Being a Johnnys Jr. fan...

Sep 28, 2016 23:26 hard. Extremely hard. Your feelings are going to be thrown all over, you try to gather them in place but while you're not done with that yet, it's going to be thrown all over once again ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

subarunee September 29 2016, 00:35:01 UTC
Oh my... Your journal...

This post is really what i think right know....

My English is not good so i can't write it well but what you write is what i feel right now, you're not alone, i'm also sad and angry and having a bad heartbreak right now...

Still hoping for them to reunite again...

Why jimusho do something like this to them...


ladysayori September 29 2016, 13:21:15 UTC
This experience is really cruel :(

You know, I can't even finish watching a video of the other group without crying ;_; Sometimes, I would end up saying "Please return Aran to Travis Japan" even if I know that the members were not really at fault and they're not the ones who decide.

I really want to support Aran 100%, but it's really hard for me to do that now. And it must be hard for Aran too. I feel bad as a fan, but I can't stop my emotions either. T_T

Thank you for your comment! A lot of Aran's Japanese fans (and even some foreign fans) are enjoying Aran's inclusion on that other group. I am glad to know another person who wants Aran back in Travis Japan! I hope they keep Myuto in TraJa too. Let's not give up on 9nin Travis Japan ne.^^


subarunee September 29 2016, 22:49:31 UTC
The most cruel part is when someone said that the other group have more chance to debut than Traja..

I understand what they mean but i don't want to believe and i'm not agree with that...

It hurting me so badly...

I'll not give up on 9nin Traja...


ladysayori September 30 2016, 15:39:39 UTC
Ah, because the other group is given more opportunities. It's so sad that fairness is never a thing in Johnnys. :(

Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! Hopefully soon, we won't have to suffer so much.


kokiluv25 September 29 2016, 16:57:42 UTC
All we can do is hope for the best for our boys (;~;) I know its hard right now but remember that you're not alone! Make sure you take care of yourself too, and treat yourself to some yummy food <3 Sending lots of love your way <33


ice_baby3 April 3 2017, 05:58:29 UTC
I was just thinking again about how much I miss seeing TJ, then I saw this post. I've liked them sooo much since the beginning. I survived the time Miyachika and Aran kept being put somewhere else (it was a scary time even though I liked everyone in SB), but at least they were both still together with TJ.
When it happened again, I no longer see Aran with them and it's....annoying? Heartbreaking? A little bit of both?

I wasn't a Jr fan when I first got into johnny's. All of my faves were already in their group. I was excited to become a Jr fan because they're my age and I would see them debut, but it's sooo hard!! :(
I had no idea it would be....:(((((


ladysayori April 12 2017, 20:38:34 UTC
Hi! Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for the late reply >.It's still very hard for me right now, but I'm trying my best to accept things. From when Aran stopped doing activities with Traja until last March, I've been crying almost everyday, even watching their past videos was hard. I didn't want to accept that Aran is not in Traja anymore. But when I learned it was Aran's decision to leave the group, and when I learned what the other Traja members felt about it, I decided to accept things for the sake of the boys, especially of the remaining Traja members ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 12 2017, 21:11:03 UTC
Awwww I didn't even know it was Aran's decision. (*゚O゚*)
I just really miss seeing Travis Japan together. Especially the youngest five members. I really thought everyone could debut together, or at least I hoped. Well, good for Aran. He really wants to succeed. He's really doing well. I guess he really knows what's best for himself, so I feel better now. Thank you for this information, I didn't know about. It's been really eye-opening.
I hope everyone finds success and debuts somewhere in JE. Even if they're not together. That's been a problem for me. Hoping everyone debuts, naively, when there are so many juniors. ( •́ ∧ •̀ )


ladysayori April 13 2017, 14:52:43 UTC
The remaining Traja members mentioned it lately in a magazine, that it was Aran's decision. I still don't feel that he needed to leave Traja for the other unit tbh, maybe I am biased but I really like the quality of Traja's performances and I've grown to like them because of the warmth they have within the group as well. I'm not belittling the other groups but you know there are just some groups which really gets to your liking and groups which don't. And to my preference, Traja is great enough even if they have less opportunities. But if that's what Aran wants I feel like I can't say anything about it anymore. Just like Traja members I guess I'll just have to respect his decision ( ... )


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