Title: Auntie Snixx Comes Back to Town
Pair: background Kadam, Santana/Brittany friends with benefits, Kurt/Santana friendship
(Not necessary for reading, but this fic also takes
Team Bruce, Team Ellen into canon
Not so Blaine friendly
Summary: After Mr. Schuester’s wedding, Kurt tries to talk to Santana about how she’s feeling, but Santana is
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ANYWAY, I love how Jan and Liz are echoes of certain LOUD corners of the "K"laine fandom here. That made me snicker. (I put the "K" in quotes because how people can say they love the pairing but then constantly can bash the Kurt half of it and never take his feelings into account is just ... ugh to me.)
There were a lot of things that had me cackling here (thanks, Santana!), but then the end -- oh, I felt for Kurt after his Kurt explosion (well, before that, to, but the explosion aftermath really hit me). I am glad he's building a support system for himself in New York (and hope that is secretly the case in canon) to help him through it.
I warned on these two Santana povs, though, because she actively calls him names and is pretty mean about it. Of course, that's Santana. It comes with the price of admission with her pov.
I started writing this, and Jan and Liz's comments just crept in. It's not entirely their fault. They don't know the whole story. But when it started going that way, I just went with it, because yeah. It's funny, a little, to have Santana respond to that.
For all his openness, Kurt bottles up too much. The result is just painful. And I hope he does have some support in New York. I know he has Adam (no matter their status) and maybe the Apples, and Isabelle. I'd like to think that if he needed to, he could count on Rachel and Santana, too. Rachel has her moments, if she notices something is wrong.
In any case, I'm pretty sure I like Blaine a lot more than you do but I never find that you write him unfairly. I am open to any and all interpretations that fit with canon, and yours do.
But of course my main goal is seeing Kurt (everyone?) healthy and happy, not sticking him (anyone) in a particular relationship, and I guess that's not what every reader wants.
I found Kurt absolutely unreadable in the season finale. Well, not absolutely -- he's definitely not in the same place as Blaine, but it would be nice to know what is going on in his head, not just what isn't. So I turn to fic to learn the possibilities, and I enjoyed this one.
(That was a bit rambly there.)
(On another rambly note, I was going through your blog and I totally support the idea of a Kadam FUQ fic challenge, even though I have no idea what FUQ stands for.)
I think you do like Blaine more than me. (Like, a lot, at this point. But there's always fanfiction, I guess.) So I'm glad I'm not being too ridiculously biased.
"it would be nice to know what is going on in his head, not just what isn't."
Well put. Maybe next season we'll see some revamping that will give us more from Kurt. I can't imagine they would renew for two years with a format that got them such low ratings and song sales. And the funny thing is, we've had more Kurt voice overs this season than any other, but they made such a point to not let us know what was going on with Kurt because I don't know. They budgeted their time poorly or failed to get Adam's actor secured. It's poor show management on top of rehashing plots.
I'm going to stop now. No need to whine and rant in comments. I guess we're both a bit rambly.
I've never been in one, but FUQ fests tend to be all about R/NC-17 rated fic, and it had to do with the Kadam writers being so fluffy and interested in feels that no porn was getting written. So I can see that happening later in the summer. I dunno if I'll host it on the Kadam comm or not. I think the Big Bang has to come first. Get us some good long fic out there.
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