Title: The Pasadena Psychopath Paradigm 2/? (Criminal Minds/The Big Bang Theory)
ladychiPairings: Penny/Sheldon, Prentiss/Reid
Summary: Penny is the latest victim in a series of abduction-murders. Luckily, Sheldon's been looking out for her and calls in an old friend for help.
Warnings: Not a fluffy story. Rape is mentioned but not pictured in
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Comments 7
Reid is SO cute. And even though he'd hate it and wants to be seen Very Seriously, he's so fragile and I just want to hug him.
I love love love Sheldon and Reid together. That they understand each other and--amazingly--don't push each other's buttons (at least it doesn't seem like). And the letters. So so so them. (Reid does have that little snap of sarcasm/sassy that makes him work so well with that team). And STUDENT. Ahhhhhh. Genius.
Whistling? Hmmmmm......
More more more more mooooooore, please!
Reid is totally adorable. I love him in canon and I love writing him here.
I'm taking tonight off but I hope I can get another chapter out before my life becomes consumed by Family Wedding madness (brother's wedding is a week from Saturday).
*HUGS* Thanks, hon!
I think the crossover is genius, and cannot wait to see more Reid-Sheldon interaction. Individually, they are both so interesting but together? The possibilities are numerous but are certain to be fascinating.
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