Shipping Meme: Day 25 - Han/Leia & Anakin/Obi-Wan

Mar 04, 2014 12:11

Day 25: Most popular couple in your favorite fandom (do you ship it too?)Star Wars is my all-time One True Fandom, so if I had to guess, I'd say the most popular ship is Han/Leia. However, I know SW has a number of popular slash ships too, like Anakin/Obi-Wan (especially after ROTS) or Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, and I'm honestly not sure how they compare in ( Read more... )

han/leia, star wars, obi-wan kenobi, shipping, anakin skywalker

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Comments 5

lazypadawan March 4 2014, 22:59:55 UTC
What's strange about Star Wars fandom is that it's hard to figure out who's the most popular couple. You've got slash, OCs paired with various characters, Luxsoka, Rexsoka, Satine/Obi-Wan, Ventress/Obi-Wan, EU OTPs, Han/Leia, and Anakin/Padme. Plus you've got "Rebels" and new movies on the way and that means MORE ships, real and imagined. It almost depends on what quadrant of fandom you're in at the moment ( ... )


ladyaeryn March 5 2014, 16:24:04 UTC
Very true - there're so many fans that're film-focused, or EU-focused, and maybe even now a faction of just CW-focused. If you're not involved in more than one of these factions, it's hard to grasp who wins the popularity contest over all.

Anakin/Padme offered to me the whole package


Anakin and Obi-Wan have their own intense relationship; there's no other kind if Anakin's involved!

Isn't THAT the truth? ;) One thing you can say for sure about our boy, he doesn't do anything half-assed.


matril March 5 2014, 12:54:10 UTC
I'm not too wild about automatically attributing a romantic component to every close relationship, however, and prefer to think of A/O as one of those relationships that transcends a romantic/sexual component.

Yes, yes, yes yes. Why can't people have a compelling relationship without wanting to sleep together? There are so many interesting dynamics to explore than just sex.

I love Anakin and Padmé, but when I'm not in the mood for angst, I do awfully enjoy happy Han/Leia. I may be one of the few people who prefers them in ROTJ. There's a billion bantering/will-they-won't-they couples, but couples who are willing to sacrifice everything for each other? Leia descending into Jabba's underworld to save Han, Han willing to let Leia go when he thinks she loves someone else? That's all too rare. And then they're so comfortable and secure with each other at the end, I just love that. That's why I completely ignore the EU's crappy rendition of them. That couple is unrecognizable compared to the one I know.


ladyaeryn March 5 2014, 16:27:39 UTC
Agreed all around. :)

I'll say this for sure about Episode VII: If it completely discredits the post-ROTJ EU, including the H/L garbage, that'll be at least one thing I'll appreciate about the new films.


krpalmer March 6 2014, 00:51:57 UTC
Once I'd thought about them, I started liking your comments about "Han and Leia in RotJ." It might be because they counter a fairly familiar complaint or two in a way at once positive and oblique.


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