[fic] Dream of the vivid sky pt. 5

Jun 16, 2010 22:56

Title: Dream of the vivid sky
Part: 5/?
Author: ladyrevania
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Main pairing: Ryoga/IV
Other characters: ViViD, SCREW and Alice Nine members
Disclaimer: Vivid imagination is the only thing I own.
Summary: When you're young you don't know anything about the life until you start experiencing new things and your life usually becomes more difficult than you thought.
A/N: This is a side story to the Screw it! fic. You can find it in my Fanfiction Archive.

Ryoga woke me up early in the morning, because he had to go to work. We were sleeping in one bed, because the apartment is small, so I didn't have a choice. It wasn't comfortable, I need a lot of space for myself when I sleep, but this time I had to endure it somehow.

I was sitting by the small table and rubbing his eyes when he put a bowl of cereal in front of me.
"I'm not hungry, let me sleep..." I murmured.
"Not hungry? Well, let me tell you. You either move your ass and look for a job or come back to school. I can let you sleep here only if you won't be lazy."
I opened my eyes and looked at him surprised.
"Huh? Give me some time, I didn't sleep well tonight and I will look for a job, I promise." I pouted and hugged my Mameshiba.
"Eat. Go out. Then tell me about the results... but better find the job quickly." Ryoga said and left, because he was in hurry. I sighed and started eating cereal slowly, wondering why Reno is still sleeping. Ryoga said he works too, but shouldn't he go out already?
I decided to not wake him up, because some people work in the afternoon, maybe Reno was one of them and he wanted to sleep a bit longer.

Usually I don't do what other people tell me, but this time I wanted to look for a job myself. I surfed on the internet a bit, using their wireless network with my laptop (of course, besides doing some unimportant things I checked some ads, but didn't find anything for me), then dressed up and right when I heard Reno is getting up, I quietly left. I didn't want to let them know I left the apartment at such a late hour.

I really didn't know what to do and where to go. Someone left a newspaper on the park bench, so I could check some ads there and I didn't have money to buy one, so I was really lucky this time. I marked a few of them, took off my cell phone and started calling them.

There were two places where I had to come and talk to the employers in person, the rest of them weren't interested. So, the first one was a ramen bar. I really hoped it will go fine, but as soon as this man saw my dyed hair, he started acting strange. I knew it didn't go well...
The other place was a hypermarket, I tried to apply for the cashier's job. Unfortunately, they didn't tell me they're looking for people who are over twenty, so they weren't interested either.

I tried walking down the streets, but I didn't find anything! That made me really upset. Was I bad, stupid, ugly or something else? Who no one wanted to hire me? Why?! I felt completely useless, I couldn't even find a stupid job!

I knew Ryoga will complain, so I didn't want to tell him anything. I went to Shin's instead. The person who opened was his brother. Of course, Shin was at school, I forgot about it!
"Hi, my bro is not here. It's kinda early, shouldn't you be at school?" He asked.
"No, I told you I don't have time for school, I need to find a job ASAP." I sighed and looked at the ground.
"Oh, let me guess, it's not going well, right?"
I nodded.
"Ummm, go in and sit down, you look tired." Shou smiled and invited me inside. "Don't worry, everyone has problems with this crap lately. Saga almost went crazy when he was looking for a job, but he made it eventually."
I really didn't know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut for a longer while. Actually, I got an idea, but I was afraid to ask Shou about it. He could say "no" or scold me for this, but I wanted to talk to Saga, if I could work in his bar.

"You're really upset, aren't you? I don't know how to help you, maybe I could call Saga to come and give you some useful tips?"
I nodded energetically. Yes, I definitely needed Saga here. I just had to try... if I didn't, I wouldn't get this job for sure. If I try, there is a tiny chance he will agree.
Shou dialed Saga's number and talked to him for a while.
"Actually he is coming here, so he should be in a few minutes. Want something to drink?"
"Water, please." I said silently, because I was nervous... and almost sure Saga will refuse, but he was my last chance!

I was slowly drinking and staring at the ground when Saga came. I heard Shou talking with him about some crap and then they came in.
"Oh, actually Ivu is having problems with getting a job. Can you share some tips with him?" Shou finally said.
"What, tips?!" Saga looked at me and then back at his friend. "You know I couldn't find anything, so I started working in the host club, saved money and opened my bar, but it's still only a beginning, so don't treat me like some kind of guru." He shrugged, went to the fridge and took a beer from there, like it was his own place. Maybe he comes here quite often.
"Oh, I thought you can help him..." Shin's brother frowned. "He looks really sad."
I took a deep breath and finally said what I wanted to say:
"Maybe you could hire me in your bar? I won't drink any alcohol and will work hard, I promise." I glanced at Saga and bit my lip.
"You? At my bar? You're a minor! I would help you, but I really can't. It's the law, you know..." He seemed to think about something for a while and then smiled widely. "But I can hire you for one day trial. If you manage to do everything well enough, I can get a fake ID for you... but ONLY if you will be good."
"Saga, you're crazy..." Shou opened his mouth completely confused.
"Hey, I'm just being nice and I want to help him." He ruffled my hair. "Today, in two hours. Here's the address." He wrote it down on the piece of paper and gave it to me. "Better don't be late or I might change my mind. Now go home and relax, there are lots of people there, that's why I need an extra worker. You're going to work your ass off if you were telling me the truth."
"Thanks, I will do my best. See you later." I got up and went out of the apartment. I was kinda happy he agreed, but it was still only a trial and I've never been working before, so I had no idea if I manage to do everything fine. I was really scared and almost sure I will fail.

Going back was a good idea, but I forgot to take something very useful with myself. Keys to Ryoga and Reno's apartment and it was closed. They both left and completely forgot about me... I sat on the ground and leaned on the door. It wasn't nice to wait like that. I wanted to rest a bit, because looking for a job made me tired and I still had to come to Saga's bar soon. I felt even more nervous about it. Working when you're tired isn't a good idea for sure.
Unfortunately, none of them come, so I was sitting on the ground all the time and left when I had to, I couldn't be late.

Fortunately, I came there on time, but I was really hungry and thirsty, because I haven't eaten anything since morning and haven't drunk anything since the visit in Shin's apartment.
"Oh, here you are!" Saga smiled, or maybe smirked a little, I didn't pay attention to his face that much.
"Ummm, yes. I'm not late. So, what am I supposed to do?"
"Follow me." Saga went inside.
The bar wasn't big, but there were many people inside... I recognized some musicians and workers from our label, it seemed Saga's bar was quite popular among them.
"This is Tora, he will explain you everything... and don't stress that much, Ivu! Relax." He put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed them lightly, then whispered to my ear. "You're 22 if he asks, okay?"
I nodded and walked to the tall brunette working behind the bar, then stood on his left and looked at him preparing some drinks. It seemed he wasn't very talkative.
"Wash the dishes." He told me, instead of showing what I should do, but there were a lot of glasses and tankards in the sink indeed, so he probably needed some help, that's all.

Working with Tora wasn't easy, because he didn't explain me anything at all. He even ignored my questions and I was asking about many things. I just had to watch him all the time, it was the only way to learn everything.
It was the middle of a night when we were closing. Saga came and asked me to sit by one of the tables.
"So, how was the work?" He asked.
"Tiring... and Tora didn't tell me anything, I had to watch him all the time."
"He didn't? Really? Well, sometimes he's really silent, but... you did well, I thought he explained everything to you, because you didn't do many mistakes. I can employ you for a month and then we will think about a longer period of time, is that fine?" He looked at me.
"Yes, I think it is..." I nodded nervously.
"Don't worry so much." Saga smiled and ruffled my hair. "Now write some of your data on the paper. You know, first and last name, address and other things you need on the document. I'm going to buy a fake ID for you. Don't worry about money, it will be a gift from me. Then go and rest well, because you're working again tomorrow. Oh, and be here one hour earlier than today, we need to take you a photo for the document."
He gave me a piece of paper and I wrote everything down. Then I said 'bye' and left. I was really exhausted, but at least Saga was nice to me, I was afraid my boss will be an idiot, because my dad always complains about his.

When I came back to Reno and Ryoga's apartment it was 2am already. The door were opened, so I came in really silently to not wake them up. I immediately went to the kitchen and drank some mineral water, then opened the fridge to choose something to eat. I didn't even care if it was fine to touch their food without asking, I was really hungry. Finally I chose something, put it on the worktop and turned around to get a plate when I saw Ryoga standing in the doorway and looking at me.
"Oh dear, you scared me so much! Did I wake you? I'm sorry, I tried to be silent..." I told him quietly, to not wake Reno up too.
"Where were you? It's late, you know?"
"I was at work." I replied, turned back and continued making my food.
"Work? You found something so quickly? I don't believe it." He snorted. "Unless someone hired you in a brothel."
"Who do you think I am?! I'd never work in brothel! A friend of Shin's brother hired me in his bar and it's opened in the evening. That's why I came home so late."
"Bar?! You're a minor, you can't work in the bar!" He was definitely displeased with what I said... but I didn't care. It's my life and I decide what to do with it.
I just flipped him off, grinning widely.
...but he didn't like it.
"Listen to me, I'm serious. You can't work in the bar and you won't. Better come back to school and go home, seriously."
I shook my head. There was no way I could do that. I really wanted to play in this band... and I didn't want to meet Manabu anymore. When I didn't see him, the pain in my heart seemed to disappear slowly. I had to abandon my previous life and start a new one. That was something I needed the most at that moment.
I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday, but something really bad happened in my life. I will try to update as quick as it's possible, though! I just have difficulties with concentrating on it, but I try my best.

Please comment, it makes me feel good.

fanfic, ryoga/iv, dream of the vivid sky

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