Murphy's Law [Chap 4]

Sep 21, 2007 00:02

Title: Murphy’s Law
Length: Series
Author: LadyDusk_Raku
Rating: PG-13
Genre: M-preg, Crack, Humor
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu, MinFood
Summary: Life is not easy for Micky Yoochun. His family is insane, his school life is complete crap, and every time he turns around he and his boyfriend are having problems. One day he has got to stop saying, ‘What else can go wrong?’

Thanks to you all for the great comments ^ ^ I’m glad everyone’s enjoying this slice of cracky humor and that I decided to do this story after all :D I’m so sorry for the wait o_O Distraction-city.

You all seem to have come to some strange conclusion about our dear Junsu. XD Let us see shall we? The answer of yes or no will be answered in this very chapter. Hope you all like!

[+.:Murphy’s Law:.+]

Chapter Four.

The passing weeks were almost a blur to the Jung family. Jaejoong was still in his six week recovery, taking it easy while he bonded with Seung Woong. Yunho took off a few days to help out around the house and take care of his family. Ricky, Changmin, and Moonbin were complete pushovers when it came to anything their Umma asked while he was resting, so they took on a lot of meager chores to help out around the house. Dong Hoon, was busy pouting and sulking at the lack of attention, and Micky…had more important matters to think about.

Junsu had been in and out of school lately for the past few weeks. He would suddenly become ill and not show up for school, and sometimes when he did, he’d get sick or nauseous in the middle of the day and be sent home. Micky and Eunhyuk had grown so worried, that Junsu went to see a doctor just to appease them. A ‘virus’ he had said. A virus was apparently the cause of all this, and the doctor had assured him that the right medicine and proper care were all he needed to get well. Micky thought it was a load of crap. It had already been a week since then and Junsu didn’t seem to be getting much better. He’d made it okay at school, but the blond still occasionally complained of headaches and nausea, and he always seemed fatigued. Desperate to cheer him up, Micky had even asked (begged) his Umma to cook one of his amazing soups for him. Surprisingly, it had worked. Junsu sent his compliments and thanks, and when relayed, the brunet was sure that his Umma had hidden a smug, proud smile...

Micky groaned and rolled over in his bed; the comforter pulled up and over his head. It wasn’t even dinner time just yet but he felt the need to lie down and relax. This week had been another busy one, what with Seung Woong crying at odd hours of the night, and everyone adapting to the changes. The newest member’s arrival to the Jung household had changed a few things. Especially for one Jung Dong Hoon. The poor six-year-old hadn’t a clue as to what had been coming from the hospital with his parents weeks ago. All he had been told by his older brothers was that he would be getting a new playmate. He couldn’t have been happier! Of course Dong Hoon knew that with a new person around, there would be new things; it had to make sense to his young mind. He just didn’t know what those new things would entail. Number one being…

The fact that the majority of his Umma’s attention would be focused on the new baby.

That was a complete no-no. How could his Umma only give him a glass of milk and a tuck into bed, instead of lulling him to sleep with a song and kiss goodnight, while combing through his hair gently? Now, every time he wanted a bedtime story or a song, his Appa or one of his brothers would do it; the persistent cries of the new baby sounding from downstairs, as his Umma was trying to rock him to sleep while singing the lullaby that was so rightfully his.

He didn’t like it. Micky could tell. There were times where the younger boy looked as if he would cry, but then he would remember that he was supposed to be a big boy now, and big boys shouldn’t cry so much. The poor little Jung; the eldest knew what he was going through. He didn’t know it, but he was experiencing what all of the older brothers had already: The new Jung baby blues a.k.a ‘sibling envy’.

He was jealous because of all the attention Seung Woong was getting. Even the older boys (who were used to the NJBBs by now) were distracted by the cuteness that was this adorable bundle of joy. They all wanted to hold him, make him smile…what they used to do with Dong Hoon. He was no longer the youngest anymore, and it was taking him a while to accept it. However, even with all the love going on about the new baby, there was still one fact that remained the same: they were all Mama’s boys. Mama’s boys who lavished in the gentle, loving attention their Umma seemed to naturally give now without the abrupt mood swings and temper.

In other words, it was an all-out war now, and Seung Woong had started it.

A clip of dolphin-like laughter interrupted Micky’s musings; he poked his head out from the cover of his sheets to see his cell phone lit up. It seemed that he had a text message. The brunet smirked to himself. Junsu hated the fact that his boyfriend had set a recording of his unique laugh as his text alert. It was so embarrassing….Flipping open the phone, Micky glanced at the text onscreen.

From: Xiah Baby
Chunnie, I think I’m getting
better. Don’t worry about me
I’m going to school tomorrow

‘Hn…’ Micky punched in his own response and hit send.

To: Xiah Baby
Su, don’t push yourself to
go if you don’t feel like it

There was barely a minute before his phone ‘laughed’ again, and Micky sat up straighter in bed to read it. Changmin chose that moment to barge in, a wide grin on his face. There had to be food involved.

“Dinner’s ready!” he said beaming. Yep, he knew it.

“Fine, fine. I heard you.” Micky said, waving him off, eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Changmin shrugged and closed the door. The less people at dinner, the more for him.

From: Xiah Baby
Chunnie, I’m fine :(
You worry too much.
Can you come over

Micky sighed, then slapped his forehead.

To: Xiah Baby
Sorry Su. Promised
Umma I would watch brats
While ’rents go for checkup
can you?

From: Xiah Baby
I still think your
Umma dislikes me
We’ll see

Micky smiled triumphantly.

To: Xiah Baby
I’ll see you tomorrow

From: Xiah Baby
Love you

To: Xiah Baby
Love you too

After he was certain that Junsu wasn’t going to send any more texts, Micky put his phone on the side table and stretched. Well, that was settled, time for some delicious eating. Jaejoong had gotten tired of ‘taking it easy’ pretty quickly as the weeks passed, and already he was back to his caretaker role as the cook.

‘Not to mention,’ Micky thought as he hurried downstairs, ‘Changmin is in all rights, a black hole when it comes to any meal.’ With that in mind, he quickened his pace.


Junsu had made it to school just like he’d said he would. After his first class, he was overwhelmed by a strong sense of nausea and had nearly passed out from fatigue. The school nurse sent him home with strict instructions to rest instead of worrying about school or keeping up with work; his health came first. If it wasn’t official before, it was now: His boyfriend and best friend were beyond worried. What the hell was up with this ‘virus’? Micky had it in mind to have a talk with that doctor.

The brunet sighed, standing outside the school doors as all the other students left for home. He couldn’t say Junsu hadn’t tried at least. It seemed that whatever it was that was in his system wasn’t going to ease up without some serious rest. The blond had to take it easy if he wanted to get well. It would probably do him some good if he had company as well…god, why hadn’t he thought before agreeing to watch the brats while his parents went to the hospital? He was starting to regret that. After all, Ricky would have done it if he hadn’t agreed. He looked around. Maybe…maybe Ricky could do it after all once he told him the situation--A sudden heavy pat on his shoulder made him jump.

“Jeeze, you look like someone just told you you’re actually straight.” Eunhyuk joked, stepping up beside him.

Micky managed a smile before he shook his head. “I’m just starting to wish I hadn’t agreed to babysit today,” he raked a hand through his hair. “Junsu had asked me if I could come over last night. I should have--”

Eunhyuk pressed a hand to his mouth. “You two are so over dramatic, I swear.” He gave a wink and patted his backpack. “Don’t worry, he’s got a best friend for a reason. I’m going over to his house later to cheer him up, and hey, I even got him a gag gift for fun.” He seemed quite proud of that fact. Micky was a bit hesitant, but he relented.

“Fine. You’re right, he’ll be okay. I can go over tomorrow or something…” he eyed the backpack warily. “What kind of gag gift?”

Eunhyuk grinned. “The kind from my sick little mind, that’s what. …Just a little something fun.” he batted his eyelashes.

A long stare.“…Right. Just nothing…retarded, okay?”

“Yes Sir!” Eunhyuk chirped brightly and saluted. Micky shook his head again, this time in a better mood, and grabbed his backpack.

“Later, Eunhyuk. Make sure Su gets some rest.” he waved goodbye, then set off for home. For some strange reason, as he watched the other boy head off in the opposite direction, he felt something prickling along the edges of his mind, like a bad feeling. He shrugged it off, and kept going.

He was just being paranoid.


Family Night.


As if this family didn’t get enough time together; yet here it was. It was later in the evening. Jaejoong and Yunho had been to the doctor and back. Micky, as he promised he would, had watched his three youngest brothers until everyone had come home. Now, with the comfortable, relaxed setting of things, it seemed like the perfect family night.

“Micky~! You can’t do that, it’s cheating!” Moonbin cried, pouting as his character was pummeled onscreen by a barrage of fists. Micky, beside him on the floor, was randomly smashing the buttons on the controller.

He stuck out his tongue. “Give me a list of rules on this game that says I can’t ‘selectively press’ any button I want to.”

“You’re not sale-selectively pressing them! You’re plucking!” *

“What the heck is plucking?”

“It’s ‘Pressing the right buttons by luck.’ You’re plucking!”

“He’s right, Hyung. You’re plucking.” Came Changmin’s voice from behind a large book on the couch. Dong Hoon sat beside him, coloring in a notebook. Micky and Moonbin both whirled around.

“How would you know?!” they cried simultaneously.

“You weren’t even watching.” the elder said dismissively.

“No, he didn’t know what plucking was either.” Moonbin said, pouting even harder now.

Changmin looked at the two of them, defensively. “One, I was looking…every other minute or so. Two…I do SO know what er, plucking is.” he scratched his head.

Micky waved him off, but Moonbin was unrelenting. “No you don’t,” he crossed his arms. “Because I just made it up!”

Changmin blushed, caught red-handed, and Micky laughed at him being outwitted by a minor before suddenly stopping, and then tackling Moonbin to the ground. Dong Hoon giggled at their antics.

“You little liar! I knew you were making that up!”

“Ahh! Ah! You’re still a cheater and a plucker!” Their wrestling match continued on, until an annoyed Ricky came downstairs, textbook in hand.

“Do you guys mind? I’m trying to study for a test up here!” Four tongues were stuck out at him, regardless. He glared.

Changmin sniffed the air, catching a whiff of dinner. “Mmm, Umma’s cooking a stew, I just know it.”


Jaejoong turned down the heat just right, so as not to overcook the stew, but to bring out the full, rich flavor of every morsel. He opened the cabinets above and pulled out the plates to set them on the table, careful not to knock over the baby monitor that also sat that there. Seung Woong had been peaceful and quiet today, and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

He sat in the nearest chair, and pulled over the mug of medicinal tea he’d been prescribed by the doctor. It wasn’t half bad for medicine, but Jaejoong didn’t believe all that rubbish the doctor had fed him about it ‘speeding along his ‘healing’ process’ and all that (bah, if he‘d healed the first four times just fine, why did he need it now?). He didn’t even like doctors and hospitals to begin with, and if it weren’t for his pregnancies and Yunho, his doctor visits would be very rare indeed. The only thing he needed to know about medicine was how much, when, and with or without what. Why was just too complex, so he usually tuned it out.

The smell of the stew became more prominent, and Jaejoong took another sip of tea before standing up to tend to it. He added a few choice seasonings for flavor and stirred them in, humming to himself. The boy’s voices could be heard coming from the living room; he felt himself smile. No one could ever understand what it felt like to be given the chance to create life, when it previously wasn’t even a possibility… The raven-haired male found his right hand instinctively pressing against his now flat stomach…then he frowned. Pinching a bit of flesh through the fabric and then poking it, he pouted.

Pooch. Ugh. So much for ‘flat’. His beautiful abs that he’d worked so hard to get back after Dong Hoon…

“What could you possibly be pouting about now?” He turned to see his husband walk into the kitchen. Yunho opened the fridge and started rummaging about. Now where did he put--

“Bottom left drawer.” Jaejoong said without looking. Yunho looked in the said location and found what he was looking for: Apples. He grabbed a small one and closed the door, taking a large bite right out of the fruit. Mmm. Glancing towards Jaejoong, he shook his head in amazement. The lithe male was stirring the stew and poking himself in the stomach, repeatedly. Somehow he was focused on both. He rose an eyebrow.

“Jae, what are you doing?” Poke. Poke.

“Poking my belly fat.” More poking.

‘Ohhhh…-wait, what?’ “What belly fat, you’re thin.”

Jaejoong jutted his bottom lip out even more, and put his hands on his hips. “Great, I’m skinny with belly fat. That’s even worse.”

Yunho shook his head. The things that went through his love’s mind. “No, no. Boo, you’re slender. I don’t know how, but you’ve always been slender again within weeks after giving birth. Trust me, you’re in great shape.” he took another bite of his apple, casually leaning his head to the side to observe the beauty in front of him. ‘Really great shape…’

Jaejoong was oblivious, biting his lip as he stirred. “You sure? I didn’t think I had lost all the weight yet…” A pair of firm arms slipped around him. Yunho rested his chin on the junction of his neck and shoulder.

“You’re wearing a slim fitting tank top and jeans. I’m sure.” He breathed against his ear. Jaejoong turned his head and kissed him deeply, which Yunho returned with equal fervor. They broke apart, and the shorter male caressed his lover’s cheek, the silver of his wedding band flashing in the fluorescent light of the kitchen. Yunho began to trail kisses down his neck, leaving a warm, familiar tingle behind.

“Mmm…Yunnie…I love you, you know that right?” Jaejoong asked sweetly.

“Mmhmm…” Yunho replied, pressing his nose into the soft raven locks. “Of course. I love you too.”

“Good,” Jaejoong cooed, patting the arm around his waist. “Because if you don’t remove your other hand, you’re going to have to explain to the boys why you’re one limb short.” he deadpanned.

Yunho immediately jerked his hands away, holding them up as if he were being robbed. “Jaaaaae,” he whined. “It’s been five months and six weeks since last time.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. “You are so weak. Besides, your horniness is what started number six this time.”

“Is that all?” Yunho tried to embrace him again. “Don’t worry about that, I’ll use a condom--OW!”

“That’s what you said last time!” Jaejoong glared, brandishing a wooden spoon (when the hell had he gotten that?). “I might adore my kids but I am in no mood to follow in my mother’s footsteps of nine children.”

Yunho rubbed his hand where he had been hit, wincing. “…Why do you think we’ve never had a girl, anyway?” he wondered out loud. Jaejoong shrugged, turning back to the stew; it was almost ready.

“I don’t know. Nature’s way of paying my family line back for eight girls in a row? Who knows.” he said offhandedly.

“…I wonder if that means our ninth child would be a girl…”

“Yunho…” Jaejoong warned with a glare.

The man waved his hands wildly. “Not that I’m saying we’re going to, I was just…speculating.” Jaejoong scoffed. “Come on, BooJae…” he walked over cautiously and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. “I love you, you know I’ll do anything for you, and nothing you don’t want me to.”

Jaejoong turned to look at him, the corners of his lips upturned. “Aw, Yunnie…” he squeezed the elder man’s hand. “…Anything?” his dark eyes practically radiated with love. Yunho turned to mush inside and nodded.


His lover beamed. “Good!” He gave the other a pat on the cheek. “You can call the doctor and schedule your vasectomy tomorrow then.” He pecked him on the lips.

Yunho gaped…then blinked. Twice. “W-what?! Vasectomy?! I can‘t get a--”

“It’s either that, or castration. Your choice.” Jaejoong said, rubbing the handle of one of his many stainless steel knives in the wooden block.

Yunho paled. “I’ll call him tomorrow.”

“Good boy--” A loud, unified cry and shriek of ‘UMMA!’ ‘APPA’, that sounded like Changmin and Moonbin, reached them from the living room. The two parents immediately turned serious; Jaejoong dropping his spoon and dashing from the room, with Yunho right behind him.


Minutes earlier

“Either way, Min, you’ll eat it. Face it, you’re addicted to food.” Ricky commented from the floor, watching Moonbin and Micky battle it out over a new game.

“Shouldn’t you be studying?” Changmin commented from behind his book, ignoring his statement.

His older brother shrugged. “I’ve studied enough. No need to overdue it.”

“Whatever you have to tell yourself.”

“Oh you have got to be cheating.” Micky said, pushing Moonbin over. The younger boy laughed at his expense, still controlling his red convertible with ease across the finish line.

“I win~, I win~, you’re just a sore loser, hyung.” Micky rammed his car out of spite as he pulled into last place. “I told you that you couldn’t pluck on a racing game.”

“Oh shut up.” he replied, dropping his controller and lying back on the floor. Moonbin shook him by the shoulder.

“C’mon, let’s play another game, Micky! Please…?”

The eldest groaned. “Alright, Alright.” he conceded. Fortunately, his cell phone sounded, playing Junsu’s ring tone. “Oop, sorry Moonie. I gotta take this call.”

“Aww…”Ricky dropped down beside him.

“Oh move over, squirt. I’ll play you.”

Moonbin grinned. “Okay!”

Micky walked away from them, speaking low for privacy sake. “Hey Su, feeling better?” There was no response. He frowned, hearing muffled voices on the other end. Was that…Junsu and Eunhyuk?

“Tell him, NOW.”


“Now, Junsu.”

What the? What was going on?

“…Hello? Guys? Su?” Silence. Then…


“Su, you okay?” There was a quiet sniff. Okay, now he was worried. “Su? What’s wrong?”

Eunhyuk could be heard on the other end, calming him down while he tried to speak. “I…Chunnie I--” his voice was quiet and barely audible with all the noise of his brothers and TV in the background. He turned to them, frustrated.

“Hey guys, turn it down, okay?” He pressed the phone closer to his ear. “Su, say again.”

“…I...I don’t know how to say…Chu- -sniff- youknowhowwethoughtIwassickcauseIfeltbadallthe-hic-time and--”

“Whoa, whoa, Su slow down. Breathe. It’s okay, what about it?”

“-sniff- CHUNNIE. I’m…I think I’m…I’m pregnant!” he wailed.

Micky stopped breathing. For a whole second the world felt like it had stopped spinning. Then he let out a long breath and laughed with relief. “Oh god…Not cool, Su. My Umma happens to be a man, you know. That joke’s too close to home; I almost had a stroke.” He should have known Eunhyuk would have Junsu join in on pulling something like this, all to cheer him up. The guy was sick, nearly giving him a heart attack like that. He expected to hear the two of them cracking up on the other line, but…there was a heavy sob. A sob. His brow furrowed in confusion. “…Junsu?”

There were muffled voices again, and then suddenly Eunhyuk was on the phone. “Yoochun,” he hissed, beyond livid and surprising the other boy. “Listen, damnit. This, is not a joke. Do you hear me? Not a joke.”

Not a…?

“Do you remember what I said, about a gag gift? It was a pregnancy test.”


“For laughs. All because of Junsu’s symptoms that I noticed.”

Junsu’s symptoms…wait…

“It came out positive, Yoochun. We even went out and bought eight. fucking. more, just to be sure it wasn’t some error;…they’re all positive.”

Micky could hear his heartbeat thudding loudly in his ears. The color drained away from his face.


“Pregnant, Chun. Pregnant.”

“…O-…Oh…” The world swayed, then turned black as he crashed to the floor; not even conscious enough to hear his brothers cry out in alarm.


<.< Umm, I am so sorry. ^ ^;; I’m really not completely happy with this chapter, but after going over and over it, everything seems fine. I totally feel good about the JaeHo moment there, and the brother moment with the games, but leading up to that, yeah. If anything seemed off, honestly let me know, I already realize it’s a bit smudged by my recent writer’s block. God. Those. Kill. The chapter wasn’t as short as I had feared, but I plan to make up for it with you guys with a new story. The last kinks in it are being worked out, but the first chapter is ready to be written. Very different than what I’ve shown you so far.

Those of you anxiously waiting for a Metamorphosis update, I’m working on it already. Don’t worry.

(*) That, is an actual conversation between me and my cousin during video games once. I made up ‘plucking’ because my cousin was cheating, then her brother tried to pretend he knew it so I called him out on it. Good times. :D

“Junsu, really pregnant? What does this mean for Micky? Will he ever get up from his ‘fainting spell’? Will poor Yunho actually go through with the procedure for the sake of his family jewels?” ……okay. I’ll stop. Love you guys for putting up with me. -bows- 고맙습니다 !

murphy's law

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