Requests filled and more...

Mar 05, 2012 23:41

Here are your filled requests, with the exception of anniehunnam85 because she hasn't gotten back to me and I didn't want to screw up her request.  There are also some others I made, so enjoy!

- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- 2 Celebrities
- 2 Crossovers
- 1 Dr. Who
- 1 Lost Girl
- 1 Lost Highway
- 1 Secret Circle
- 1 Star Trek
- 1 X-Files

PLEASE DO NOT STEAL, REPOST, CLAIM AS YOUR OWN, OR SELL ANY OF THESE IMAGES.  This includes posting them on personal blogs, Facebook, Fanpop, Tumblr, Twitter, and anywhere else you can imagine.  They are for personal desktop use ONLY.  Thank you.


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Title: Another Kind
Cast: Bo and Dyson
Words: Tori Amos
Info: Made for aruna7. I don't know much about this show or the ship, so I just used a bunch of photos I found around the Internet and went with the calming colors.

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Title: Asking You to Go
Cast: Oliver and Buffy
Words: David Bowie
Info: Made for awesomegeek. I had a lot of fun with this one because it was one of the first manips of Buffy I have done in a long time and I love those. For those that don't recognize it, this is a still of Oliver and Chloe manipped to Buffy and Oliver with an SMG image. I wanted to make it tragic looking with the black and white and color, as if they were being split up (hence the lyrics). I kind of obscured Oliver from Buffy to make it look as if he were going out of her life. That is also why I had her turning from him as well.

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Title: By Your Side
Cast: Jackson Rathbone and Kate Beckinsale
Words: Type O Negative
Info: Made for super_natural_3.  I don't know what else to say really about this one than it is another wall of the very pretty false couple.  I loved these lyrics for them and the coloring was very happy.

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Title: The Demon Hidden Inside
Cast: Fred, Rene, and The Mystery Man
Words: Mine
Info: This is made for a Buffyforums challenge. This is a piece that is based on the David Lynch film, "Lost Highway". Basics regarding it, it is about a man who kills his wife after going completely insane and believing she is cheating on him. The entire film focuses on him and how he tries to believe that he wasn't responsible for his crimes by changing up his actual character and more. Different characters in the film represent different emotions, one of the most important being Robert Blake's "Mystery Man" character who represents his insanity.

This has a personal meaning to me as when I was in junior high and was outcast due to my epilepsy, I spent a LOT of time alone. Within that time period, I went through a ton of books, film, and music. The films I watched when I was that age totally freak out a lot of people ("you saw that when you were fourteen???") which I find funny, but they are good films. I became an enormous fan of David Lynch and his films, particularly the "Lost Highway" film. I love his stuff because it's not just a film. It's like a puzzle. I had to watch this film about ten times at least to understand what was going on. I am still a major Lynch fan and recently obtained the BluRay for this film. My husband was out of town for the weekend and I watched it roughly eight times because there is just SO much to it.

And finally some technical specs. I didn't want to add any textures or anything to this. Maybe it was due to the film because in it, things like color and imagery had such importance. I placed Fred's image on playing the sax in this because it was the first scene in which the audience saw him fearing that Rene was cheating on him. In reality, she was sleeping at home the night he was at the club playing the sax. Hence, her sleeping below him. I used two images of her sleeping to accent Fred's obsession and madness over her activities. And lastly, I added the Mystery Man at the top because he is Fred's madness. I wanted to show him as an overwhelming presence. The words I added were an easy addition, as I just wanted some words to represent his insanity and how he was pushed over the edge.

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Title: The Edge of the World
Cast: Adam and Cassie
Words: Marilyn Manson
Info: Made for midnight_owl13. I don't know much about this show or anything regarding this pairing. However, I know it has something to do with magic and when looking at stills, I fell in love with this image and decided to play it up with a multitude of magical styles of imagery and coloring.

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Title:  A Promise of What Is
Cast: Mulder and Scully
Words: The Cure
Info: Made for octoberland. Those who know me know what an X-Files geek I am. I love the damn show and the Mulder/Scully ship. I wanted to utilize negative space in this one and I feel it worked out very well here.

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Title: Shadow of Reflection
Cast: Type O Negative
Words: Type O Negative
Info: Made for the Buffyforums challenge based on personality. This one is REALLY personal to me. When I was fourteen, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. It was absolute hell, as I was treated like a complete outcast in school and was at the same time treated like a lab rat in hospitals because they were working to find out what would treat my seizures. It was absolutely awful. For some reason, I find depressing music to be incredibly soothing when I am sad, which a lot of people don't understand for obvious reasons. I ended up first hearing Type O Negative on the soundtrack for "I Know What You Did Last Summer" when they covered "Summer Breeze". I had to find out who was singing, as the main singer, Peter Steele, is well known for his bass voice. After that, I managed to get the album "October Rust" and listened to it over and over again when I was dealing with all this crap. The album and essentially their music became a source of happiness and calming since then.

I later got the chance to meet them a few years later and they were all very nice, which made it even more awesome. Unfortunately, Peter Steele died in April of 2010, so there will never be anymore Type O music. I don't think I have ever cried that much over the death of someone I didn't know personally.

As far as technical stuff goes, the images aside from that of the band are from two of the albums, "October Rust" and "Life is Killing Me". I kept it pretty simple because I didn't want to fancy it up that much. It seemed better this way. The coloring of black and green were thematic to that of the band and the words are lyrics from the song, "Haunted". Yep, that's where my site's name came from....

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Title: The Sun Goes Down
Cast: Buffy and Spike
Words: Thin Lizzy
Info: Made for vamplover85. I came up with the idea for this after I was listening to a Thin Lizzy album yesterday and really loved these lyrics. I feel they are very similar to how Spike felt about Buffy in the sixth season and how she was basically using him to feel something.

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Title: Trigger
Cast: Danny Williams and John Sheppard 
Words: The Clash
Info: Made for failegaidin. Okay, super lame, I know, but I actually forgot to add the third character into this request. So I'd be happy to make another one for you, but I just totally forgot it was three characters versus two. Other than that, I wanted to use the black and white to show off the harshness of the characters with the color to bring out some personality. I felt the lyrics were also fitting.

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Title: Turned to Blue
Cast: The Doctor and River Song
Words: Remy Zero
Info: Made for alliemulder2. This wall is based on the relationship between The Doctor and River Song. For those who haven't seen the show, it is a rather tragic tale told in reverse because they are both time travelers traveling on different planes. It gets sad, but that is what makes for such an excellent story.

I used the two images of them simply because I only wanted to focus on them and nothing else. The coloring was due to the sad, but at the same time bursting manner of the relationship. I loved the textures because the lightning works with the whole time travel aspect. And finally, the Remy Zero lyrics seemed to fit their relationship very well, as they save one another several times.

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Title: Untitled
Cast: Captain Kirk
Words: None
Info: Made for angelus2hot. Okay, so this happens from time to time. I made this wall and then could find no lyrics for it. I loved it just simply as is. However, I do have the psd left, so if you want any specific ones placed in it. I really love how this turned out. The coloring seem to pop, which was a total wonderful accident.

wallpaper: crossover, wallpaper: movies - lost highway, wallpaper: celebrities, wallpaper: buffy

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