*gesticulates wildly*

Sep 01, 2012 21:50

[spoilery DW7:1 reactions]
Ponds, I am glad that the only reason you fight is because you love each other too much and don't know how to have conversations about your issues from prior seasons, but please don't ever do that again.  I don't think my little heart can take it.

OSWINNNNNN.  You are adorkable.  Come back and flirt politely with everyone and hack things again!  I think even Amy approves of you--you did insult the Doctor's chin and call him "Mr. Grumpy," after all.

Plot!  Daleks that are not just silly!  Eleventy!  Ponds!  ALL THE THINGS I HAVE MISSED.

*collapses from flailing*  I really have nothing coherent to say.  That episode, and all the attendent angst, has worn me out.  I suppose the first week of grad school may also be to blame.


eleven, doctor who, amy, rory

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