A Thousan Oceans - Ch. 6 & 7

Oct 13, 2010 02:47

Fandom: Nikki & Nora
Pairing: Nikki/Nora
Rating: PG-13 to R (depends on the chapter)
Title: A Thousand Oceans - Ch.6 & 7- I’m Breathin’ In & Lead to the Edge

Disclaimer: These characters well, Nikki, Nora, Dan, Darius, Georgia, Charlie, Arthur, Bobby and Mrs. Delaney are so not mine (damnit!), but Ann and Jill and other characters not mentioned in the pilot are (Ha!). The ones in the “damnit!” category belong to Nancylee Myatt and other’s I don’t know. I’m here for a bit of fun, and for this story, angst. No profit is being made here, and if it is, I’m not seeing a dime.

A/N: Not being able to talk…sucks…which totally makes me rethink my retirement plan of becoming a monk and hightailing it to Tibet to be one of them saffron robe wearing, bald headed chicks on top of a mountain that the villagers either come to chill with or stay away from (depending upon the level of fear they have). That being said, being off work ‘cause you can’t talk and your doc doesn’t trust you enough to not talk at work that they fax over an off work notice while you’re at his blasted office, blows. *sigh* So, I’m bored. It’s a little before 2:30 am and I figured what the hell I’d eat some time and make some posts.

Now, here’s the deal. I originally had intended all of part one to be a standalone piece, meaning that all these “chapters” were never supposed to be broken down into actual chapters. Then I changed my mind. I felt that to get the affect that was needed, breaking the scenes down into chappies would serve better…six weeks in and I dunno about you, but it’s a little too drawn out for my tastes.

This may be a mistake or it may be that it’s okay and it’s only me…there’s also a chance that I’m rambling now…so to assuage my guilt for breaking up what was supposed to be all one piece and to stave off a bit of boredom in the wee hours of the morning, I’m posting six and seven in one go.

Read…enjoy…sleep(if you can)…and talk too! =0)

Breathin’ In & Lead to the Edge

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