Yes, on second thoughts... Hope is something to tap into. It is there always, and also for me, if not now, than maybe tomorrow! That is a relief for me! Thanks!
I was so angry at myself having asked this question last night ("Must ask more positive questions, that are not impossible.") But I am always so curious what card I will get to the questions!
I was ashamed about the entry (negative), so first thing I did this morning is making it 'Friends only', without having read the comments. I change it back now. It stays as negative as it is, but ah well, I feel better now about the possibility of hope to tap into.
When I look at the card, the person is actively wishing, dropping a coin into a wishing well, and in a sense bringing the wish on the physical plane, manifesting and making an offering. In the story, Jesus manifests bread and fish for the people. Both acts require faith.
I don't see this as you need more hope but rather that it flows eternal. The story and the card are so perfectly linked. Jesus is the light and the star is the light and they are all connected. To access the eternal light requires hope for something better in the world. The people believed and were fed and still to this day I think people are continuing to nourished by the story because it brings a connection to how belief can bring change beyond all that seems possible. The bridge to change is hope.
I hope that is helpful because it poured out of me with my fingers flying on the keyboard. (I usually type slowly)
Comments 4
I think this is a most perfect card to receive here.
I was so angry at myself having asked this question last night ("Must ask more positive questions, that are not impossible.") But I am always so curious what card I will get to the questions!
I was ashamed about the entry (negative), so first thing I did this morning is making it 'Friends only', without having read the comments. I change it back now. It stays as negative as it is, but ah well, I feel better now about the possibility of hope to tap into.
I don't see this as you need more hope but rather that it flows eternal. The story and the card are so perfectly linked. Jesus is the light and the star is the light and they are all connected. To access the eternal light requires hope for something better in the world. The people believed and were fed and still to this day I think people are continuing to nourished by the story because it brings a connection to how belief can bring change beyond all that seems possible. The bridge to change is hope.
I hope that is helpful because it poured out of me with my fingers flying on the keyboard. (I usually type slowly)
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