Being a Johnnys Jr. fan...

Sep 28, 2016 23:26 hard. Extremely hard. Your feelings are going to be thrown all over, you try to gather them in place but while you're not done with that yet, it's going to be thrown all over once again ( Read more... )

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ice_baby3 April 3 2017, 05:58:29 UTC
I was just thinking again about how much I miss seeing TJ, then I saw this post. I've liked them sooo much since the beginning. I survived the time Miyachika and Aran kept being put somewhere else (it was a scary time even though I liked everyone in SB), but at least they were both still together with TJ.
When it happened again, I no longer see Aran with them and it's....annoying? Heartbreaking? A little bit of both?

I wasn't a Jr fan when I first got into johnny's. All of my faves were already in their group. I was excited to become a Jr fan because they're my age and I would see them debut, but it's sooo hard!! :(
I had no idea it would be....:(((((


ladysayori April 12 2017, 20:38:34 UTC
Hi! Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for the late reply >.It's still very hard for me right now, but I'm trying my best to accept things. From when Aran stopped doing activities with Traja until last March, I've been crying almost everyday, even watching their past videos was hard. I didn't want to accept that Aran is not in Traja anymore. But when I learned it was Aran's decision to leave the group, and when I learned what the other Traja members felt about it, I decided to accept things for the sake of the boys, especially of the remaining Traja members ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 12 2017, 21:11:03 UTC
Awwww I didn't even know it was Aran's decision. (*゚O゚*)
I just really miss seeing Travis Japan together. Especially the youngest five members. I really thought everyone could debut together, or at least I hoped. Well, good for Aran. He really wants to succeed. He's really doing well. I guess he really knows what's best for himself, so I feel better now. Thank you for this information, I didn't know about. It's been really eye-opening.
I hope everyone finds success and debuts somewhere in JE. Even if they're not together. That's been a problem for me. Hoping everyone debuts, naively, when there are so many juniors. ( •́ ∧ •̀ )


ladysayori April 13 2017, 14:52:43 UTC
The remaining Traja members mentioned it lately in a magazine, that it was Aran's decision. I still don't feel that he needed to leave Traja for the other unit tbh, maybe I am biased but I really like the quality of Traja's performances and I've grown to like them because of the warmth they have within the group as well. I'm not belittling the other groups but you know there are just some groups which really gets to your liking and groups which don't. And to my preference, Traja is great enough even if they have less opportunities. But if that's what Aran wants I feel like I can't say anything about it anymore. Just like Traja members I guess I'll just have to respect his decision ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 13 2017, 16:00:48 UTC
I feel really bad about you crying because of this situation. (๑ó⌓ò๑) It's really nice to know that there are Traja fans like you who love them sooooo much. I'm still hoping they'll stay together, but maybe that's just me being naive again. Like you said, I thought he could do both. Myuto's still in Travis Japan, while being in Love Tune, isn't he?

I just really want to see them again. After Gamushara ended, I don't see them as much as before. Especially not recently. I haven't seen anyone uploading Love Tune or Traja clips. I'm not sure where to find them. Do you know if they've appeared in any recent Shokura Blogs? I've only really seen them in magazines as of late.


ladysayori April 16 2017, 01:11:50 UTC
Yet again, I'm sorry for the late reply ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 16 2017, 02:47:55 UTC
Oh, it's okay ( ... )


ladysayori April 16 2017, 15:17:13 UTC
Yes, sometimes Myuto would look tired. I think the agency have offered him to concentrate only on the new group but it was Myuto who wanted to stay in Traja. It's possible for him since he's not in college, but I hope he doesn't push himself too hard too.

I might have heard of what you were talking about (just today.XD) It seems King has a new show. I'm not sure if other jrs will appear on it though. Maybe just like Prince's show, the number of jrs who will be allowed to appear is very limited. I don't follow King's activities because I like ShoRen in Kansai more... with Daigo ❤ Hahaha. I pretty much like the jrs you like too, I'm glad I asked. XD

I wasn't in the Jr. fandom left when Mizuki left but I know him since I watched junilan episodes when I became a fan. I also like Kurita Kei, I swear he would be one of my favorites if he's still with the agency. Everyone has grown from that time ne. Btw, I wonder if you've heard? It seems Fu had also left just recently.


ice_baby3 April 16 2017, 16:31:00 UTC
No, not Fu too!! It scares me when people leave. Fu was always with Reia, Amu and other juniors I like. Even though they weren't always front and center like Genki, Yuta and Kishi, I depended on them to stick together. (I thought that that way they'd surely have a group someday) The biggest insult to me was the change of Sexy Boyz. Those times were perfect for me. My top two favorites were Travis Japan and Sexy Boyz (Yuta, Kaoru, Fu, Amu, Reia, Genki & Kishi). I didn't even mind Miyachika appearing from time to time, but when they dismissed 57% percent of the group and replaced them with Aran and Chika, I they say SHOOK lol (Shane Dawson reference) Can't they just reunite Amu and Reia with Kishi, Yuta and Genki!!!! Lol, one can dream ( ... )


ladysayori April 16 2017, 21:32:41 UTC
Yeah, Fu is really talented too so probably he thought there's some other place where his skills will be more appreciated and put to good use. And he found the timing to leave just after he graduated from high school. It's always sad to see someone leave :( My biggest heartbreak so far was Hiroki, because up until recently I was still hoping that I would see the 9-member group Travis Japan again. But things happened and in less than a year, they were down to 7 ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 16 2017, 22:03:19 UTC
WHAT!? I didn't know about Hiroki either. I don't know what the future holds for Traja at this point. From 9 to 7? :( Now I have to change my pw 😭

Oh, I'm sorry. ^^ I didn't mean I was upset about Aran and Chika being in SB. I was upset about the other members being removed. :3 (I thought it might have came off that way) Another pairing I really liked btw was AmuxYuta.

If only the fans could decide on the groups lol
Yes, it's really sad to see someone leave. I miss Shogo's hamster cheeks. <3


ladysayori April 17 2017, 11:19:31 UTC
Yes, Hiroki left T_T The rumor came out in February, then by March 1 his profile and picture were removed from the Jr. Info site :( I think lots of other fans question how it will be for Traja too. It's obviously the fault of the agency why things happened, if they didn't bring the complication to Aran and have given them enough opportunities to compete with the others, then Hiroki may have not left. Yet, the boys blame no one but themselves. But they're not stopping with that. It's not like they're slacking now just because Aran who obviously was the most popular is not with them, or Hiroki who was like a pillar for them had also left. Probably during the past year, among any other units, Traja was inflicted the most pain. Aran leaving, not being given any original songs nor costumes, Hiroki leaving, always just keeping them at the back. But I think the past year they've actually become stronger, more knitted as a group, and I see them working so hard so I will say that I can see them continuing as 7 ( ... )


ice_baby3 April 17 2017, 13:13:48 UTC
Oh, It's not long. I promise I've read everything you shared with me very carefully. This info is very important to me. I never ask anyone about these type of things. I feel a little depressed now though lol.

Oh, and the reason I said I have to change my password is because a pw I commonly use goes a little something like "travis japan 9 forever" (vaguely describing it, of course ^^). But I don't have to because they'll still always be 9 to me. 😊


ladysayori April 18 2017, 03:29:09 UTC
Hahaha I see about your pw! Yes of course, Travis Japan will always be the 9 of them :) Aran and Hiroki will always be Travis Japan members for me too :') But right now, I want to support the 7 as they are :)

Thanks for reading through btw! I always enjoy talking about Traja. I don't get to do it often because I only know a few foreign Jr. fans and most of them have only a little interest in Traja. I won't make this any longer since I feel bad that I always reply late haha, I don't really check my lj often nowadays so my replies tend to be delayed. But anyway, thanks for your time! :)


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