Vignettes Master List

Dec 17, 2007 07:44

Vignettes and Thoughts upon a Life Unplanned but Well Loved


This is Good

By Lady Gray

Charlie/Colby, Megan/Larry, Don/OFC, Alan/OMC

When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it. ~A.A. Milne

(AN: If a part isn’t linked it means it’s not written yet or in Beta. I’m leaving proposed titles up so you’ll nag me to write them. The original core story is numbered and all the parts are linked together.)

1 Things Not Seen

2 Gutters

3 Fractals

4 Feeling Stupid

5 Publication

6 Beauty

7 On the Range

         The Dark Dreams of Charlie Eppes

8 Six Digit Prime

9 Bullshit

10 Burn Me - FRAO, NC-17

         Take Two... or More - FRAO, NC-17

11 Tossing a Football

12 Christmas Dinner

         Auld Lang Syne - FRAO, NC-17

13 A Talk with Don

14 Passover

15 Switch Hitting - FRAO, NC-17

         A Well Tied Tie - FRAO, NC-17

16 Taking a Bullet or Three

         Alternative Medicine - FRAO, NC-17

17 Receptions for Colby

How Everyone Found Out - Won numb3rs_awards best slash humor/fluff 2009

         A Merry Little Christmas

18 Larry and Megan’s Wedding

19 Domestic Bliss


         Where Angels Fear to Tread

20 A Fight and 9 Months Ago

         Immaculate Touch

         A Complexion for Tears

         Of Clones and Heirs

        Foot Rubs in the Dark

21 Teething

         Desperate Times

22 Don’s Date

Cake and Yellow Ruffles

23 Reading

24 Cleansing - FRAO, NC-17

         Getting Played

         Dead Eyes and Pretty Ladies

25 Kindergarten

26 Faculty Mixer

27 A Thing

Charlie and Colby’s Wedding

         Six Generations - Written for numb3rs100

         Bits of String - Written for numb3rs100

28 Lost Summer

A First Bust

Dorset Bound

Dorset Drabbles - Written for numb3rs100

29 Pictures in a Wallet

         Staying Up Late - FRAO NC-17

30 Heart Attack

31 Don’s Surprise

         Eye Witness Won - numb3rs_awards best Case Related slash 2009

A Proper Reception

         Love and Fear - Written for numb3rs100

Colby's Reunion
         Part 1, Part 2

32 Thanksgiving

Lies to Children

         d'var of numbers and faith - Written for numb3rs100

33 A Direct Threat

34 Courting - FRAO, NC-17

35 Varsity


Winchester, Idaho - Won numb3rs_awards 2010 Best Novella, Best Original Character, Slash
         1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Goodbye Donald

         Meeting the Family

36 Presidential Medal of Freedom

Won numb3rs_awards 2008 Best Novella

fandom: numb3rs, vignettes, pairing: don/ofc, master list, pairing: alan/omc, pairing: charlie/colby

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