Title: The Feather and the Mountain (5/11) [Chapter Four: Trinity]
amyxaphaniaRating: Older Teen
Characters: Ten/Jack/Rose
Summary: Written to the prompt "Ten, Jack and Rose figure out how to have a relationship together". Just after Children of Earth, Ten, Jack and Rose must heal their individual wounds and come together.
Author's Note:
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Comments 18
That's one thing I love about Rose -- that her concern for the Doctor and Jack always outweighs any concerns she may have for herself. I'm glad you enjoyed that scene because I had fits about deciding whether to keep it in or not -- I wasn't sure whether it fit in with the rest of the story, but I'm glad I did, now.
I think Jack and the Doctor BOTH are exceedingly more comfortable when there's something to do -- an alien invasion to stop or a drug to administer or what have you. The fact that they might not be able to do anything -- that they might have to submit to this force that's larger than them, I think it's really breaking them inside. Especially given where all the characters are, emotionally, right now. (Lord, I'm evil.)
I LOVE that scene with Jack and Rose, I really do. It took me back to writing "Companions", in Evolution of Rose. There's something about that ( ... )
I loved this line. It captures the chemistry Jack and Ten have that can be so hard to describe.
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