"I mean, we almost got killed by a macro-microtiger?"

Aug 02, 2013 22:40

There is a lot of capslock in this post, and also some pictures:

Journey Into Mystery #654 )

comics, ff, captain marvel, journey into mystery, batman, fearless defenders, hawkeye

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Comments 10

a_phoenixdragon August 3 2013, 04:01:47 UTC
My Mom was a Fantastic Four buff, but honestly, that was a while ago (though she squealed over how close the movie was to the original comic).

I am lost when it comes to comics, lol!! But I love reading your Squee!



ladymercury_10 August 3 2013, 04:12:29 UTC
I read some of the original Fantastic Four back when I was in like eighth or ninth grade! The library had a b&w anthology and my brother was really into old comics at the time, so I was reading them too.

Hee, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And really, it's hard NOT to be lost re: comics. Every time I think I have finally wrapped my head around them I find out something else weird. :P



eve11 August 3 2013, 13:58:31 UTC
I got your postcard! Thanks :)

Sometimes it takes us several days to check the mail, so I'm not sure when you sent it... But I did get it! And it was very sweet. It's actually been pleasant to unseasonably cool this past week which has been really nice. Hope the weather has been as nice in Chicago :)


ladymercury_10 August 3 2013, 16:43:04 UTC
Oh, you're very welcome! Glad to hear your weather has been nice. It's been like that here, too, but then suddenly it got really humid and kind of hot again. SUMMER HOW DOES IT WORK?


aoife_hime August 3 2013, 14:02:39 UTC
I finally started reading Journey Into Mystery! But I'm only on issue 624 or 625 (haven't read it in a little bit). My friend gave me all of the issues through 645, which is awesome because I love me some kid Loki :D Even if I know I'm going to end up crying. Also, Sif's faces are pretty awesome in those pics.


ladymercury_10 August 3 2013, 16:49:46 UTC
Oh cool! I've heard really good things about Journey Into Mystery when it had Loki in it, but I only started reading at #652 because I heard Sif was being both badass and adorkable (which was true). The guy who was writing Loki is on Young Avengers now, so I hear there's some follow-up on what happened in Journey Into Mystery there.


snickfic October 27 2013, 05:01:39 UTC
So I read the Hawkeye Annual! And... I was really confused when it ended? I was like, "Wait, but what about the rest of the story?" Like, it was cute, but it felt unfinished to me. Also I wasn't sure why we got Kate's big speech to the hippie ladies a second time - was she seriously giving it to the sporting good store guy? Surely he didn't actually sell her a bow for $58.

So all in all, mixed feelings. I'm not caught up on Hawkeye proper; is Kate out of the picture for a while, as per the Annual? It seems to suggest that she's settling down there in California.


ladymercury_10 October 27 2013, 16:58:38 UTC
Ahaha yes I can see how that would be confusing. I think there is going to be more to the story because supposedly #14 follows up on the annual. It was actually supposed to ship back in August but it keeps getting pushed back and now they're saying November.

I don't know if Kate actually convinced the sporting goods guy. She's been in California for a while--I think #11 was when she took Lucky and left? But she did show up in this month's issue in a flashback, and again, #14 is supposed to star her, so she's not really out of the picture.


snickfic October 27 2013, 18:27:01 UTC
Ah, that makes a lot of sense.

Hawkeye is, in general, one of those things I love but don't necessarily need AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT, especially when I know I will want the trade eventually anyway. And also, unlike most things I love, it does not need my immediate financial support. So I'm kind of behind on it right now, in general. (Which seems to be just as well, given the pace at which the issues come out.)


ladymercury_10 October 27 2013, 18:32:10 UTC
I was going to reevaluate whether I wanted to keep buying the monthlies after August, but then they pushed that issue back, so. I mostly read Hawkeye for Kate Bishop, and because I know several people who read it. :P


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