Title: Auntie Snixx Comes Back to Town
Pair: background Kadam, Santana/Brittany friends with benefits, Kurt/Santana friendship
(Not necessary for reading, but this fic also takes
Team Bruce, Team Ellen into canon
Not so Blaine friendly
Summary: After Mr. Schuester’s wedding, Kurt tries to talk to Santana about how she’s feeling, but Santana is
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Comments 12
Especially Santana's perspective and Brittany, brilliant Brittany
Love it!
In any case, I'm pretty sure I like Blaine a lot more than you do but I never find that you write him unfairly. I am open to any and all interpretations that fit with canon, and yours do.
But of course my main goal is seeing Kurt (everyone?) healthy and happy, not sticking him (anyone) in a particular relationship, and I guess that's not what every reader wants.
I found Kurt absolutely unreadable in the season finale. Well, not absolutely -- he's definitely not in the same place as Blaine, but it would be nice to know what is going on in his head, not just what isn't. So I turn to fic to learn the possibilities, and I enjoyed this one ( ... )
I had every plan of writing that part of the story, since I couldn't really do it from Santana's pov... I still want to, though it's been a bit since I posted now. I got caught up working on the big bang.
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