Jake Abel Appreciation Meme Part Deux (in honor of Jake's 24th)!

Nov 17, 2011 23:35

Does anyone, other than me, lament the lack of Jake Abel fic in fandom? As today is his birthday (his 24th \0/), I thought we could try and remedy this sad fact with another Jake Abel appreciation meme. I know there was a similar one a while back, but you can never have too many pretty actor love posts, amirite? :)

Da Rules:

1. Fic and art prompts in all genres (i.e. slash, het, crossover, AU) are obviously a go. However, you can also comment and discuss anything Jake related, like his new roles, his hair or whatever else. Share pictures, if you want to! It doesn't have to be fandom specific.

2. Although adamwinchester is an Adam fan community and we generally expostulate that the only RPF we allow is SPNRPF, we're switching things up for this awesome occasion. All RPF and pairings with Jake as the main character will be allowed (i.e. Jake/Logan Lerman, Jake/Alex Pettyfer, Jake/Julie McNiven, Jake/Dean Winchester, Jake/that one guy from that one thing that Jake wasn't even in that might still be a cool idea to explore, etc.).

3. Because we don't want to exclude anyone who's discomfited by RPF (I'm new to it myself), fanfiction from any of Jake's roles, with his character as the lead, is allowed (i.e. Mark/John, Luke/Percy or, as always, Adam/everyone ever).

4. Whenever you comment, try to add something in the subject line, be it PROMPT, FILL or DISCUSSION. It could even be, dayum, Jake's armor in PJO is shiny, so long as someone can look at your subject header and get some idea of what it's about. The former is optional, but please add any trigger warnings there might be. That's mandatory.

5. Don't be an assbutt. We'll Molotov you, jsyk. No bashing each other, any characters, fandoms or pairings.

6. Not a requirement, but if you have a twitter and you'd like to wish Jake a happy birthday, his real account is @MrJakeAbel. Even if you don't, HAVE FUN!!! TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND PEOPLE YOU HATE, TOO! ♥

fanfiction, rpf: real persons fiction, discussion, actor: jake abel

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