Before He Cheats [One-shot]

Dec 06, 2007 04:10

Title: Before He Cheats
Length: One-shot
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG/PG-13
Genre: Humor, Crackish
Pairings: JaeHo
Summary: Jaejoong has had enough of Yunho’s little wild evenings with those tramps. It’s time to put an end to that. He’ll think twice about cheating next time, that’s for damn sure.

[#.Before He Cheats.#]

Right now,
he's probably slow dancing with a bleach blond tramp,
and she's probably getting frisky...

There was a small crowd waiting outside of the quaint little club-slash-bar; the building wasn’t exactly classy but nor was it seedy like those within the slums of the city. A line was formed up to the entrance as a bouncer checked names on the clipboard and selectively let in those he deemed worthy. It was a regular evening, nearing the more wild time they had at night. Most people who frequented this area or the club had seen their fair share of crazy things around this time, but no one ever suspected today’s to come silently within the confines of a sleek black Jag, rolling to a smooth stop across the street.

The fancy car caught quite a few eyes as many turned their attention onto the new arrival; even more so when the car door opened and a pair of slender, denim encased legs stepped out as well. As the figure got completely out of the car, there were quite a few cat calls from some of the less caring few in the waiting line of the club. No one could blame them however, for the light brown hair, attractive face and lithe form were nothing to scoff at. The low necked, clinging white shirt that was partially hidden under a light jacket wasn’t helping things, either. Most would assume that such a description was obviously about a female, but it was not so. The stunning new comer was a stoic male, who ignored all the whistles, calls, and even jealous sneers as he made a b-line for the entrance to the club.

The bouncer at the door was more than willing to let him in, even readying his clipboard incase the guy had his name up there as a VIP. He was surprised when the attractive male merely stopped in front of him, giving a sweet smile in response to his taken aback look.

“Excuse me,” he started, his voice gentle and low. “Do you think you could help me out a little?”

The bouncer, a rugged and built man who stood a good head taller, blinked a little off guard at the request. “Uh, sure, if I can…what do you need?”

“Well,…the name’s Jaejoong,” he placed a hand over the other male’s to stop him from flicking through the list. “but you can stop looking, my name’s not on the list and I’m not here for the club.” he flashed a thin smile.

The taller man flushed at the touch, oddly enough since he wasn’t attracted to guys in the least bit. “Y-Yeah? What can I do for you then?” he tugged at the collar of his shirt and tried to remain impassive.

Right now,
he's probably buying her some fruity little drink
cause she can't shoot whiskey...

Jaejoong closed his eyes, looking thoughtful, before glancing side-long at the street beside them. “You see, someone I know is in there right now, or at least I think he is but I can’t be too sure. I believe he drives that pretty little thing over there.” he pointed to the street, where a gorgeous Lamborghini Murciélago was parked close to dissuade anyone from trying to steal it in broad daylight without witness. The few ears who’d caught the conversation turned to look as well, wondering. “With a fancy rare thing like that around here, surely you could help me put a name to the owner; I’m beyond sure that they were on the VIP list or paid you.” he shot the bouncer a seemingly inquiring look, that was actually more demand than request.

Unnerved a little, the bouncer nodded, his eyes straying onto the car a bit longer as he easily remembered and glanced at the list to be sure. “Yeah…I remember him, it was a ‘Jung Yunho’. I’ve seen him here before.” Jaejoong raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, as if he had just confirmed something he already knew. “Should I…Should I get him for you?” he asked warily.

“No, that’s alright.” another thin smile. “I have a hunch that he’ll know I’m around soon enough.” he answered cryptically. With that, the male sauntered over to the sleek vehicle he’d just pointed out, catching everyone’s eye as he raked his fingertips across the flawless, smooth paint. His car keys jingled within his jacket pocket.


Right now,
he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick,
showing her how to shoot a combo...

An obnoxious giggle was just barely heard among the clamor of the bar/club; seated on either side of a casually dressed and handsome guy, a pair of twin girls, equally scantily dressed and quite inebriated were busy flirting with everything they could muster. The guy that had come in hours ago had been much too serious to be sulking silently at a bar. They’d seen to it that he’d lightened up a bit, and now a Yunho who’d had a bit more than usual to drink was laughing as much as they were. Arms around their bare waists, he asked a waitress for another round of drinks while one of the twins--he couldn’t tell them apart--leaned in to whisper seductively in his ear.

“Yunho~ When are you going to let us ride in that pretty car of yours?” The other twin leaned in his other side, attempting to pout cutely.

“You promised us~” she playfully whined.

Yunho laughed, breaking from their close proximity to grab a drink from the small table. “Well, the Lamborghini is a two-seater so I’m not sure how both of you could fit…”

One of the twins pretended to chew on her nail, tossing an innocent look. “I’m sure we could come up with some kind of solution…”

Yunho laughed again.

And he don't know...


I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive,

Those in the line winced, some gasped or gawked as a screeching pierced their ears; Jaejoong had deftly whipped out his car keys, dragging the tip harshly across the silver paint and leaving a large scratch. If one were only watching his face, they wouldn’t have suspected he was doing a thing wrong, for the light brunet was merely humming as he ruined the expensive car’s paintjob. The bouncer at the entrance felt his eyes widen, a bit stunned at the nonchalant damaging. Jaejoong traced the length of the car, crouching down at the end and scrawling into the paint. A few shocked bystanders leaned forward out of the line to see; done with one side, Jaejoong walked to the hood of the car, starting onto that as well. The words were clear that he left: Cheater, Bastard, and a few other slurs.

A few laughed in disbelief, feeling for whoever the poor sap it was that owned that car, whereas before they had once been envious about not having it. No one dared step forward to stop him, although the bouncer clearly wanted to. One of the patrons’s car was being damaged right before his eyes! If word got to his boss that he’d witnessed the entire thing and had let it happen…

“H-hey! Sir, I can’t let you just--” he took about five steps back at the glare Jaejoong leveled on him. The smile had up and left his face, and his rosy lips were pressed into a thin line as his eyes were smoldering. Without missing a beat, the bouncer wisely shut up and went back to his post at the entrance, hoping no one mentioned he was here later. The light brunet, done with his car key handy work, about-faced and stalked back to his car. The man let out a breath of relief, thinking that he was done.

“Ohhhh man, look!” one of the guys in line said, pointing and wincing in the direction that the guy had gone. Worried, the bouncer looked in said direction and blanched. The guy was marching back, one hand in his jacket pocket, but that wasn’t what worried him. In his other hand Jaejoong was carrying a metal bat that he’d just retrieved from his car trunk. Striding up to the scratched car without even hesitation, he spun the bat once before swinging full force into the driver’s side window. Everyone watching tensed before the initial hit or hissed as if they were getting beaten themselves.

Shards of glass rained down upon the ground, as the shattered window set off the car alarm. Undeterred, Jaejoong continued to destroy every tinted window on the car, including the side mirrors and headlights. The sounds of destruction were starting to attract more attention, and the male continued to ignore it. He yanked the car door open and leaned inside, fishing out the balisong in his jacket pocket to attack the leather seats. The material was ripped open and desecrated, reducing it to mere shreds and stuffing.

If possible, the bouncer’s eyes widened even more, his jaw slack with shock. Jaejoong got back out of the car, picking up the bat once again and aiming this time for the body of the automobile. The metal rang out with each strike to the silver, leaving serious dents that showed Jaejoong had more strength than one would have first thought.

Carved my name into his leather seats...
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights,

By this point, the waning but loud car alarm had caught the attention of most of the club patrons, bringing them outside to see what was going on. Yunho was one of them, followed by the twins he’d been drinking with before. He hadn’t heard the alarm clearly until now, and although at first he’d just been worried that some fool had touched it and set it off, the sounds of beating and crashes made him fear the worst.

He stepped out from the crowd near the door, past the pale bouncer there as well, and blanched; his buzz undoubtedly killed. He couldn’t have come up with a worse scenario if he’d tried.

His beautiful, expensive Lamborghini Murciélago was practically demolished. It could’ve only been more thoroughly destroyed if someone had run it over with a monster truck. The sleek, tinted windows were no more, shattered and littering the street. Without them, one could clearly see that the seats on the inside had been ripped and shredded, leaving nothing but scattered bits that cushioned them. The outside, oh god, the outside was scratched and scrawled upon with insults and names that were a bit indistinguishable thanks to the numerous dents that were all over the body.

Stunned, Yunho could only take in the sight of his poor car, before he realized that the perpetrator was still at work. Hot anger washed over him, and he started to yell until he saw exactly who it was and his jaw hit the ground.

“J-Jae?!?” he stammered.

The destruction ceased for a second as the male in question glanced up, mid-swing. “Well, look whose here!” he said caustically around a smile, somehow balancing sweet and deadly in one tone. He smashed the metal into the car once more, leaving a side mirror hanging from it’s wires. Yunho winced, clutching at his heart with confusion.

“Jaejoong, what are you doing??!” he asked, torn between concern for his boyfriend, since something had to be wrong for him to be this upset, and shock/hurt/appall at the sight of his car. Oh, it hurt. His baby was hurting his baby…

The light brunet slammed the bat into the ground, leaning against it like a cane as he eyed the other vehemently. “What am I doing? Good question, if only it weren’t better directed at you; in fact, tell me Yunnie, what are you doing HERE?” The nickname was not said with warmth in the least bit. Everyone was watching with genuine interest; some with sympathy, amusement, and even pity. It wasn’t looking good for the guy with the car, that much they knew.

Yunho blinked at the question, shaking his head. “What does that have to do with anything!? You’re ruin--no, ruined, my car! If anything, I’m the one who deserves an explanation; what did I do?”

Understandable answer. Apparently, in this situation, the wrong one.

Jaejoong’s eyes blazed, his hand twitching in his jacket pocket as he rounded the side of the car, closer to Yunho. The other took a step back, holding up his hands in a placating way since he had no idea why he was so angry.

“What did you do??” the brunet echoed. “What did you do?” He pulled the balisong from his pocket again, ramming it into the right rear tire violently.

“I am tired of waiting for you at home.”

He yanked out the knife, walking to the next tire.

“I am tired of falling asleep, only to wake up when you come home out of it.”

Another tire was punctured, deflating as he moved on.

“I am tired of strange women calling for you, but hanging up when I answer and then calling your cell phone instead.”

A violent stab and a hissing tire.

“I am fucking tired of being dragged along while you hide and cheat on me!” Jaejoong cried, throwing the blade down. There were murmurs of support and gossip from the crowd, though some didn’t care, they just liked the drama unfolding.

Slashed a hole in all four tires...

Yunho had gaped as his lover slashed his tires, which at this point had been like cutting the legs out from under a prized horse that had been beaten, whipped, and shot repeatedly. Now, however, with the unexpected revealing of what had been bothering the older male, he was both relieved and even more confused.

“Wha-? Cheat on you? Joongie, I never cheated on you.” he gripped his hair, trying to focus on anything but the wreck that used to be his car.

Jaejoong snorted, crossing his arms as he tried to blink back his blurring eyes. “Did you not just hear a word I just said? I’m not putting up with it any more. You can have your drunken fun with a bunch of tramps; I’m through.” he snapped.

Yunho’s eyes widened as he realized how serious the other male was--although it was hard not to figure that out with the condition his car was in--and he stammered to try and make things right, shaking his head. “Jae--”

“I’m through! I’ve been kept in the dark for the longest time because of you; the last thing I want to hear when I finally seek answers is a bunch of lies and excuses!” Jaejoong cut him off, glaring.

Yunho backed up a step at the intensity, still holding up his hands. Any other person, any time, anywhere, he would have glared back with equal ferocity, defending himself without fail. This wasn’t just anyone unfortunately. Jaejoong had serious moods; his wrath was one of the hardest to achieve and probably the deadliest. If he could just calm him down…

“Jae, listen. I swear to you I wasn’t cheating…” he barely got the sentence out before Jaejoong had upped the glare a few notches. How the hell did he do that? “I swear to you, Jae.”

“Really?” the light brunet questioned sardonically. “It’d help if you explained all the weirdness lately, then. Hanging out at bars till dawn, coming home drunk and then not telling me a thing--who the hell were those bitches that kept calling the house and hanging up!!” he raged, uncaring.

Yunho tried to get a word in edgewise on every listed thing, failing as Jaejoong only rose his voice. Fearing--knowing--that his lover would do something hasty when his anger reached it’s peak (like attack him), he tried desperately, glancing at the crowd around him and feeling his face flush hotly as he wished someone would help him. This was not how he’d wanted to do this, or where. He winced, before taking a deep breath.


The silence was instantaneous.

The embarrassed male chanced a peek at the crowd around him, flushing when he noticed all eyes were on him. There were wide-eyed, gawking stares, some staring at him in disbelief, shock, and …well, disbelief. He glanced at his lover, noting that he carried the biggest stunned look of all. Jaejoong’s dark eyes were large and taken aback; he looked an exact representation of the phrase ‘Deer caught in headlights’.

Well, it was a hell of a lot better than wrath.

“W-w…what?” Jaejoong took a small step back, dropping the metal bat he had still held. He struggled to find words, shaking his head and trying to gain back some of the anger he’d had only a second ago. “You’re lying, don’t play with me like--”

“I’m not joking,” Yunho said, trying to ignore the stares. “I…I’d been thinking about it for a while now. I was dead set on it, but then I got cold feet and I wasn’t sure. It was stressing and I couldn’t tell you because it was such a big thing; I went to the bar to relax but, I guess I let the alcohol get to me…” he looked at his lover sincerely. “I had gone to a jewelry parlor to have a ring custom-made, and told them not to mention it if they called about it. They knew you weren’t me so they just hung up; I didn’t know Joongie. I was still nervous about how to ask you to spend the rest of your life with me, that I just ignored everything.” he sighed. “Even how you were feeling.”

Jaejoong blinked rapidly a few hundred times, opening his mouth only to close it.

…Well shit. It made sense.

His eyes grew teary, and the brunet sniffed. “You were going to ask me…?”

“To marry me.” Yunho finished with an uneasy smile. Why wouldn’t these people just go away--were there girls in the line getting teary?! He pushed that aside and stepped forward, holding out his arms to Jaejoong. “Will you, Jae? I promise I’ll do it right this time.”

Jaejoong gave another sniff before lunging at the other happily. “Oh, Yunho!” he threw his arms around the other’s neck tightly. “Of course I will!” he cried.

Yunho gave a large, happy sigh of relief, hugging Jaejoong back as the crowd awkwardly clapped. He couldn’t blame them. It had to have been a first; proposing over broken cars and fights…. Car…he glanced at his battered Lamborghini and felt a tear roll down his cheek.

His poor, poor baby.

Police sirens sounded in the distance--someone had probably called them earlier; Jaejoong leaned against his future hubby, resting his head against the firm chest as he held up his left hand and tried to imagine what his ring would look like.

“Yunnie? I’m sorry for the misunderstanding...” he cooed sweetly, back in his usual loving mood.

“It’s okay, Joongie.” his lover replied. “It was all a misunderstanding…just a misunderstanding…” Yunho closed his eyes as the crowd began to diminish, back into the club or the streets around, trying hard to block out the painful images of his car being crushed in a compactor at a junk yard; he also made a mental note that was tacked onto the very front of his mind as a clear reminder:

Never, EVER, Ever, cheat on Jaejoong.

Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats…


XD Um, lol? I have nothing to say for myself. It’s just that my friend actually screwed up this guy’s car because he did him wrong. Only, my friend D did much, much worse things; he’s a bit of a drama queen XD He also likes this song, so maybe I’ll dedicate this to him and let him read it. Having it connect to him, made me fond of it, even though I’d rather hurt the cheater instead of his mere property any day, so this thing came out of nowhere practically. :3 I hope it was enjoyable for you guys. It’s part of my ‘I’m sorry the other fics are taking so long’ gift ^ ^;;

Oh yeah, and no, Yunho didn’t cheat XD He just let the alcohol make him a bit too friendly.

<33 You guys for reading~!

fics, yunjae, before he cheats, jaejoong, yunho, jaeho

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