Shipping Meme: Day 5

Feb 12, 2014 12:40

Day 5: A crossover pairing you think would work

Don't know about a full-fledged ship, but I've long thought Hermione Granger would have a total crush on Jean-Luc Picard. Her thing for older men is canon (see: Lockhart and Krum), and an older man who never stops thirsting after books or knowledge, and who - through his ability to literally travel the stars - has endless opportunities to learn? Oh yeah. Her brain would definitely be piqued by this Frenchman-with-a-British-accent mystery, too. (I guess I could see her crushing on the Doctor from Doctor Who, also, for many of those same reasons. Great, now I'm wondering if anyone has ever done Hermione-as-companion fic.)

My unconscious brain also seems to keep trying to push Katniss Everdeen and Anakin Skywalker together: not as a couple, per se, though we know Anakin certainly has a thing for strong brunettes, especially those who know how to take care of themselves in a deadly battle. (Like Gale and Katniss, I think Anakin's and Katniss's temperaments are too similar in the wrong ways to be a lasting couple, though I think they could at least come to respect each other.) Those of you on FB may remember my post about my dream where Anakin was a total Katniss groupie. Well, I had another dream not long ago where Katniss was thrown through time and space into the Star Wars galaxy during the Clone Wars, and met Anakin and Ahsoka. Maybe it's time to explore this via crack!fic.

Full-fledged crossover ship... Maybe Luke Skywalker/Luna Lovegood? They're both dreamers and optimists - Luke just enough so that he could appreciate her worldview, while at the same time able to keep at least one foot on the ground. Luna would be like a kid in a candy store meeting all the new species/critters in Luke's galaxy, not to mention she would hardly be off-put at the notion of meeting someone from another galaxy, period. (I sure like the idea of her and Luke better than her with some random non-book character, and Luke with that redheaded... person, anyway.)

Day 6: Series that you have many ships in
Day 7: A pairing that disappointed you
Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like
Day 9: Your least favorite couple
Day 10: Ship that became canon even though you didn't expect it to
Day 11: Character you like with several others
Day 12: Character you don’t like seeing paired with anyone else
Day 13: Couple you ship that causes intense feelings in its fandom (read: flamewars and the like)
Day 14: Couple you liked even though you knew it would end up badly
Day 15: A ship canon really messed with
Day 16: Favorite villain pairing
Day 17: Ship you talk(ed) about with people in real life
Day 18: Most annoying character that tried to come between a ship
Day 19: Favorite Hero/Villain pairing
Day 20: Favorite couple played for laughs
Day 21: Favorite opposites attract couple
Day 22: Saddest unrequited love
Day 23: Couple you only shipped after a long time
Day 24: Couple you like, but is overshadowed by another couple in a fandom
Day 25: Most popular couple in your favorite fandom (do you ship it too?)
Day 26: Best historical couple
Day 27: Another couple you shipped a long time ago
Day 28: A couple you shipped not nearly as long as you thought you would
Day 29: Favorite ‘birds of a feather flock together’ couple
Day 30: Couple you will still ship a few years from now

harry potter, katniss everdeen, luke skywalker, luna lovegood, shipping, anakin skywalker, hermione granger, doctor who, hunger games, star wars, star trek, jean-luc picard

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