Vignettes and Thoughts upon a Life Unplanned but Well Loved or This is Good - Part 1: Things Not See

Nov 09, 2007 08:30

Title: Vignettes and Thoughts upon a Life Unplanned but Well Loved or This is Good - Part 1: Things Not Seen
Author: ladygray99
Chapter: 1/36
Pairing: Charlie, Colby, David
Rating: FRC
Disclaimer: Belongs to many other people, not me.
Warnings/Squicks: Broccoli happens.
Summary: What moments mark a friendship, a love, a marriage, a lifetime?
Previous chapters: none
Notes: This is a 36 piece story overall but no part is more than a couple of pages.  I wanted to get the boys together for a night but they demanded a lifetime. Who am I to say no to such a reasonable demand.
Beta(s): The amazing irena_adler   great goddess of betas.

Vignettes and Thoughts upon a Life Unplanned but Well Loved

This is Good
By Lady Gray

When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it. ~A.A. Milne

Part 1-Things Not Seen

Charlie stared at the broccoli between his chopsticks. Agent Colby Granger stared at Charlie staring at the broccoli between his chopsticks. Agent David Sinclair stared at them both.

“What are you seeing, Charlie?” Colby finally asked.

“What do you mean?”
“You’ve got this look which I know means you’re seeing something the rest of us aren’t, so what are you seeing?”

Charlie’s eyebrows came together in a thoughtful frown. He held forth the broccoli. “What do you see?”
“I see broccoli dipped in Chen’s killer chili sauce. What do you see?”

“Infinite repetitions of fractal patterns, which, in itself, is nothing new in nature but, the chili sauce made me think that I never really took factually textured materials properly into account while calculating drag and friction during my fluid dynamics research days.”

“Like I said, something the rest of us aren’t seeing.”

Charlie ate the broccoli quickly followed by a large bite of rice to cool the chili burn. “I should perhaps consider the fractal quality of the folds of the brain and the branching of neurons as part of cognitive emergence.”

“You really think you can calculate human consciousness?” David asked.

Charlie shrugged. “It’s either that or play lots of minesweeper.”


fandom: numb3rs, vignettes, character: david sinclair, pairing: charlie/colby, rating: g, fic

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