*gesticulates wildly*

Sep 01, 2012 21:50

[spoilery DW7:1 reactions]
Ponds, I am glad that the only reason you fight is because you love each other too much and don't know how to have conversations about your issues from prior seasons, but please don't ever do that again.  I don't think my little heart can take it.

OSWINNNNNN.  You are adorkable.  Come back and flirt politely with everyone and hack things again!  I
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eleven, doctor who, amy, rory

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Comments 20

giallarhorn September 2 2012, 18:50:03 UTC
PONDS NEED TO LEARN TO COMMUNICATE, FOR SERIOUS. But idk, the angst from that was lost on me because I was busy wondering how we got there.

JLC IS CHARMING AND MOST ENJOYABLE. Though, I'm hesitant to say anything regarding Oswin=Clara.


ladymercury_10 September 2 2012, 18:53:38 UTC
I have seen some other people having good explanations/discussions of it on Tumblr and LJ. But it is also mixed in with screaming. I am choosing to believe the reasons make sense because I need them to for my own sanity.

Yeah, idk how that all worked, but I hope however JLC comes back, she is equally charming!


giallarhorn September 2 2012, 19:03:31 UTC
Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of explanations that do make sense in headcanon, and a lot of them are good. It just bothers me that it's never shown in the episode or indicated to, which just makes it feel like bad writing or that it was there for the convenience of the plot =/


ladymercury_10 September 2 2012, 19:39:09 UTC
I agree that this is a potential bad writing incident, a la what happened with the bb!Melody reveal, but I am willing to excuse it because a) it helps patch over previous poorly handled reveals, a little, and b) if it had been dragged out much longer my poor little heart would probably have broken.


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