"I mean, we almost got killed by a macro-microtiger?"

Aug 02, 2013 22:40

There is a lot of capslock in this post, and also some pictures:

Journey Into Mystery #654: As much as my wallet will be happy about it, I'm so sad this is getting canceled after this month. It has such a great magical space adventure vibe--Sif hunting scary things in a space suit is so great, and reminds me a bit of Prometheus. Except in a good way, because Prometheus was pretty but made no sense. Anyway, Sif is fabulous, and continues to have all the best faces:

The art is also really really pretty, which you can't tell because those are pictures from my phone because I didn't have a digital issue to crop from. Anyway. Siiiiif. I will miss you.

Hawkeye Annual #1: This was so so great. I was sitting there going "Kaaaaate" in my head the whole time. Clint's alphabet cereal. Kate adorably tripping over herself and the whole "you're really striking" moment. Kate's inner monologues. KATE'S CATSITTING INTERVIEW HOW GREAT A NAME IS MR. STARSHADOWS? *happy sigh*

Captain Marvel #14: I was really bored by this whole crossover but then at the end, wow, unexpected AHH CAROL feels. And Kit, aww, Kit. "We tell her that she's right. That she chose her hero well...And then we tell her what that means." WHAT HAPPENED THOUGH?

Fearless Defenders #7: Anyone know why FD came out twice this month? Anyway, the last issue kind of killed my enthusiasm, but this issue was pretty great and I am interested to see what happens next. Annabelle in Valhalla, Valkyrie beating up trolls and hanging out with Clea and her pretty floaty hair, and GORGEOUS Stephanie Hans paintings for everything, wow. AND THEN THE END???

FF #10: I was flipping through this and debating buying it and then I saw a panel of them talking about fighting microtigers and was like YES. IT WAS SO GREAT I KEPT LAUGHING LIKE A HYENA OH MAN. Tong wears a variety of super adorable pink dresses and Bentley tries to be menacing while being a little boy with a missing tooth and there are ridiculous meta things when Darla brings her publicist and actual people from Marvel, including Matt Fraction. They all shrink down to Ant-Man size and are all fantastic-voyaging when OH NO SHRUNKEN TIGERS ALSO. AND THEN MATT SAYS HE WILL SACRIFICE THE HEAD OF MARVEL TO THE MICROTIGERS BECAUSE OF HIS FORMSPRING AHAHA SO PERFECT. It is hard to overstate how much this entertained me, it's like an adorable dysfunctional superhero family comic crossed with the Magic School Bus.

Apologies for the poor layout, but at least these are actual screencaps:

SERIOUSLY, SO GREAT. I kinda want to catch up on FF properly, but is anyone else even reading it? It doesn't really seem to have much in the way of a fandom.

And then I was at a store that has a very large 25-cent bin, so I also read a bunch of old Chuck Dixon comics: Robin #75 (Tim Drake befriends a dog named Cardigan at his boarding school), Birds of Prey #12 (Babs is awesome in a hacker showdown, Dinah runs into Catwoman, ahh Selinaaaa <3) and Nightwing #38-39 (Dick crashes at the Clocktower after he gets beat up during No Man's Land. The art is terrible but aww Dick and Babs being cute and also Babs taking scary glee in her home safety protocols). FEELS. I HAD THEM.

Also, hey, does anyone know and want to tell me how Batman Inc. finally wrapped up? I saw some panels on scans_daily and I was like WHAT IS HAPPENING?

comics, ff, captain marvel, journey into mystery, batman, fearless defenders, hawkeye

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