Title: Something New Pairing: Van/Jake Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Jake adds something new to the scene. Notes: *facepalm* I have no idea where this came from and, um, yeah. I wrote RPS? Huh.
That? is the wrong answer! The correct answer is: why of course, Monday. I actually have this piece I've been secretly working on and it will be ready soon. It's smutty and funny and all things wonderful. Just wait until you read it.
(really, i'll take a maybe, especially if it's a maybe with a side of more than likely yes)
*waves the pom poms of RPS goodness*
you did it, you did it, you did it, you did it!
ETA: in honor of this, i have to edit this to put up this lovely avatar of goodness.
Huh? What?
It's just a little drabble but my cherry is officially popped. *smooches*
pretty please with cherries jubilee!
(really, i'll take a maybe, especially if it's a maybe with a side of more than likely yes)
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