Valentine's Day Meme

Feb 03, 2009 14:53

Final Fantasy Valentine's Day Meme
In the past couple years, the FF community has held a Kissing Battle meme around the time of Valentine's Day. Last year's was hosted by first_seventhe, held here, and bottle_of_shine; held the first one here. I'm borrowing formatting decisions from what came before with sev and bottle_of_shine.

  • Roses. The usage of the word or idea of roses is wide open.
  • Label the pairing you write and the rating you give it (G to NC-17). Rating is OPEN this year, which makes it all the more important to have it in the header. ADULT CONTENT allowed.
  • Final Fantasy. BUT crossovers are okay! This includes crossovers of FF characters with non-FF characters.

For those of you new to writing memes: how does it work? The meme functions as a drabbles and ficlets meme. People can leave requests for characters and pairings, or write the requests others make.

Currently, the plan is for the meme to continue until February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day.

**Toward the end of this meme, bottle_of_shine created the ff_kissbattle community, which appears to be a plan for the FF kiss battle to continue throughout the year. The current round ends on Feb. 20th.**

Last Update: 02/15/09, 8:17 AM ET


Note: Taking after sev again, an asterisk (*) notes that someone has done a story about it.

Final Fantasy

drakonlily: Black Mage/Fighter*

Final Fantasy II

drakonlily: Maria/Minwu, Minwu/Gordon

Final Fantasy IV + The After

first_seventhe: Cecil/Rosa*, Rydia/Rosa*
astrangerenters: Paladin Rosa/White Mage Cecil*, Edge/Rydia, Kain/Rydia*
venefica_aura: Rosa/Cecil*, Kain/Cecil*, Edward/Kain*, baby!Rydia/Cecil*
>salarta: Rosa/Barbariccia, Rosa/anyone, Edward/Anna (in Rosa's body)*, pimp!Edward/FF4 women [and maybe Whyt or Zeromus], Ursula/Izayoi, Rosa/Cecil
drakonlily: Rosa/Cecil*
astralavator: Kain/Rosa
katmillia: Palom/Porom*
anima_mecanique: Barbariccia/Rosa, Edward/Rydia, Tellah/Tellah's Wife*, Scarmiglione/Cagnazzo

Final Fantasy V

salarta: Faris/Reina
heebee: Faris/Bartz

Final Fantasy VI

venefica_aura: Celes/Terra, Edgar/Everyone
salarta: Celes/Maria, older!Relm/anyone, Setzer/(Celes and/or Maria and/or Daryl)
astrangerenters: Celes/[Locke, Edgar or Setzer]*
anima_mecanique: Setzer/Daryl, Edgar/anyone, Maria/Celes

Final Fantasy VII

venefica-aura: Veld/Vincent, Ifalna/Lucrecia, Tifa/Elena*, Tifa/Aeris*, Cid/Yuffie, Tseng/Shera
churched: Tseng/Elena*
salarta: Tifa/Red XIII, Lucrecia/Hojo, Elena/Tseng, (Tifa and/or Aeris and/or Elena)/Yuffie, Don Corneo/anyone
galbadia: Vincent/Aerith
drakonlily: Rude/Yuffie*, Cloud/Elena
astralavator: Veld/Ifalna*, Veld/Ifalna/Lucrecia (non-adult rating), Vincent/Shelke*
fairady: Cid/Tifa
aoikaze: Zack/Cloud
anima_mecanique: Reno/Elena/Rude

Final Fantasy VIII
first_seventhe: Seifer/Selphie*, Squall/Rinoa, Quistis/Seifer, Quistis/Irvine* or Selphie/Irvine
venefica_aura: Rinoa/Ellone*, Cid/Edea, Laguna/Ellone, Laguna/Selphie
churched: Seifer/Ellone, Rinoa/Edea*
galbadia: Zell/Rinoa, Seifer/Rinoa*, Squall/Selphie (x2)*, Squall/Quistis
drakonlily: Squall/Seifer, Irvine/Selphie, Quistis/Rinoa
fairady: Seifer/Quistis
aoikaze: Laguna/Kiros/Ward
astrangerenters: Ellone/anyone*, Squall/Rinoa-as-Ultimecia, [Irvine or Seifer]/Rinoa-as-Ultimecia*
salarta: Selphie/any or all FF8 women
katmillia: Squall/Ellone

Final Fantasy IX
galbadia: Amarant/Freya (x2), Beatrix/Steiner, Ruby/Blank, Vivi/Eiko
drakonlily: Beatrix/Steiner
salarta : Garnet/Ruby, Beatrix/Lani
heebee: Zidane/Dagger, Blank/Mikoto, Zidane -> Freya

Final Fantasy X + X-2

venefica_aura: Lulu/Rikku*, Auron/Braska*, Rikku/Tidus
muggy_mountain: Auron/any aeon*, Auron/Lulu, Auron/Kinoc, Auron/Dona*, Auron/Wakka
churched: Auron/Belgemine*
salarta: Lulu/her doll, Lulu/Leblanc, Rikku/Lulu
drakonlily: Wakka/Lulu
katmillia : Auron/Rikku
wildejoy : Baralai/Gippal, Rikku/Paine

Final Fantasy XII + Revenant Wings

churched: Larsa/Penelo*
drakonlily: Balthier/Balthier
fairady: Basch/Penelo, Tomaj/anyone*
astrangerenters: Vossler -> Ashe, Ashe/Balthier
salarta: Fran/Ashe/Penelo*

Misc. FF
salarta: Cosmos/Cloud of Darkness (Dissidia)
heebee: Ramza/Rapha (Final Fantasy Tactics)


astrangerenters: Rydia/Balthier (FFIV/FFXII)*, Irvine/Balthier (FFVIII/FFXII)*
venefica_aura: Kain/Edgar (FFIV/FFVI)
churched: Basch/Quistis (FFXII/FFVIII), Vaan -> Tifa (FFXII/FFVII)
salarta: Rosa/Kefka (FFIV/FFVI)*, (Rosa/Aeris/Rinoa)/Cloud (FFIV/FFVII/FFVIII), Cloud/[Zelda/Sheik] (FFVII/Legend of Zelda)*, any FF female x belts, Lucrecia/Aki Ross (FFVII/TT:TSW)*

Completed Prompts
Current number: 45!

FFI - Black Mage/Fighter (PG-13)

FFIV + The After
Cecil/Rosa, younger/pre-game, "I brought you flowers" / a corsage at a dance (PG)
Rosa/Cecil, something involving having to impress her dad (PG), part 2
baby!Rydia/Cecil (G)
Rydia/Rosa, gardens and life, growing new things (PG)
Kain/Cecil, "It was the hair" (PG), 2
Rosa/Cecil (PG)
Kain/Rydia, no angst allowed (PG)
Palom/Porom (PG)
Edward, Kain (G)
Tellah/Tellah's wife, "how I met your mother" (PG-13), 2
Edward X Anna-in-Rosa's-body (PG-13)
Paladin Rosa/White Mage Cecil (PG)

Celes/Setzer, "sometimes I get a great notion/to jump into the river and drown" (G)

FFVII + spinoffs/sequels
Rude/Yuffie (PG)
Tseng/Elena, "I thought you'd like pink." (PG)
Vincent/Shelke, More ghosts (PG-13)
Reeve/Shalua- which is prettier, the flower or the thorns? (PG)
Veld/Ifalna, roles reversed (PG-13), part 2
Tifa/Elena, anything (PG)
Tifa/Aeris, preferably nonangsty! (PG), 2

Seifer/Selphie, "you're not a roses kind of girl" (PG)
Rinoa/Ellone, thorns (PG)
Squall/Selphie, platonic, "WTF YOU STEPPED ON THAT ROSE, YOU JERK!!" (PG)
Cid/Edea, something cute when they were younger! (PG)
Rinoa/Edea, "There are other ways to grow things." Sorceress meta. (PG)
Seifer/Rinoa, Seifer needing to consult one of the other girls regarding flowers for Rinoa (PG)
Seifer/Rinoa-as-Ultimecia, valley of darkness (PG-13)
Seifer/Quistis (PG)
Quistis/Irvine (PG-13)

FFX + X-2
Auron/The Magus Sisters (PG)
Auron/Belgemine (PG)
Auron/Braska, with possible Jecht commentary (PG-13)
Lulu/Rikku, "Should they be charred already, you think she'd like that?" (G)
Auron/Dona (R)

FFXII + Revenant Wings
Fran/Ashe/Penelo, tradition (PG)
Tomaj/Ashe, opportunistic holidays (PG), 2
Larsa/Penelo, "Archadians lay flowers at funerals." (G)

FFVIII/FFXII - Irvine/Balthier, "always a competition" (PG)
FFIV/FFXII - Rydia/Balthier (PG)
Cloud x Zelda/Sheik (in FF7 universe), cross-dressing (PG)
A Mere Clown, Kefka/Rosa (R), 2, 3, 4
Ellone/Auron (FFVIII/FFX), time compression (PG), 2
Auron/FF7!Cid (PG-13, 2
Lucrecia/Aki Ross, the spirits within (PG), 2
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