Open Letter to the World

Oct 18, 2005 00:44

Dear World,

As HUMAN BEINGS (or species vaguely related to human beings--perhaps as quasi-intelligent inhabitants or vistors of this Earth), EVERYONE should own a copy of Homer--both the Iliad and the Odyssey. These can be found for very cheap used or for a few bucks at Borders (even less if you have a coupon). Even if you can only afford the translation of stupid-ass-misogynistic Butler or the puny prose translation of Signet, You Should Own Your Very Own Real Actual Physical Book Copy of Homer. And if I like you enough and see you often enough, I'll probably BUY you a copy myself if you ask me nicely.

This is fun reading. You will not be bored. You'll learn stuff without even having to try. Promise.

In other news, my LJ is going friends-only. There may be an entry here or there that isn't (such as this one), but for the most part, if I haven't friended you, you won't be able to read. If you want to be friended, post here and tell me who the hell you are and why the hell you're friending me. I'll usually friend back, but I can't promise that I don't bite.

A friends-only banner may or may not be forth-coming.

Gratias vobis ago,


dear world, homer, lj

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