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Comments 43

cashay November 21 2011, 03:24:54 UTC
<3 I love this, I want more of this *puppy dog eyes*


ladyknightanka November 21 2011, 03:35:35 UTC
You know I'm very weak-willed and happy to please you, bb. I'm so glad you liked it. ♥


cashay November 21 2011, 04:14:36 UTC
*more puppy dog eyes* *snicker*
And I vote completely for a sixsome (is that even a word? xD)


ladyknightanka November 21 2011, 13:19:01 UTC
I love your brain...and won't be able to stop thinking about that now! Fudge! *shakes fist at you*

Actually, I WAS thinking this would be even more fun with Dean and Castiel. Thanks for the suggestion, bb. XD


mangacrack November 21 2011, 08:49:53 UTC
Nests! Wings! *_*

This is pure love


ladyknightanka November 21 2011, 13:22:39 UTC
Thank you so much, bb! I have to admit, boys with wings, halos and nests...I really can't resist them. XD

So happy you liked it!


(The comment has been removed)

ladyknightanka November 22 2011, 01:41:24 UTC
Aww, thank you so much, sweetheart! ♥ I had a blast creating this angel AU and I'm so happy you liked it! *huggles*


_bluebells November 22 2011, 03:01:08 UTC
Sam an Adam are so sweet. I understand Sam's difficult position and you set it up nicely to segueway into a nest with the possessiveness he and Lucifer have over Adam. I love the nod to Michael inviting himself to Adam with Adam's wishes coming second (it's their defining foundation), and the idea of Dean and Castiel as soldiers in Michael's guard is very cool.

If you write more in this verse, I would certainly not complain. :3


ladyknightanka November 22 2011, 20:32:30 UTC
I am addicted to writing bromance with Adam. I can easily see Sam, particularly, shine as a big brother. WHY DOESN'T SHOW INDULGE ME? Ahem. Sorry, bb, I'm hyper right now.

Whenever I write an AU, it's always fun to nod to canon. In fact, this one was a lot of fun. I don't think I CAN not write more for it. I can just (hopefully) put it off till it's wiser. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, darling. <33


tawg November 22 2011, 05:27:44 UTC
The relationships between the brothers are very sweet, and I love Lucifer being larger than life and melodramatic compared to Michael's more subdued character (and that they both just claimed their mates, nice reflection to their canon possessiveness). I also really enjoyed the glimpses of Heaven you've shown - the different garrisons, the angels fighting against the demons. I could handle there being more of this ;)


ladyknightanka November 22 2011, 20:42:35 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoyed this! ♥

My favorite part of writing AUs is being able to incorporate a bit of canon into them, I'm glad that those nods and the changes I made were relayed okay.

Thanks so much for the lovely comment! ...I think there will be more. XD


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