The world must know my PAIN!

Oct 26, 2005 00:22

Oh hell, we'll make this public, since the WORLD must know!

MY ANKLE STILL HURTS! It hurts worse now! ::pout:: 'Twas fine for walking and stuff for most of the day, but now that I've been sitting here, doing my homework like a STUDIOUS SHREW, the PAIN HAS INCREASED! >_< Now I'm limping! Vae!! VAE ( Read more... )

pain, hw

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Comments 7

shawk October 26 2005, 06:27:24 UTC
Are you losing it?

Here, shirtless Sean Bean will help you back to your senses. Although, wait, that doesn't really make sense. Oh well. ;)


ladyshrew October 26 2005, 13:17:01 UTC
::giggles:: Apparently I am...


sara_merry99 October 26 2005, 13:48:57 UTC
It's actually not at all uncommon for an injury like that to be worse the second day. I was serious about the ice last night. And keep it elevated. Footstools for you today.

If it still hurts later in the day go to the doctor, you may have sprained it.


ladyshrew October 26 2005, 14:00:42 UTC
Hrmmmm... Well, it seems to be feeling a bit better this morning. I didn't actually do ice, but I used a med thing that's supposed to cool it.

Not sure if I'll be able to manage footstools though...


anonymous April 6 2006, 17:51:14 UTC
You're writing about Petronius?! I *LOVE* Petronius! I want to hear all about this! (I've already read the Satyricon, but I want to know about his *life*, not just his writings. So pass on any recommended reading!)


cb4260 April 6 2006, 17:51:44 UTC
sorry I didn't sign in when I posted that comment.


ladyshrew April 6 2006, 19:16:26 UTC
Yeah, that was last sem. ;-)


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