, aaaack, I don't know. I don't think so. Maybe. No. So. Yeah. Something like that.
But so glad you're doing it! Yay for you! Yay for your smut! RPS or Nuke! Or anything really! Woohoo!
Damn that was good. That particular kiss is definitely my fave (I think I burned a hole in the interwebz watching it).
Oh and did I mention - damn!
Jesus. Those boys, I swear! ♥
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