Title: Running In Circles
Summary: The Master has never been one for giving up.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Prompt: Giving Up
Warnings: Rusty writing skills, possible continuity errors (if you spot any, let me know), Master angst.
Author's Notes: Title taken from "Circles" by Hollywood Undead. Thought it was appropriate in any case for the Master.
Fic under cut. )
Comments 10
I have to ask about a couple of things. Please don't take offense, I'm more curious to the "why" behind your choices.
1. You're still relying on the information in that FOX movie as somehow accurate about anything. The only reason there's any canon to it is because we got a regeneration, which is why we count McGann as the 8th. Good thing too, because he's my favorite in the audios. But, it still doesn't fix the known discontinuity of the movie itself. What's your reasoning for referencing the points of discontinuity?
2. More importantly... Where's the follow-up story with Rose and Martha going after the Doctor for taking out the Master? This story makes it a cheat because now you can bring in the Master just as the argument heats up, and well, if he's not dead, then there's nothing for the Doctor to answer for. What happened to change your mind?
1. Mostly because I think, in a way, it's a pretty important part of the Master's attempts to regenerate. But yeah, there are a lot of errors in there. Unless they rebuilt Skaro at one point, I don't see how they could hold the Master on trial there (to name one example).
2. Mostly I wanted to explore a bit of the Master's point of view for this. Don't worry, though -- I am going to write the follow-up.
Good, I need the follow-up! You were building momentum there!
I'll hop to it. Mostly a bit exhausted right now, but I'll hop to it.
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