Drew adn Ifer: Updates:

Oct 24, 2007 12:59

Update 10:22pm EST
Ifer updated her LJ, you can see it here: http://caillile.livejournal.com/327665.html?view=887281#t887281

Update: 2:56pm EST

Got a call from housellama and an LJ comment from monkeegoth:

Another update, as I just left UC...

The CT scan came back clear, and he will be moved to a normal room shortly.

Also, since he lost his glasses in the crash, he can't tell how extraordinarily hot his nurses are. :)


Very good news:D

12:59pm Ifer is getting ready to head up and see Drew at UC. She is doing short trips up there, as it is easier for her to rest at the house.

Drew was kvetching about the catheter this morning, it was removed.

His last blood work came back better-- his red blood cell count shows the bleeding has slowed but his white count is up (which is understandable for his injuries).

They did a CAT scan which we should have the results back on soon. Otherwise, it's more wait and see.

As soon as there is more, I will post details.

ETA: you can go to www.carepages.com and follow the directions

create an account.
the go to "visit" on the upper bar.
Type in "drewbiddle" all one word
Follow the links.

This will give us a clearing house for info.

I will continue updating my LJ as well, for those who can not access the website, and so those who don't have LJ access can have the info forwarded.

I will be printing the letters and well wishes I have received tomorrow night, please send them to me, and I will take them up to Drew and Ifer.

Previous updates:

Ifer's Lj post from last night

My previous updates

Eddy's updates

My love to them.

tragedy, camarilla, family

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