Harry Potter meme, day 10

Jun 23, 2011 14:23

and we're back again. what does the meme hold in store for us this time? what kind of sizzling, intelligent answer will i give?

now that you're done laughing your ass off at that last statement, make with the clicky to find out what i came up with.

Day 1: Your favorite book
what i love to read best
Day 2: Your favorite movie
what i like to watch
Day 3: Your favorite character
the best of the best
Day 4: Your favorite pairing (canon or non-canon)
him and her or her and her or him and him? hmmm.
Day 5: A scene that makes you really happy
happiness is...
Day 6: A character you would take your pants off for anytime they ask ;)
pants? what pants?
Day 7: Your favorite villain
sorry, is my crush showing?
Day 8: A minor character you love
its a small thing
Day 9: The most badass character
kicking ass and taking names
Day 10: A character you relate most to
ugh. this is a difficult one. i've never really given this much thought, to be honest. i mean, i've done the meme where i pick fandoms and you guys tell me which character i most remind you of from said fandoms. i think i got both McGonagall and Molly Weasley in that meme. but i don't think that i relate to either of them in the way this meme is asking.

so i think i'm going to have to go with Luna. because she seems to be way on the outer edges of even Harry's small group of friends. not that Harry and his friends are terribly popular within the school. Harry is always fighting the crowd. either he's the big hero or he's being looked at with some fear and skepticism. Hermione is the smart one that no one really likes because she is the smart one. (i had a class where i was the smart one and it bugged the crap out of people. i didn't flaunt it, but yeah. it was there.) and Ron kind of lives in everyone else's shadows. (been there, too)

when i was in high school, i had friends in most of the cliques. some were good friends and some were only in passing. but i never fit in with those cliques. i wasn't smart enough for the brains. not athletic at all for the jocks. didn't do drugs... you get the idea. Luna's kind of like that. her ideas are so unusual and strange that it leaves her on the very edges of the various groups of people at Hogwarts. i know how that feels, to not really fit anywhere, even though people made an effort to somewhat include me.

dunno how you might see me, but that's kind of how i see me.

Day 11: Your favorite scene from your favorite book/movie
Day 12: A part that always makes you cry
Day 13: Your favorite quote
Day 14: A character in the movies who is closest to how you picture them in the books
Day 15: A character you wish was real
Day 16: Your favorite Marauder, Death Eater, or OotP member
Day 17: A character you would like to spend one day with
Day 18: A character you just want to kick in the face
Day 19: A part in the books/movies that makes you angry
Day 20: A character you would play if you were in the movies
Day 21: Your favorite character out of the trio
Day 22: A scene you love to watch
Day 23: Something that you wish was in the movies but isn’t
Day 24: A character who died and you wish they hadn’t
Day 25: Three characters you would want to be best friends with
Day 26: Your favorite friendship
Day 27: Your favorite trio moment
Day 28: A scene you can’t wait to watch in Part 2
Day 29: A gif of how you feel about Part 2 coming out
Day 30: What you love about Harry Potter

subject: 30 day, subject: meme, universe: harry potter

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