Shipping Meme: Day 5

Feb 12, 2014 12:40

Day 5: A crossover pairing you think would work

Don't know about a full-fledged ship, but I've long thought Hermione Granger would have a total crush on Jean-Luc Picard. Her thing for older men is canon (see: Lockhart and Krum), and an older man who never stops thirsting after books or knowledge, and who - through his ability to literally travel ( Read more... )

harry potter, katniss everdeen, luke skywalker, luna lovegood, shipping, anakin skywalker, hermione granger, doctor who, hunger games, star wars, star trek, jean-luc picard

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Comments 6

frostbit_sky February 13 2014, 02:31:11 UTC
Great, now I'm wondering if anyone has ever done Hermione-as-companion fic.
What have you done to me!? Now I want to read this. I need this!

Katniss was thrown through time and space into the Star Wars galaxy during the Clone Wars, and met Anakin and Ahsoka. Maybe it's time to explore this via crack!fic.
The answer is: yes.


ladyaeryn February 26 2014, 17:16:25 UTC
If you ever find a good companion!Hermione fic, let me know! It'll be a long time before I'm caught up on DW and able to write one of my own. ;)

(It really makes so much sense. Aside from Hermione's affinity for learning and older guys, she's British and the Doctor clearly has an affinity for Britain/the British - so it's not unreasonable they'd cross paths. And, the TARDIS and the wizarding world - with things like Hermione's bag in DH, the Weasleys' car, and tents - share the concept of "bigger on the inside". Maybe the TARDIS was invented by wizards? ;))

I jotted down a fairly detailed outline for the Katniss/Anakin/Ahsoka fic, so anything is possible. ;)


frostbit_sky March 2 2014, 02:05:03 UTC
I still have to watch all of Ten and Eleven. And I must admit I don't actively seek out DW or HP fic. But should I ever come across one by some chance of fate, I will pass it along. :) Because it SO DOES makes sense.

I jotted down a fairly detailed outline for the Katniss/Anakin/Ahsoka fic, so anything is possible. ;)oooo Sounds promising.


<i> may_child February 13 2014, 23:44:42 UTC
(I sure like the idea of her and Luke better than her with some random non-book character, and Luke with that redheaded... person, anyway.)



Re: <i> ladyaeryn February 26 2014, 17:22:02 UTC
Maybe if the SW and HP universe crossed over to the point where Luke and Luna could meet, maybe Mara and Ginny could meet too - and if the mutual Sue pissing contest didn't cause them to kill each other, maybe the presence of two redheaded Sues in the same proximity would cause them both to implode/combust/wink out of existence? ;) Inquiring minds want to know!


Re: <i> may_child February 26 2014, 18:37:51 UTC
Oooohhh, me likey that scenario...kill two redheaded Sue birds with one stone!


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