Open Letter to the World

Oct 18, 2005 00:44

Dear World,

As HUMAN BEINGS (or species vaguely related to human beings--perhaps as quasi-intelligent inhabitants or vistors of this Earth), EVERYONE should own a copy of Homer--both the Iliad and the Odyssey. These can be found for very cheap used or for a few bucks at Borders (even less if you have a coupon). Even if you can only afford the ( Read more... )

dear world, homer, lj

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Comments 36

lost_romanov October 18 2005, 05:08:10 UTC
Even if you can only afford the translation of stupid-ass-misogynistic Butler or the puny prose translation of Signet, You Should Own Your Very Own Real Actual Physical Book Copy of Homer



ladyshrew October 18 2005, 12:48:30 UTC


ucsbclassics53 October 18 2005, 06:19:49 UTC
The Goddess has spoken! Everyone buy a copy of Homer or else cats will not be pleased.


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 12:51:05 UTC


druncanhinz October 18 2005, 06:41:47 UTC
What about Medea? FUCK HOMER! It's about PRIORITIES, bitch! ::seethes::


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 12:57:54 UTC
YOU can go fuck Homer. Medea is so obvious it doesn't need to be said. I only rant about her every day of my life and then some.


druncanhinz October 18 2005, 14:01:38 UTC
Medea should ALWAYS be said, just because it's fucking Medea! And I don't fuck blind guys. It's just a personal preference. :P


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 14:03:22 UTC
::snerk:: I say Medea all the time.

And there's still no proof that Homer was blind! Ask LD! :-P


wackyvorlon October 18 2005, 12:23:55 UTC
I'm still working my way through the illiad:) It's a slow read, granted it's good. Those unfamiliar with classics would find it really hard, though. A number of the most important characters have multiple names:)


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 12:47:38 UTC
Excuses. ;-)

Some editions have glossaries, and my first read of the Odyssey was around 11/12 when I was unfamiliar with these too! :-P


wackyvorlon October 18 2005, 12:52:18 UTC
Ha ha, nice:) Did you ever wonder about Atrides/Menelaus+Agamemnon? Or the two Ajaxes?


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 13:05:37 UTC
Well, I think I got the two Ajaxes explained to me a bit later when we read the abridge Iliad in class. I don't really remember much from then.


wackyvorlon October 18 2005, 17:48:42 UTC
Ooh ooh! You'll never guess what I found! A firefly comic book! Just three issues, covers the time between the end of the series and the beginning of the movie. :D


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 18:03:23 UTC
I know. I already have the first two issues but haven't had a chance to get the third. ;-)


wackyvorlon October 18 2005, 18:06:41 UTC
:O I have.... the third!


ladyshrew October 18 2005, 18:15:05 UTC
I know. Somebody stole it from my Borders before I could. I'm mad!

There are apparently three diff covers for each issue too!


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