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Comments 40

kyrina April 16 2009, 03:55:26 UTC
Congrats on the new job :D

I'm avoiding the whole political topic because... well I get lazy. I will say though that dissent has long been an issue where people argue over it and then try to insult it (no matter which side the dissent is on). I think people get to be too status quo obsessed at times.


ladychi April 16 2009, 05:55:29 UTC
Hmm -- I'd agree. It's all very much "just keep your mouth shut and don't whine". *shrugs* What can you do, yeah?


kyrina April 16 2009, 05:59:37 UTC
I just keep at it and hope something sticks.

I have to admit though, the use of the term teabagging in this case reached the immature part of my brain and tickled it, repeatedly. I can respect their opinions though, even while I disagree.


ladychi April 16 2009, 06:01:21 UTC
Exactly. I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm just saying that people need to be respected, and the level of discourse raised.

*snorts* I was totally with you on th--

I'm sorry. Your icon just sent tingles to my naughty place and... my brain shut off.


jaradel April 16 2009, 05:01:24 UTC
Neither side seems to fully understand the reason why the colonists dumped the tea into Boston Harbor, either. The colonists dumped the tea because they were being taxed for the tea without the consent of their elected representatives (which the colonists did not have, as there were no colonial representatives in Parliament), in violation of the British Constitution. It was a specific protest regarding taxation (of the tea, in this case) without representation. What President Obama has done, he's done with the consent of Congress, our elected representatives. If people have a problem with the stimulus package, they need to take it up with their Congressmen, not dump tea into bodies of water. That just shows how ignorant they are of history. I have no problem with people protesting the taxes. That is our constitutional right. But be smart about it, please. Tea parties: ur doing it wrong.

Congratulations on the job! Best of luck! :D


ladychi April 16 2009, 05:59:44 UTC
Hmmm... Well, one could argue that the analogy isn't exactly right, but the spirit of it is. These are people that feel they aren't getting attention from their elected representatives and so they're protesting in a visible format, one with ties back to profound events in our nation's history.

And one could argue, actually, if one wanted to (not that I do because I don't have a degree in history), that it was less the taxation without representation (in cases of people like George Washington who had gone all their lives without representation and could have cared less) and more that they had to pay taxes at all, to pay for a war the British waged on their behalf against the French and assorted Indian nations. (Now, Adams? Yeah, he was pissed off about no representation.)

You can see why the Brits viewed it as a little bit of a temper tantrum. Thank God for the French, eh?


pinstripers16 April 17 2009, 02:54:32 UTC
Mazel tov on the new job!


mysanal April 20 2009, 22:34:33 UTC
Congrats on the job!

Yes, I'd love to hear actual debate instead of temper tantrums too, but probably not gonna happen. *sigh*

We have never really embraced dissent, but the previous administration tried to chill it so much ("free speech zones") the news media seemed to stop covering it. Thank goodness for alt media on the web or I'd never learn anything.


10_point_5 April 21 2009, 14:59:48 UTC
Woohoo! Congratulations on the new job :D Also? *squishes your band director for saying nice things and not just thinking them* - awwww! It's so nice when people do that :D


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