[suitsbigbang masterpost]: Chicken Soup for the Cursed Soul - NC-17 - 3 Parts

Dec 16, 2011 13:52

A/N: This project was so fulfilling to me for so many reasons. The feeling of victory you get when you finish a big bang is always worthwhile, particularly if it seems like you've improved this time. Also, I got to work on genres I've always wanted, but never had the opportunity to - case!fic for two of my favorite shows, something a little darker ( Read more... )

fanfiction: multichapter, genre: slash, masterpost: big bang, fanfiction: big bang, fandom: supernatural, genre: crossover, fandom: suits, character: harvey specter, fandom: multiple, genre: canon/minor au, pairing: harvey specter/mike ross, character: mike ross, character: sam winchester, word count: 20000-49999, masterpost, fanfiction, character: dean winchester

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Comments 4

jtsbbsps_dk December 18 2011, 00:26:49 UTC
So. Yes. Linking myself to the AO3 so I can get the pdf on my iPod Touch tomorrow morning. THIS EXISTS. THANK YOU. WILL READ. When time /o\


ladyknightanka December 18 2011, 03:24:33 UTC
Read at your leisure, bb. I hope you enjoy it. ♥♥♥


leafy07 December 23 2011, 03:36:58 UTC
This is my new head canon. I love it that much.

I'm going to go read it again and love it even more! <3


ladyknightanka December 24 2011, 19:31:52 UTC
I am SO happy you liked it, love! Thank you so much for the sweet comment! I hope it's as enjoyable the next read, too! ♥


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