Fandom: Nikki & Nora
Pairing: Nikki/Nora
Rating: PG-13 to R (depends on the chapter)
Title: A Thousand Oceans - Ch.6 - I’m Breathin’ In
Disclaimer: These characters well, Nikki, Nora, Dan, Darius, Georgia, Charlie, Arthur, Bobby and Mrs. Delaney are so not mine (damnit!), but Ann and Jill and other characters not mentioned in the pilot are (Ha!). The ones in the “damnit!” category belong to Nancylee Myatt and other’s I don’t know. I’m here for a bit of fun, and for this story, angst. No profit is being made here, and if it is, I’m not seeing a dime.
A/N: There’s usually moments in every relationship, real and fictional alike, that you either (forgive me for lack of options here, but…) man up and do or say what needs to be said and hope that when the dust settles the other person loves you enough to do their part. Hopefully this works…
Ch. 8 - Carry Me Down> Previous Bits...