The world must know my PAIN!

Oct 26, 2005 00:22

Oh hell, we'll make this public, since the WORLD must know!

MY ANKLE STILL HURTS! It hurts worse now! ::pout:: 'Twas fine for walking and stuff for most of the day, but now that I've been sitting here, doing my homework like a STUDIOUS SHREW, the PAIN HAS INCREASED! >_< Now I'm limping! Vae!! VAE!!!

Good thing my role for Latin Day consists of STANDING THERE AS A STATUE. :-P

Also, I've been reliving Roman Religion class (so much that in typing "reliving," I accidentally typed "religion" :-P) while working on this presentation on Roman magic for Petronius. bah!

Please note that I'm like... the OPPOSITE of my icon right now! wah!

Edited to add:

::sings:: Don't worry! It's ok! The paaaain will gooo awaaay! He muuust have mistook me for a cartoooooon!


pain, hw

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