Being a Johnnys Jr. fan...

Sep 28, 2016 23:26 hard. Extremely hard. Your feelings are going to be thrown all over, you try to gather them in place but while you're not done with that yet, it's going to be thrown all over once again ( Read more... )

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ladysayori April 17 2017, 11:19:31 UTC
Yes, Hiroki left T_T The rumor came out in February, then by March 1 his profile and picture were removed from the Jr. Info site :( I think lots of other fans question how it will be for Traja too. It's obviously the fault of the agency why things happened, if they didn't bring the complication to Aran and have given them enough opportunities to compete with the others, then Hiroki may have not left. Yet, the boys blame no one but themselves. But they're not stopping with that. It's not like they're slacking now just because Aran who obviously was the most popular is not with them, or Hiroki who was like a pillar for them had also left. Probably during the past year, among any other units, Traja was inflicted the most pain. Aran leaving, not being given any original songs nor costumes, Hiroki leaving, always just keeping them at the back. But I think the past year they've actually become stronger, more knitted as a group, and I see them working so hard so I will say that I can see them continuing as 7.

You know King is the most pushed unit right now, right? But even King members themselves recognize Traja's efforts. More like they respect them so much. When Takaito was asked who he thinks was working their hardest, he answered Travis Japan. He said after every performance, you will see that they exerted the most effort because they're so tired they would look like they're dying lol. Sho and Ren also had a conversation where they said they can't win against Travis Japan. Maybe someday, the jimusho will also look their way. :')

Ah no, I was just sharing my thought on sekubo. It's not like I felt that you were against AraChika there or anything haha.

Haha me too. It seems the group Shogo joined after leaving Johnnys didn't work out either though. We can only hope the best for him. :)

I'm sorry this turned out so long, I swear if someone talk to me about Traja I can always write an essay 😂


ice_baby3 April 17 2017, 13:13:48 UTC
Oh, It's not long. I promise I've read everything you shared with me very carefully. This info is very important to me. I never ask anyone about these type of things. I feel a little depressed now though lol.

Oh, and the reason I said I have to change my password is because a pw I commonly use goes a little something like "travis japan 9 forever" (vaguely describing it, of course ^^). But I don't have to because they'll still always be 9 to me. 😊


ladysayori April 18 2017, 03:29:09 UTC
Hahaha I see about your pw! Yes of course, Travis Japan will always be the 9 of them :) Aran and Hiroki will always be Travis Japan members for me too :') But right now, I want to support the 7 as they are :)

Thanks for reading through btw! I always enjoy talking about Traja. I don't get to do it often because I only know a few foreign Jr. fans and most of them have only a little interest in Traja. I won't make this any longer since I feel bad that I always reply late haha, I don't really check my lj often nowadays so my replies tend to be delayed. But anyway, thanks for your time! :)


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