Requests filled and more...

Mar 05, 2012 23:41

Here are your filled requests, with the exception of anniehunnam85 because she hasn't gotten back to me and I didn't want to screw up her request.  There are also some others I made, so enjoy!

- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- 2 Celebrities
- 2 Crossovers
- 1 Dr. Who
- 1 Lost Girl
- 1 Lost Highway
- 1 Secret Circle
- 1 Star Trek
- 1 X-Files


wallpaper: crossover, wallpaper: movies - lost highway, wallpaper: celebrities, wallpaper: buffy

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Comments 23

vamplover85 March 6 2012, 05:46:53 UTC
ah first to comment and I adore mine and OMG your Doctor Who wallpaper!! Wow. SO pretty!!!! I love that one. <3


ladymanson March 6 2012, 05:48:43 UTC
Thanks so much - glad you like it! :)


angelus2hot March 6 2012, 11:23:04 UTC
OMG!!!!!!!! This is absolutely, stunningly GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm putting it on my desktop now!!!!!!!!!


ladymanson March 6 2012, 18:11:32 UTC
Oh, wonderful. I'm so glad you like it! :)


aruna7 March 6 2012, 11:27:18 UTC
Gorgeous batch!!

Thank you bunches for my wallpaper!!! I'm making all kinds of happy sounds as I dl and set it up! :D



ladymanson March 6 2012, 18:12:01 UTC
Thanks so much - enjoy! :)


failegaidin March 6 2012, 15:57:36 UTC
It's gorgeous!! I really would love one with all three of the guys in it, if you get the time/inclination, but this one is really pretty. Love the black and white and the quote!


ladymanson March 6 2012, 18:13:03 UTC
Thanks so much. I'll see what I can cook up for you regarding the one with the three as well. :)


awesomegeek March 6 2012, 20:26:05 UTC
OMG! It's amazing. The manip of Buffy and Oliver together is awesome. The lyrics match the tone of the piece so well.
Thank you so so so so so so much.


ladymanson March 6 2012, 21:30:32 UTC
So glad you like it. I'm always kind of iffy on crossovers and stuff I don't know too much about, so I'm glad it turned out to your liking. Also, AWESOME icon! :)


awesomegeek March 6 2012, 22:28:16 UTC
Aw thanks! I can't wait to see if you do more Requests. I think i have an idea that might be right up your alley. lol
Thank you again and your awesome art is now adorning my comp screen!


ladymanson March 7 2012, 00:09:48 UTC
I just put up a new request line, so check it out! :)


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