[SPN Fic]: A Love Story - T - 1/1

Feb 21, 2012 09:14

A/N: I saw the last episode and just had to write this. Thanks to all my love for Criminal Minds, I played profiler a bit with Jeffrey's past. Thanks to my tweeps for Jeffrey prompts. About time I wrote a canon-established couple, right? XD

Title: A Love Story
Disclaimer: I,
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genre: slash, pairing: demon/jeffrey, genre: canon/minor au, fanfiction: oneshot, word count: 1000-4999, fandom: supernatural, fanfiction

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Comments 25

bellacatbee February 21 2012, 14:35:35 UTC
This was oddly romantic, you're right. I liked you taking us back to the start, to why Jeffery was so messed up and how he came to be romantically dependent on his demon. It almost did feel like Baal cared for him through most of it (debatable, demonic care) and then Jeffery said no to him! Oh, Jeffery you spoil sport. You could have gone on a killing spree together and then Baal could be inside you in a different way.

Still, now you'll be creepily ever after in hell.


ladyknightanka February 21 2012, 14:50:48 UTC
I think Jeffrey fascinates me because I'm curious why he is how he is. I wanted to be a criminal psychologist once upon a time, would you believe? And while my love of lit won out, I still love crime dramas for their insight, so I'm glad you enjoyed my profiling.

I like to think Baal cared, but in that debatable, demon way you said. Jeffrey just doesn't think any new vessels can be prettier than him. A narcissistic serial killer, geez.

Glad you enjoyed it, bb. It was so much creepy fun in one fic package. :D


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ladyknightanka February 21 2012, 20:26:23 UTC
Hahaha, well, I used to think I wrote fluff a lot, hence the pink background, but I think it's pretty evenly divided now. *still cackling*

Thank you, bb. I'm glad you enjoy the dark place my brain sometimes goes. Would it be strange if I said I want to write actual Valentine's fluff for them now? Although, it would probably have to be AU. These two. *shakes head*


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ladyknightanka February 22 2012, 01:50:47 UTC
I have a feeling one or the other would would kill some poor person and offer his lover a human heart for Valentine's. XD


_nevergone February 21 2012, 19:42:22 UTC
Oh, I loved this, very creepy! And the ending was actually kind of...sweet? I mean, I feel kind of weird saying that given the nature of things, but it was lol


ladyknightanka February 21 2012, 20:31:31 UTC
Sweet works for me because I was writing in Jeffrey's mindset and he sees it as sweet, so if you also vicariously felt it, yay. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, bb. I don't usually write such dark stuff, but I wrote it from a fun inner place (what does this say about me?) and I liked the end result. Thank you for the kind comment. ♥


_bluebells February 21 2012, 20:00:58 UTC

This was wonderful, it was more than I could have hoped for of Jeffrey's origin and broken, twisted heart. I am so glad you watch Criminal Minds. I loved everything about this from the tragic beginning of his abuse to Cindy Oats and the time he meets Baal and falls in love because Baal was the first one who empowered him. I love the justification behind the demon you chose.

And then you reunited them in Hell and now they're together forever. ♥ I want them gallivanting around Earth corrupting people, taking names, and slow dancing on the craps tables in Vegas.

Strangely a great thing to wake up to. XD I also have to mention that I love the way you wrote this. I'm not awake enough to describe why, but I really enjoyed the technical execution of it. Your patient attention to the textures, the sights, the sensations of a moment in time. You weave the words together so neatly.

This was awesome. You are awesome. I love you impossibly more for writing it. ♥


ladyknightanka February 21 2012, 21:03:23 UTC
I LOVE YOU, oh Baal to my Jeffrey, Jeffrey to my Baal! I did a strange amount of research for this (i.e. oysters), mostly to pick the demon OTD could be. There are, of course, many theological demons, but two that I found were responsible for murder, and of those two I thought the former Canaanite god would be cool. Because Jeffrey is a gold digger. :P ( ... )


_bluebells February 21 2012, 22:27:51 UTC
The research really showed, well done.

I loved this episode. I hear there were also unicorns recently, is that true? I rely in you guys to tell me when to tune in. I catch so little TV these days.

Your profiling skills and love of it will still come in handy for your writing, and it shows! You never left your old love behind after all!

Mmm. I would love these two in Vegas. How does one do a demonic shotgun wedding? Do they pray to Lucifer instead if God?

I dish out only the praise that is deserved. /smish


ladyknightanka February 22 2012, 02:16:24 UTC
The episode before last did indeed have unicorns...and clowns and ball-pit sharks. I think it was a funny standalone episode. It had some great, lighthearted brotherly moments like early seasons. Spoiler alert: there's skeeball.

I'm picturing terrible, wonderful things. Vegas IS Sin City. This will happen. *nods*

Thanks again for the sweet words, my darling. ♥


jtsbbsps_dk February 21 2012, 23:27:36 UTC
*_____* The dancing was AWESOME and perfect and so creepy-sweet!!! Their twisted psycho selves belong together! Pleasantly surprised by the happy ending xD

You = win!


ladyknightanka February 22 2012, 02:04:05 UTC
I was going for creepy-sweet, bb, so I'm happy you thought it was and that you liked it. They really are soulmates; how could I deny them their happily ever after? Thanks, love. ♥


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